Hello! This is my first Harry Potter fan fic, and I love Sirius Black. I don't own him or Remus of a lot of other things in this story though. Alright, first thing you should know, Peter, the bloody git that he is, will not be appearing in this story because I don't like him. Instead he will be replaced with Jack Neeva. A nice guy with charisma and integrity. He is from muggle parents and has one brother named Frank who is three years older than he is, a brother who is one year younger named Kelly and a sister who is four years younger named Hillary. And he is not a traitor. They all grow up and are great friends, he helps in the Order and is killed before James and Lilly in the first part of the war trying to protect them and Harry. I know this is a very long intro, but you had to know. Now read!


James was standing by his parents at platform 9 3/4 when Remus and his parents came over. James and Remus gave each other a brotherly hug. Then they both turned and greeted each other's parents.

"Seen Padfoot yet?" James asked.

Remus looked around. "He isn't here yet?" he asked

"I haven't seen him." James said looking at the barrier.

"Oh well. I'm sure he'll be here soon." Mrs. Potter said.

Sure enough in a few seconds James saw Sirius's brother and mother come through followed by Sirius and his father.

Sirius's father had hold of Sirius's upper arm in a vice like grip. He pulled Sirius over to where his mother and Regulus were standing. Sirius looked around and spotted James and Remus looking at him, he caught their eyes and smiled. They smiled back at him. Sirius jerked his head toward his father who still had hold of his arm, rolled his eyes and made an annoyed face. Both of them laughed. Their parents turned around to see who James and Remus were looking at when they saw Sirius they smiled at him and waved.

Sirius smiled and waived back. Orion Black saw Sirius waive out of the corner of his eye and looked up to see who he was waiving to. When he saw the Lupins and the Potters his face went livid and he jerked Sirius around, grabbing his other arm in another vice like grip.

"I thought I told you that you are not to associate with those people any more Sirius Orion Black." He said dangerously.

"You did, I just ignored you." Sirius said smartly.

Sirius's father's face went red with anger and he tightened his grip on Sirius's shoulders. Sirius winced and his knees buckled.

"You listen to me boy." Orion said leaning forward so his face was inches from Sirius's. His voice was barely a whisper that gave Sirius a shudder. "You will learn you're place. You will not be friends with them any longer."

"You can't tell me what to do." Sirius said. "I'm not your servant, you can't treat me likeā€¦"

"YOU ARE MY SON!" Orion yelled cutting Sirius off. "I WILL TREAT YOU HOW EVER I SEE FIT!"

Upon hearing Mr. Black's yells the Potters and the Lupins turned around.



Mr. Black whipped Sirius around and slammed him painfully into the nearby wall Sirius gasped in pain. Sirius's mother walked up to him and slapped him hard in the face leaving a bright red mark. People around them gasped. Sirius looked at his mother with a look of hatred.

Orion Black grabbed his son's jaw tightly making Sirius grimace in pain. He turned Sirius's face toward him so they were eye to eye. His other hand still had a grip on Sirius's shoulder.

"Black!" Daniel Potter yelled from across the station. He and Mr. Lupin were walking toward them followed by their wives and James and Remus.

Mr. Black sneered at them then turned back to Sirius. "Think they're going to save you?" he asked mockingly squeezing Sirius's jaw. Sirius winced. "When you come home for your Christmas holiday, and you will come home, you will learn your proper place."

Mr. Potter and Mr. Lupin had appeared at Mr. Black's shoulder.

"Let him go." Mr. Potter said.

"Don't tell me what to do with my son." Mr. Black shot still looking at Sirius.

"Sirius, are you okay?" Mr. Lupin asked.

Sirius didn't answer. Truth be told he was in a quite bit of pain.

"He's fine." Mr. Black said never taking his eyes of Sirius "aren't you?"

Sirius looked at Mr. Lupin.

"Aren't you?" Mr. Black said tightening his grip, as if it could go tighter, on Sirius's shoulder and face.

Sirius winced and looked back at his father. "Yes sir." He said through clenched teeth .

"There see." Mr. Black said. "Now, leave me to deal with my son." He spat the last word at Sirius.

"Afraid we can't do that Mr. Black." Mr. Potter said.

"Not until you let Sirius go." Lupin said.

Now Mr. Black turned to look at Mr. Lupin and Mr. Potter. He glared at them then looked back at their families standing a little behind them then back to the two men.

"I do not associate with blood traitors and mudblood lovers. And I especially do not let them tell me what to do with my son." He turned back to Sirius and leaned very close and whispered so only Sirius could hear.

"When you get home you will pay for the embarrassment you've caused this family." He poked his wand against Sirius's ribs under his robes so no one could see. "Irego." He whispered. Sirius felt a huge blow as if the air around his chest went solid and hit his ribs at a great speed. Sirius gasped and his face screwed up in pain as he felt a few of his ribs break.

Mr. Potter put his hand on Orion's shoulder. "Let him go." He said dangerously. James had never seen his father so mad. Mr. Lupin had his wand out and was ready to use it.

Mr. Black pushed Sirius aside, making him fall to the ground. Sirius's head bounced on the hard ground. He was stunned for a second and everything threatened to go black. Then he lifted his head and watched as his father walked away with his mother and Regulus. He tried to lift himself up, his shoulders were screaming in protest. He felt some strong arms help him up. He turned his head and saw Mr. Lupin smiling at him while helping him to his feet.

Sirius felt something trickling down his forehead he whipped his forehead with the back of his hand and saw it was smeared with red.

"Here sweetie." Mrs. Potter said waiving their wand at Sirius's forehead. And his cut was healed.

"Thanks." Sirius said whipping his blood smeared hand on his robes.

"You alright mate?" James asked coming up and standing next to Sirius.

"Yah I'm fine." He looked up and saw the apprehensive faces staring at him. "Really." He said with a small laugh. "Besides," He said in a quieter tone. "Its not like its never happened before."

They all looked at him with unchanged looks.

The train whistle suddenly blew making all of them jump.

"Come on we'd better get on the train." Sirius said. He grabbed his trunk and walked to the train.

"Don't worry," James said to his mother. "We'll keep an eye on him."

"Keep an eye on who?" Jack Neeva panted as he, his parents and younger brother Kelly arrived behind the Potters.

"Cutting it a little late aren't you?" James asked teasingly.

"Very." Mr. Neeva said giving Jack and Kelly both farewell hugs. "Have a good term boys, we'll see you at Christmas."

"Look after Kelly for us Jack." Mrs. Neeva said taking her husband's place.

"Always do Mum." Jack said hugging her back.

The train whistle blew again.

"Go on now, quickly." Mrs. Potter said.

James, Remus Jack and Kelly ran to the train and threw their trunks on and boarded just as the train began to pull away.


There. Now what do you think? This story is pretty much all written, I just need to make a few adjustments, but I've decided to put it up in pieces. Review and the new chapter could be up very soon.