Heyy!! I thought i'd put this sumamry fo the story so you guys could get a hint of what it is about before Reading it. Oh, and it's mainly a loe, with some Niley, some Nikayla, Kevin with.. ok, you'll find out 

Ok, this happens like in 2012. To make it short, what everyone feared, has finally happened. Fame has gotten to the head of the Jonas Brothers. Or at least to Joe's head. He has become a not-nice divo. He has taken of his purity rign, he goes from girl to girl, he practically hates his brothers, and he ahs that whole i-don't-care-about-anyone macho attitude.

On the other hand, we have Lilly. She is now Miley's backupdancer, which is weird, since we all she had the dream of becoming a professional skater… but why didn't she? Anyway, she and Joe are the main characters of this story.

There's also Nick. He is now more serious than ever. Now that the Jonas Brothers only et to play what their label tells them to play, he misses his sound, his misses his music, so has kidna locked himself inside himself. Kevin has also changed, he is not a happy, joyful person anymore. He is usually sad, and he has become really lonely…

The JoBros are, more than living the dream living an endless nightmare of fights, misunderstandings, and music completely licked of feelings…

Finally, the last main characters are Miley and Mikayla. They practically the same as always, you know, always hating each other.

Ok, now that you know the characters, I'll describe the plot  Many years ago, Hannah went in tour with the Jonas Brothers and she started dating Nick. Lilly and Joe also developed a very good friendship.. Although Lilly always had hidden feelings for him.

Now, many years later, they all have reunited for a new tour, along with famous singer Mikayla. But they will discover how much each one has changed. And feelings that seemed lost a long time ago are being felt as if they were brand new. And some new feelings are actually born…

What if Lilly discovers she is incredibly attracted to Joe's bad boy attitude?

What if Joe discovers his heart is actually not made of stone and he can actually have feelings?

What if Miley and Nick cannot get over their past?

What if what started as a joke for Mikayla, becomes the deepest feeling she ever had for anyone?

What if Kevin falls in love and love helps him to fix his life?

What if, finally, the Jonas Brothers have the chance to make things right again?

Yep, that's about it. There's ll be ltos of things to be revealed (like, why did Lilly quit skateboarding? Does nick still have feelings for miley? Which brother is mikayla falling for? Will joe be able to opne his heart? Who is keivn's girl?) hahaha anyway I know it was a lousy summary but I'm also making a proper trailer and it'd be updated soon, but until then…

Another characters worth mbeing mentioned: aly and aj, oliver oken, etc 

Enjoy and review, please