Chapter 25I'm saying nothing

Just burying my head in shame. I've just had a Lemonade and 2 packs of Cheese and Onion crisps – although I swear one was ready salted… - so I should be ready

Most of the gang were sat at the scruffy breakfast table picking at their food.

'She's still not here' Much pointed out

'She probably just slept in Much' Marian assured him

'No, she set her alarm. She told me'

'I think she left it in our room'


'Oh, she moved rooms last night. Some request from the high and mighty' she shrugged

'She didn't tell me…'

'Why would she? It was about midnight'

'I know but…' he trailed off as Eve walked into the room. Her usually shiny blonde hair hung limply around her shoulders, unbrushed. Her normally stylish clothes were replaced with baggy tracksuit bottoms and an even baggier jumper. But what Much noticed first were her swollen lips.

She sat down at the seat furthest away from Much not even looking at him.

'Are you ok?'

'Fine' she mumbled

'You look… rough' Djaq ventured

'I didn't sleep well' it wasn't a lie

'Move back in with us then'

'I don't think I can. Look, I'm not really hungry. I'm just gonna head back up to my room and try and catch up on some sleep'

What could she do? Even if she reported Guy to the police Vasey would bail him. And there was no way she could tell Much, ever. She'd just leave the magazine and start from the bottom again.

There was a knock at her door, she jumped in fright and pulled the bed covers around her tightly.

'Eve, it's me. Are you in there?' It was Robin. She relaxed slightly and walked over to the door to open it.

'You frightened me'


'Don't come in; you know the rules'

'Yes I know the bloody rules' he sighed

'How did you find me?'

'I asked at reception. We're all kinda worried about you. You didn't look yourself at breakfast. You look more than just rough. You look…' he trailed off, not wanting to say it, 'hurt'

'Can you tell? Could Much tell?'

'Much is pretty slow, he just thinks you cheated on him'

'No! I would never… he's just so… no'

'It was Guy, wasn't it?'

She nodded

'I'm gonna fucking kill him. He's gone too far. He's already been pissing me off about Marian but this… this he needs to be arrested for'

'Shh. And no, do you really think Vasey will let that happen?'

'So we go higher than the police'

'For ra… for that?'

'Come on, let's get out of here and go to a café or something'

'Sure, let me just get my shoes. Hey, can we pick Marian up on the way too? I think I owe her an explanation'

'Sure, whatever you want. And tonight, we're sleeping in a different hotel. All of us'

'We can't…'

'Yes we can. I'll pay for rooms, it's fine'

'They'll fire us'

'They wouldn't fire all of us. Besides, I'm good friends with the company owner'

'John Prince?'

'Richard, his brother. John's only in charge while Richard's travelling'

'So why are you still stuck in your crummy position'

'Dunno, it's not that big a deal,' he shrugged, 'besides, everything is going so great for me now. I wouldn't wanna jinx it by causing a massive show down between John and Richard'

'Ok, I guess that makes sense. Give me a sec'

She disappeared back into the room. She came out a few minutes later, her hair brushed and swept into a ponytail. But she still hadn't changed out of her clothes.

'You sure you don't wanna change? It's quite warm outside'

'I'm fine. Promise'

'Ok, let's get Marian then'


The three of them were sat in a small Italian café, each with a drink.

'So,' Marian started, 'are you ok?'

Eve sighed,

'Yeah, just a bit messed up. But I'll be fine'

'Look, I know what happened. You don't need to tell me, I know you probably don't want to talk about it. But we do need to talk about what to do now'

'Well, I've got us all a booking at another hotel. We can sleep where we want'

'Robin! That's not gonna make things better. We'll just all get fired'

'Marian, chill. Richard's an old friend remember'

She scoffed,

'That won't stop Vasey'

'It will' he gritted his teeth.

'Eve, do you want to go home? Maybe you should take a few weeks off, see your mum'

'I can't. I need to explain things to Much first. I just… I want things to be normal'

'We should get you checked out, at a hospital'

'No! Robin please! The hospital would tell the police. Then Guy would get arrested bailed and then he'd be mad at me. Please just let it go! I'm fine. I just… I need some space'

Eve scraped her chair back across the concrete and stood up,

'I'll be back. I've got my mobile. But let me go for a bit. I need to think'

'Yeah, sure'

'Eve, call me if you need anything sweetie'

'I will Maz. And thanks Robin. See you soon'

She walked down the narrow pavement and climbed into a gondola not sure where she was going.

Phew! *wipes forehead of invisible sweat* I'm done! Not sure it's my best… I know it isn't. I'm also aware that nothing really happened and I'm sorry for that.

I don't know how long it's been since I last updated this, I don't want to know.

Thanks for all sticking by and not bothering to give up on this.

Just wanted to say that I'm cleaning up my stories so a few might disappear. Sorry if it's one you like, but I've got too many at the moment! I've got a new story that's got all my energy in it now.

I'm gonna wrap this up soon. And start a sequel sometime soon, maybe summer when I have eight weeks of free time!

Also, anyone revising for exams GOOD LUCK!

x x x
