Now the thing that you've been waiting for has arrived! The completion of this great little story YAAAAAAAAAY! This is the epilogue and preview for the sequel okay so enjoy!

Five Years Later...

''Ready to go to your so called 'human school' Keenan?'' Ralph asked smirking and Keenan nodded. Before Ralph dropped him off, Keenan remembered something.

''Don't you have a job teaching Kindergarten Ralph?'' Keenan asked and Ralph groaned.

''Yeah. Apparently, Marcus' son is too much for the humans to handle so they hired me to do it.'' Ralph answered and waved goodbye to Keenan. He shifted to his third stage and flew off to said other school.

At Kindergarten...

''And that's how fire can be VERY dangerous. Any questions?'' Ralph asked and Devlyn raised his hand. He had on a dark red shirt with navy blue jeans and blue gym shoes. He had Yoshi's deep lavender eyes with slitted pupils and Marcus' color of hair. He had small claws, fangs, and his dragon form was a reddish-orange color. ''Yes?''

''Um...Uncle Ralph, your shirt is on fire.'' Devlyn answered and Ralph sniffed the air. He looked at his shirt and immediately ran out the room. All the other kids laughed. ''Wait, why would he be worried if he can control water to put out the fire?''

''Well aren't you a smart five-year-old.'' Ralph answered returning. ''I'm just glad the fire didn't spread anywhere. Yoshi would've damn well kicked my ass if she found out.''

''Uh oh! I'm telling mom you cursed in front of everybody.'' Devlyn said and Ralph started sweating.

''I'll make you a deal. If you don't tell, then I'll give you no homework and a ride on a large dragon.'' Ralph said hoping Marcus would agree to this new request.

''Hooray!'' the kids cheered and Ralph sighed in relief.

After school...

''When's Uncle Thomas and Uncle Ricky coming on?'' Devlyn asked eagerly in front of the television at Marcus' house. Then once Thomas came on, Devlyn sat in front of the t.v.

''At only nineteen-years-old, Thomas H. Norstein became the youngest scientist to ever win the Nobel Prize.'' a reporter said.

''I just hope I can cure others like my sister.'' Thomas said and Ralph scoffed.

''These damn rich geniuses piss me off.'' Ralph said turning the channel. He groaned when he flipped to Ricky's new cooking show. ''Yoshi might want me to tape this.''

At the Police Station...

''Morning everyone.'' Yoshi said walking in.

''Thomas won the Medical Prize for curing Relena AND Ricky came up with a new dish that I just HAVE to try!'' Miki shouted excited and Sampson cleared his throat.

''My partner and I are going on patrol.'' Yoshi said rushing out. When she walked outside, Marcus was leaning against the car smiling.

''Well what took you so long?'' Marcus asked still smiling and Yoshi kissed his cheek.

''We have patrol duty Marcus.'' Yoshi answered driving off and Marcus flew after her in his dragon form. Then Kouki practically flew past them on his motorcycle. ''Hey Kouki! Put on a damn helmet!''

''I got him.'' Marcus said putting a police band around his arm and he flew faster after Kouki while Yoshi sped up.

Later in the evening...

''Hey Mom! Hey Dad!'' Devlyn shouted almost running past Marcus and Yoshi until the half-demon stopped him and picked him up.

''Why is everyone speeding off everywhere today?'' Marcus asked and Yoshi laughed.

''I'm playing Hide-and-Seek with Ralph but I can't find him.'' Devlyn answered a little sad that he couldn't find the weasel demon.

''Have you tried using your demonic senses instead of acting like a human all the time?'' Marcus asked and Devlyn brightened up.

''Oh okay Dad.'' Marcus put Devlyn down and the little ball of energy ran into his room. Then Ralph appeared from under the couch in his small demon form. ''Really Ralph?''

''What? That kid is evil!'' Ralph shouted shaking. ''Also, can you do me a huge favor Marcus?''

''What for?''Then Devlyn ran back in the room after hearing everything.

''He cursed in front of everyone and tried to bribe us to silence.'' Devlyn answered and Ralph sensed a very evil aura coming from Yoshi.

''I'm gonna go run now.'' Then Ralph ran out the house and Marcus laughed. However, the new enemy that the King of Demons will have to face is far more deadly and powerful than King Lunarion. This dragon's resurrection is closer than anyone may think.

In the Demon World...

''The Demon World is such a peaceful place now.'' a random demon said talking to another until two large and powerful clawed dragon hands appeared out of the ground. They grabbed both demons by their legs and dragged them underground. An evil laugh was heard as everything faded into black.

THE END!!!!!

Preview to Sequel

''Who the hell are you?'' Craniamon asked looking at a large pitch black dragon that was floating in front of him.

''My name is of no concern to you. Just call me Matrix and I'm the new ruler of the Demon World.'' the dragon demon said with menacing green slitted eyes. A powerful aura radiated off of him that even Craniamon shivered after sensing it.

''So why are you in the Digital World?''

''I've grown tired of only being able to rule the Demon World. I crave more power and more territory so I'm claiming the Digital World for myself as your new King as well.'' Matrix answered and Craniamon summoned his spear. ''I don't think so pathetic digimon.''

''What?'' Then Matrix's eyes were glowing completely green and Craniamon's spear was bent and twisted until it was completely destroyed. Matrix flexed his claws and Craniamon was thrown back about two hundred feet.

''Not even a Royal Knight of the Digital World stands even one percent of a chance against my psychic power.'' Matrix said flexing his claws even more and Craniamon was being crushed by the demon's incredibly strong psychic power. ''Let it be known that from here on out, I'm the ruler of all three worlds!''

Whew! Scary! Read and Review!