
This is not my best work. this was something i did just to get down ideas in case i decided to write a story. I eventually got around to writing the story about a month later and it is way better than the prologue. The chapters may be a little short compared to what most of you are used to reading, but they are still very good and almost each one has a cliffhanger. Please read and review. this is my first story and I want to know how I am doing.


"What should we call him?"

"How about John?"

"John is too common. How about Jack?"

"Fine with me. I like Jack."

"Want to hold him, Jim?"

The fox held out his arms to take his newborn son. He looked down at him, asleep in his father's arms. His fur was dark red and his left paw was white like his mothers and his right paw was black like his father's. It was his eyes that stood out; so green that they seemed to glow.

"He has your eyes." Jim said to his wife.

"And he has your looks," replied Julie with a slight chuckle.

Jim looked down at his son again and smiled. "I'll go get Alec; he'll want to see his little brother." He handed Jack back to Julie and left the room. He returned moments later with a gray furred fox that could only be no more than four. The little fox looked curiously at the small bundle in his mother's arms.

"Alec, say hello to Jack Thunder; your new baby brother."

Sixteen years later…

"Are we there yet?"

"Not yet."

"Are we there now?"

"Jack, we know you can't wait to see Alec's football game, but were still an hour away from the stadium." Jim said. He looked at the fuel cell gauge. "We need to stop for gas." He pulled into a fuel station on the edge of the college campus that Alec lived on.

"If you need the bathroom, you should go now," Julie said to her son as they all got out of the car and went into the station.

"When you're done Jack, we'll be in the car," Jim said. He and his wife turned and left the station. About a minute later, Jack came out and saw them getting into the car. It happened as though it were in slow motion; as soon as his dad closed his door, the car exploded in a ball of fire. Jack hit the dirt as his military training, which he had learned from his parents who were both in the Cornerian Military, kicked in. He looked up slowly and stared at the twisted wreck of what was once the car he was in only moments ago. He knew he had to move. It was only a matter of time before the whole station would catch fire and blow up. Some part of his mind screamed to stay and try to help his parents, but he knew it was too late for them.

He ran about a hundred yards when there was a deafening boom behind him and then he was knocked flat by the resulting shock wave. He lay there and began to cry. He knew that he was safe, but he wished that it were the same for his parents. He did not stop crying until he heard the sirens from the fire trucks.

Two days later…

"Are you Jack Thunder?" asked a large, black lab.


"Gary Cooper, Chief of Campus Police. We have information for you that you might want to hear concerning the deaths of your parents."

"What do you have?"

"First, I want to extend my condolences for the loss of your parents," Cooper said. "Second, we got a fax from Cornerian Forensics; it was not an accident. Your parents were killed by a car bomb. I'm sorry." He walked away and left Jack alone, wondering who would do such a thing and why.

Several years later…

It was two days until the start of his last year at the Academy. Jack put on his sunglasses, grabbed his keys, and left the Army and Navy Surplus Store where he worked. He got into his car and headed home. He would need to spend the next few days packing and getting ready. He would also need to call someone to take care of the house while he was gone. Alec seemed to be too busy lately and would no longer talk to him for some reason.

Suddenly he saw black smoke in the distance. He knew that it was a fire and sped up hoping that it would not turn out to be what he feared. Pulling around the corner he saw that his house, the last thing his parents had left him, burning out of control. He quickly called the fire department, then noticed a note taped to the front gate with his name on it:

Mom and dad were only the beginning and should have been the end. You should have died with them, so now you're next. I'm coming after you Jack. I will find you and when I do, I'm going to kill you slowly. You're wondering why I would want to do this. Because mom and dad always liked you more. They always blamed me when something bad happened to you. They always gave you what I wanted. You had the life I deserved. The life I would have had if you never existed. So I decided to fix the problem. Good bye Jack.


All these years. All this time he had been with the man who had killed his parents and been plotting his death. Now he gets blamed for everything. This was the final straw. He hopped back into his car. He knew he could not go back to the Academy just yet. He would have to lay low for a while. He still had money in the bank and good friends to rely on. He wished that the Star Fox team was still around. He would have hired them to help him find his brother. They never failed a mission. For now, he had to get out of the open. He then realized that if he stayed with his friends, his brother would surely find him and he would be putting his friends in danger. He was on his own again, just like before. He had to stop his brother before anyone else was hurt.