-1Love Binds Us Together

Chapter 13

This chapter is set in the future, far future. Phoebe is telling her grandkids the story and smiling at Jason as she is telling it.

"So, you see Love does bind everyone together as long as you believe. Now, tell your sister you're sorry for hitting her." Phoebe says to her 5 year old grandson.

"Tia, I'm sorry." He says softly, looking sheepish.

"It's okay, Shawn." Six year old Tia says smiling and hugs her brother.

Phoebe and Jason smiled and they got up and walked upstairs thinking back on the memories. Paige and Tommy were in their own part of the house as well reminiscing. Piper and Leo smiled at the kids as they played in the living room. Kira and Chris also have had a chance to have their life together. Tommy and Paige have also rebuilt their life and Tommy got to know his kids once again since he missed 3 years.

"So you see all of this is to show you that Love does bind us all together. All you have to do is let yourself feel and believe then you can know love. Don't hold back, believe." Phoebe says to the night air as she sits on the bed beside Jason.

Note: changed some things. Realized I typed wrong name lol. I may write another story in regards to what Tommy found out about his parents. I'm still figuring that out in my head. As for as who Tia and Shawn belong to where that may be revealed in that story as well who knows. Hint though: I said in the chapter they are Phoebe's grandkids.