Okay here's the deal as I've said I 'm aiming for a chapter a month or so and I do need another beta -I've got one but need two :D-. Also in terms of reviewing PLEASE DO! I know your reading this and for that I'm very grateful but I'd like to know what you think of the story. I've got 84 reviews and when i uploaded this chapter 280 people read (yay happy dance) but i don't know what they (you) think about it, so i want 6 more reviews please . Good or bad I take all reviews

" Now you two are sisters, seeing as your the bad ass and punk I thought that those two would go nicely together. Your twins and ran away from home no ones to know where you live and if they find out keep them guessing on how you can afford the apartment. We clear?"

"yeah we got it Nicky" Mel answered.

AfTer the faCt PRt 3

So it had been roughly a week since we were put on our assignment. The vampires at the school weren't to impressed to see us there but what could they do with out raising suspensions from the humans. We weren't making a lot of progress on what was actually going on because every time I went to listen in to their thoughts I kept getting walled off. Though besides that there was also the problem of Tya, she kept trying to be our friend and I didn't know about the other guys but I was soon about to breaking.

"Miss Galloway! If you aren't to busy could you please answer the question on the board?" Miss Yeun said, my tiny math teacher said. What the woman lacked in height she had in spirit.

Shoot. I spaced out thinking about the other vampires and trying to avoid Nick to be paying attention to her. Quickly tapping her thoughts I found the right answer and quickly went to the board. Once finishing I took my seat in the far back. Even though Terry was in my class we had to act like we didn't know each other. Not that stopped us from talking. We just had to speak faster an lower then the human ear could catch. Terry and I shared this, second period English and third period lunch together, with Mel. I had tech class with Jen fourth and last was a spare.

"see class once you factor the binomial to get the..." she slowly became background noise once again as Terry and I resumed our conversation, which was too low for anyone in the class to here.

"B you need to get a grip and let that Elliott girl go. I know it'll be hard she's sweet and all but you don't want her to get involved right? Terry had been trying to be convincing me to keep up my act and not let Tya in

"but I want another friend and from what I've read in these other girls thoughts she's one of the better ones. Please? Please please please please please?" I begged hopping the pouting to make her rack

"No, damn it Bella you don't understand how bad it will be for her if you become her friend. She'll want to know where you live and your background... not to mention lord knows what would happen if nick got an interest in her..." Terry spaced out thinking about how bad the out come would be if I was to befriend Tya but I froze once I realized Nick could take an interest in her.

That was one thing I didn't want to happen to anther ever again. Nick was quickly becoming fed up with the excuses I kept giving to why I wouldn't let him hold me or kiss me. And I was beginning to notice that he would casually touch me whenever he got the chance. Something I was NOT comfortable about at all.

Ring ring ring

At the signal of the bell the class shuffled papers and backpacks around then headed out the door. Without waiting for Terry I walked out of the class in search of my next class. Making sure to make my peers aware of my presence enough to give me a little more walking space then needed I headed up to the second floor to my English class, where our teacher Miss. Lockheart was waiting for the rest of the class.

"Well good morning Bella." she greeted me

"Mornin teach" I told her I was trying my best with this whole bad ass act but lets face it it just wasn't in meme. Cutting class, swearing, smoking weed or even cigarettes just wasn't me.

~` Time Shift '~

During lunch was when it happened. I thought it would be another boring day eating the same questionable food that the lunch ladies put on our plates. When a girl I didn't know but recognized from around the school walked into the caf and past our lunch table. She went to line up for the day's lunch special. At first there was nothing unusual but then the principal came in after her and the girl ran like her life depended on it. No one seemed to see the connection expect our table and Tya, the girl was one of her friends I assumed. Which was probably she chased after her.

"See that Mel?" something wasn't right that girl was too scared to be in normal trouble.

"Yeah, we'll have to keep an eye on the principal" she glanced over my shoulder

"She shouldn't know anything... right?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. Can you get a read on them?" she titled her head to the other vampires.

After a few attempts that fail a shook my head and looked over at the clock, thirty minutes left til next period. The principal went to talk to one of the vampire teachers and went to chase the girl. I looked around to see if anyone else saw. I got up to clear my tray and go after the principal. Mel caught my wrist and looked me in the eye.

" Don't get involved unless you need to. Call for help if anything happens. I'll give the others a heads up to what's happened." she thought,I nodded then headed after the three.

I knew something was wrong once I couldn't hear Tya's mind nor the other girls'. My feelings was confirmed when I smelled their blood. I used that and the Principal's aura to lead me to them. Once finding them I saw them both knocked out at the Principal's feet, a small trickle of blood on both girls temples. My steps slowed to a stop once I realized the principal was on the phone. Hoping she hadn't sensed me, I listened in.

[A/N the person on the line is not in italics]

"Seems like she broke into our records to find a former friend of hers that graduated" she spoke into the phone.

"what about the one that followed her? You said she was beginning to show some promise"

"I knocked them both out before they had the chance to see me. I'm not quite sure if Lily told her anything or not I'll have to wait until they're up to question her."

"Keep me in the loop about whats going on and what about those other vampires are they still there?"

"Yeah , and a pain in my ass. They, so far, are just acting as students but I don't trust them so we're on our toes as to not to slip up."

"Sounds like the right idea, I'll see what I can find on them, what were the names they were using?"

"They were using Terry Redman, Mel and Bella Galloway, Jen Oliver and …" she turned around and saw that I was roughly two hundred meters from her.

"And? And what?"

"Shit" she hissed " alright change of plans one of them the Bella girls listening I'll call you back once this is finished." with that she hung up on who ever was on the other end.

"Young lady didn't your parents ever tell you that eavesdropping is incredibly rude?" she raised an eyebrow at me.

"Sure they did, but I think the bigger problem could be the girls you have by your feet." I retorted. Oh. My. God. I've got to keep her from moving them, there's no telling what she'd do.

"Something tells me their parents wouldn't want to know you laid a hand on their precious daughters" Okay Bella calm down. Think Rosalie, confidence, confidence, confidence. Deep breath

"What is it you want? First You and your coven were at the graduation. Then your enrolled in our school and now your poking your nose where it doesn't belong" she sneered at me while she started to circle the girls.

"Seeing as how I'm no where close to being the leader I don't have the liberty to tell you what we want or even why we are here. But I can warn you. You hurt either of these girls and I will personally deal with you alright?" I crouched waiting for her to do something

"Oh really? You, don't make me laugh you've barely seen a few months and your threatening me? Please." She sneered "Tell you coven leader I'd like a word with her. Now. Leave!"

"No. MEL! MEL! MEL! MEL! MEL! Mmmm" I started to call her but was muffled by the woman's hand

"What do you think your doing?" she hissed into my ear

I stayed silent and focus on burning her hand. She jumped away surprise, looking at me like I was a freak.

"What are you?" she whispered

Once those words crossed her lips Mel, Terry, Nick and Jen were by my side. Without thinking the girls and I linked hands and I automatically felt the power. It slowly built and merged together, like nothing I had felt before. It felt like it wasn't going to end but just grow stronger the longer we held hands.

I'm not sure who made it happen but next thing I knew, she was first lifted off of the ground; a mini tornado surrounding her, her screams silenced over the sound. I started to heat her up, not realizing what I was doing until Nick put a hand on my shoulder. That broke some of my concentration, she stopped screaming. I gave him a questioning look.

"Jenny be a dear and put her back on the ground" Nick said, not breaking eye contact with the principal.

As she was lowered her feet never quite touched the earth. Terry made it so we lowered her into a pit that trapped her so that only her shoulders were above ground.

"who are you people?" she looked at us with frantic eyes filled with fear. I flinched

"That' not of your concern, now your going to tell us what your little operation is her" Nick said kneeling so he could look her in the eyes easier.

"And if I don't?" she bit out through clench teeth

"I'll make you" he said with a small venomous laugh.

" Then your going to have to you mother f- slap" she didn't have a chance to finish her sentence because Nick's slap snapped her head in the opposite direction.

"fine then have it your way" wrenching her head back by her hair he gazed into her eyes, you wouldn't have know she was in pain if it wasn't for the strangled cry she gave. They looked like they were gazing lovingly at each other. Her eyes slowly glazed over and it was like she was a different person.

"What are you doing here?" he whispered into her ear, having released her hair.

"Can I trust you?" she looked up at him with the innocent eyes of a child.

"of course you can" he softly stroked her cheek, and she smiled like a little girl.

"Okay, well we decided we were fed up with the volturi's reign. It's time for the next generation to lead"

Was she mad? Really were they trying to assemble an army to over throw the volturi? That... that would take countless of vampires on both sides. It just couldn't be done, there's no way she was serious. It's a complete suicide mission

"Really now" he threw us a look telling us to stay on our guard.

"yeah, first we thought that it couldn't be done, but we've been patiently waiting for the right candidates to appear. One's that showed the most potential for special talents after the bite."

"so you mean you've been harvesting humans... interesting. For how long Nancy?" while he thought harvesting the humans to the perfect vampires... an option I haven't considered.

His thoughts sickened me. Training these kids to be there pawns against the volturi would only get them killed, and painfully. Not everyone would want this life. For most this isn't something that they would want. We couldn't let them do this! We had to stop them.

Before I realized how upset I was Nancy burst into flames, screaming as she began to burn. Nick whipped his head toward us.

"What the hell are you doing? Stop this now!" he raged

"It's Bella her temper's got the better of her" Mel said. I could feel them trying to withdraw their power from me.

"Bella stop this if she's dead it would only alert the others." Nick tried to reason with them

"No she doesn't know what will happen if they go on with their plan"

"Bella stop this now before it's too late!"



I was so focused on keeping the fire going, making sure the girls could put it out that I didn't notice Nick walk up to me while he was speaking. Once I was hit the flames died down immediately, I looked at him in shock. He shook his head as he turned back to Nancy, her screaming hadn't stopped with the flames.

"Well shit. Now they'll be here any minute, gotta make this quick." He walked over to her and wrench her face to meet his. Once their eyes met she stopped screaming, and her pupils dilated. Her mouth opened in a silent scream.

"Now answer me these _ questions." he growled

"how many humans have you changed and how many survived?"

"We've only tried 10 only to have 3 survive the first few years, they are Kevin, Sara and Delroy." she wheezed, her breath showing black smoke.

" is it only you five?"

"Yes, but there used to be 50" she cried out in pain, we hear the hair being pulled out as Nick held her head.

"What happened to cause such loss?" He raised his eyebrows

"Group split in two,. One wanted to wait one wanted to proceed quicker then planned"

"Fine then what are their po-"

" Why don't you ask that to us?" Serena held her hand on her hips 100 yards from use.

"Well alright. What are your powers?" Nick swiftly stood up, the motion wrenched Nancy's head from her shoulder. A quick nod told us to burn the body. I was only too quick to comply.

"Tch, how about we just show you" Serena launched herself toward us only to smack into a wall of water. As struggled to run threw it, one of the men flexed his arms and electricity shot up both arms.

"Alright Bella, the 411 on how we fight. Basically we're linked (she raised our hands) so all elements are at our disposal because you can control them." Terry said.

" We each just need to focus on a target. Okay?" Mel followed after

"But do not lose control of your emotions, your still young. So your power's tied to your emotions. Cliché but do you got it? Jen asked.

"Ye, focus only on one and keep emotions in check."

Then it was over before it truly began. The wall of water we had made was only to stall long enough to explain to me. The wall burst into blue flames, and Serena was instantly incinerated. The Jen finished off the guy with the electricity powers by encasing him in water while he was all charged up. The other guy went invisible on us but was soon found by his purple aura. He too was burned where he stood.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

"Well done ladies." Nick grinned

" I'll go transfer us out of school now that the mission's been completed." Terry turned to leave and after a second I turned to go with her.

"Meet us back home you two." Nick said as he draped both arms over Mel and Jen

~` Time Shift '~

As the years went by I narrowly escaped Nick's pursuit to get me to join him in his bed. Missions came and went, I gained more control over my seven powers. Feedings were getting easier to control where I went and what animals I ate, though it still an uphill battle. The girls and I grew closer and closer until we found out things about each other that we really wished we didn't know. I thought I could live happily with them. Though at the back of my head a tiny voice screamed for me to leave Nick and never look back. Whether the girls came with me or not, but I couldn't leave them behind. But by my fourth year with them, that tiny voice finally won out and I spoke to the girls about leaving.

"Mel, Jen where's Nick and Terry?" I hadn't seen them since we got back from our last mission. Some vampires were trying to expose our secret near us so we took care of them.

"Messing around upstairs in your bedroom. Where else would they be?" Mel joked

" Ha ha your disgusting and I mean really where are they?" I looked to Jen

"They're in Italy talking to the volturi weren't you listening when they said bye?" Jen threw a pillow at me.

"No, I just wanted a shower and a fresh pair of clothes by that time." I laughed and dodged the pillow.

"Uh guys.. I don't know how to tell you this." I sat on the sofa between them and rung my hands together.

"What is it?" Mel pulled up her feet and Jen turned toward it.

"I'm... well I mean I have been thinking about leaving...-sigh- for good" I looked up to see their horrified gazes.

"I-I can't just leave in the middle of the night. You guys should come with me. Why could leave now and come back later for Terr- Slap" Jen had hit me

"WHY! Why are telling us this? Didn't you learn from what I told you? No." Jen sobbed

" Bella I thought you had accepted Nick? Thought you were happy with us?" Mel hugged and rocked herself

"It's not that I'm not happy but I just can't stay here with him. And I can't leave with out you three" I tried to reach for Mel but she recoiled

"This can't be happening, not again... not again. Bella please don't do this." Jen pleaded as she sobbed

"guys we're stronger than him we can do this" Jen stood up and faced me while, Mel shook her head and cried

"Bella No." Jen's eyes were fierce

"Why not? Tracy and Rebecca both wanted out just as bad as I do." I got to my feet

"And look where it got them!" Mel exploded

"Bella stop this I beg you we can't lose you like we lost them."

"We wouldn't survive it." Jen said

"Then come with me. Think of the freedom we would get. I've been here for four years and I want to pull my hair put by the amount of restrictions he puts on us"


"Just think about it. Going where we wanted, with who we wanted ,when we wanted to. No more asking permission to go to the mall. No more."

"... well" Mel was beginning to crack.

" You can't be seriously thinking about going with her?" Jen backed away from us

" No, I haven't decided it yet." Mel took a step toward her

"Yes you have! I know you once you consider an idea your convinced" She pointed her finger in Mel's face

"Jenny please think about it." I spoke up

"If you thought about it clearly you'd see where you belong isn't with him!" I raged

"No! Nononononono!" she put her hands over her ears and shook her head. I could tell she was already doubting her own words.

"Jenny please we can't do this without you." I whispered

"I-I-I don't know . I mean what would we do about feedings? A-A place to live? I-I can't just leave him."

" Jen we both know that Terry can make the elixir." Mel wiped her tears

"Mel?" I looked at her questioning. She nodded and took my hand

"Jen we can do this. Yea?" I held my hand out to her. She looked lost and scared as she slowly stretched her hand toward mine. But as soon as she took my hand her eyes showed determination.

~` Few Days Later ' ~

When Nick and Terry got home we waited until Jen and Nick were "busy". Then we spoke to Terr about our plans on leaving. It took a few days to convince her, she'd been with him the longest, but she conceded and joined us. We chose to eave the night after our feeding, when we'd be our strongest.

The plan was for me to come home first and collect the bags and money we had already put aside. Next Jenny and Mel would come home but drive out one of the cars as far as they could but get back before Terry. She would be coming home with nick this time, because it was her turn to hunt with him. Once they got we'd fake a call from the volturi using a website we found and he'd leave and so would we. Unfortunately things never go according to plan.

"Bella we're on our way back. We stashed the car just north of I-90 East k? Be there in .. five minutes. Any sign of them yet?" Jen asked

" No they haven't returned yet but I'm not worried" spoke quickly into the phone

"can you sense their aura's from here? Are they close?" Mel was becoming fidgety and Jenny was pacing even though so far everything was going according to plan.

"No not yet – hold on I see their sense their movement now. Wait something is wrong Terry's aura's dimmer she's hurt. What could have happened?" I look at them panicked

A/N so for the thoughts

Bella's thoughts Terry's thoughts Jenny's thoughts Mel's thoughts

Nick's thoughts

'I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. He – I it just happened. I'm sorry. Soo sorry.'

" Guys something is definitely wrong Terry's hurt and she keeps showing me flashes of something. I-I-"

'He knows'

"Oh my god. Girls we got to get to them quick. Like now!" I headed towards the front door.

"Bella what's wrong your scaring us." Mel said trailing me

" Who hurt Terry? Is Nick hurt too?" Jen said from beside me

"He knows. Shit, he knows!" I told them

"WHAT?" they said

" I don't know the details but she's pretty hurt and very sorry." we were only a few minutes away from them now

'Oh my fucking god. No! This isn't happening this can't be happening. No! Not again.'

'No. we-Terry's hurt? Can we do this? WE can do this? No. What will happen now?'

'This is all my fault if she dies. What are we going to do? What can we do? Terry please be okay! Hold on!'

'so they come to meet me? So be it.'

"We've got to stick together" Mel said

"Yea no matter what together til then end" Jen said as she began making clones of herself

"Together to the end. The four of us." I grabbed their hands and felt the power begin to grow within us.

"Yeah, together forever" Jen replied

"Together forever" Mel echoed

"Oh? What's this your meeting me on my way home? How nice." Nick words were cold and he threw Terry to the floor I front of him. She was missing chunks out of her nothing a little blood couldn't fix.

"Guys I'm sorry. I-we- then-a-a-a I'm so sorry." Terry pleaded from the floor. Unthinkingly we went to her with out thinking of how close Nick was.

"shh it's okay, we're okay." Mel and Jen tries soothing her while rubbing circles with their thumb on the back of her hand. As we were all connected now and the power was building like never before.

"I wouldn't be saying that just yet Melisa and Jennifer is there really a need for all these clones?" he waved his hand toward the clones all around us.

"Nick Please we just want to leave" Mel begged

'Leave?' "LEAVE! You think you can just leave me like that? Oh no n-no" he seethed

"We don't want to fight you. We love you but we just can't stay." Jen said 'Please just let us go'

"Nick please. You can find others who'll stay with you. Please let us go?" I tried. Something told me that the only way this was going to end was in a fight, and a quick one at that.

'Is this bitch trying to test me? ME? Ha either they die or I'

"I'm sorry girls but I just can't let that happen. Come now, let's just go home. And i'll forget about all this nonsense about leaving alright?" he held out his hand toward us and I could see the struggle in their eyes to stand strong.

"No! That's not home anymore." I shouted

'it's no longer home?'

'not our home anymore...'

'home isn't with him any more'

"Girls really. What's gotten into you? Let's go home" 'just a little should be enough'

"Don't look into his eyes!" I warned them and quickly shut my eyes

"Whore!" and he launched at us.

We tried throwing up a tick mud wall because they didn't want to kill. But I knew that we'd need a lot more then a little bit of mud to stop him. He made quick work of getting through the mus wall. And was outraged. Jenny then sent her clones after him, but because there was no intent to kill he tore through those in not time. It was becoming clear to them that he wasn't going to let us leave while he was still breathing.

"Guy's we can't get away this way?"Mel said

"What are we going to do?" Terry questioned

"We can't kill him!" Jenny said

"Kill me? Like you pathetic pieces of trash could even hurt me." He hollered 'Enough'

'Bella, Mel looks like me.'

'Jen, Bella is me.'

'Terry, Jen is Nick'

'Mel, Terry looks like me.'

"what was he doing?what's happened?" I open my eyes and saw I was there were two nicks. One across from em and the other was holding my hand. Oh no.

'how's there two of him? What the hell's happened to Bella?'

'I got to find Jen! Where did she go?'

'What? I have to let go have to let go and find Terry'

"Guys calm down he's just messing with our minds." I said

"You mean there' aren't two of you.. I mean him" Jenny asked

"trust your nose jen not your eyes " Terry said

"Mel you good?" Jen asked

"guys we can't all survive this." our heads snapped towards her

"what are you saying all of a sudden?"

" we all are thinking it. We know that it's him or us." she breathed

"no it doesn't have to be that way. If we just injury him everything will be okay." Jenny tried

" Your wrong we all can't survive but you all can." tears falling from her face

"Melisa, NO!" I screamed

"Terry don't you dare let go of her hand" Jen threatened

"Terry you know that the only way they will survive is if I go." she was twisting her hand trying to get away from Terry's grasp.

"No it doesn't have to be this way" Terry whimpered

"please there's another way. There has to be." Jenny dry sobbed

"Mel-Mel please" my throat thick with unshed tears

"You know there's no other choice" Terry's hand fell limp by her side.

" NO!"

she shot off toward him

"Don't do this!"

the thickest wall of water quickly grew around Mel and Nick

" It doesn't have to be this way!"

it turned to ice

"Girls leave now before h-"




We left.

The three of us decided to go to the volturi for protection and promised to never forget of Mel's sacrifice. The day she died I vowed never to shed another tear. After that the years bled into each other the three of us grew apart a little bit. Trying to find our own lives but still being in each others. Working for the volturi was worse then I ever imagined, but the girls helped me through it.

As the years passed I made other friends. Chelsey, Damien, Roberto, Ryan and a bunch of others had helped me through out the year I had spent here. Though there's only a handful of them that I actually trust. Having familiar faces around me was something I found very comforting.

The girls and I decided never to make another one of the "Las señoras de los elementos". Because we don't want to create such power. In terms of Nicholas, we still live in fear to this day, he never chased after us. Didn't even look. So I keep on the look out for his thoughts and his aura at all times. He coming back into our lives would be catastrophic. Always on the look out never once letting myself all that he did to me and the girls. Though when I'm alone whether it be hunting or just strolling through the city. I know I feel his presence. Which gives the feeling of for ever being captured.

Okay so it's late and i apologize immensely

i hope your enjoying the story!

Next chapter is of how the Cullens react to Bella's story. Not sure How i want this part to go so any one got a suggestion?

until next time
