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Day 4

The next day the guys went all out, even though it was Tank telling the boss the news, they still wanted to be a hundred percent sure that it was the right news.

When Steph's pen rolled off her desk Ram was right there picking it up for her trying to 'accidentally' bump her.

When she printed off a search Cal was there getting his papers as well trying to reach around her to get his.

Hal tried complaining to her about his sister who was pregnant and how she was worried about bloating. Steph just listened to him rant and then went back to her desk.

Lester tried talking with his hands around her, but when he hit her she only hit him back and told him to watch it.

Steph was in the kitchen getting a water bottle, for some reason this water thing was really helping with her cold. Her nose hadn't been all that running and she never got to the coughing stage. There was just that one time she threw up but she thought that might be from taking the Dayquil on an empty stomach, but with her nose all stuffed up like it was she hadn't felt like eating. Steph was trying to get her cap off her water bottle when Hector walked in.

Hector watched her struggle with the cap, then held out a hand as an offer to do it. She relunctantly handed it over so he could open it for her. Surprisingly the cap was on there tight enough that Hector had to struggle to get it off. Hector came through though, but when he did he wasn't ready for it and his hands flew apart. The cap in one hand and the bottle in the other. The hand with the bottle in it flew into Steph, causing her to yelp in surprise, the Hector took that as a yelp of pain.

Woody walked in to see Hector apologizing over and over to Steph. Steph was waving it away saying that it was alright. Woody watched as Hector handed her the water bottle and quickly made his way out of the kitchen. Hector nodded to Woody on the way indicating that his job was done.

"You alright Darlin'?" Woody asked as he prepared to leave the kitchen himself.

"Of course I just wasn't expecting it." Steph said drinking from her water bottle.

Tank heard the commotion outside his office.


Now it was just his turn, if he didn't figure it out, there would be no one left to blame but himself when he called the boss with incomplete information.

The guys kept waiting for Tank to come out of his office with a plan, it never came.

Steph sat in her cubicle not knowing that the boys worrying about her. It was almost lunch time when Steph's nose started to run again, she grabbed her purse digging through it hopping that she had stuck the Dayquil in there. After she dumped the contents of her purse on to her desk she found it. She took a capful, made the mandatory yucky face, blew her nose and went back to work. Then she remembered the last time she took Dayquil on an empty stomach. Glancing at the clock she decided that it was close enough to lunch time that she could eat.

She was almost to the kitchen when the elevator doors pinged open. She glanced up to see who it was and to wave to them. She froze.

It was Ranger.

"Ranger." She went running toward him. She threw her arms around him hugging him. Ranger put his arms around her bringing her closer to him.

"Uh, boss," Lester started in on him. "I hope you don't want the rest of us to greet you like that." The guys snickered but mostly they were just relieved that Ranger could worry over Steph's 'pregnant' problem himself.

"Report." Ranger immediately was back in charge wanting to know what he had missed.

The guys fell in telling him about surveillance, skips, houses they were doing sercurity on, and that Steph had not managed to attract any new stalkers.

When Lester had added in that last part Steph had tried to hit him but he danced away making a face at her. Tank was able to get him though, thunking him on the head hard enough to shut him up.

Ranger nodded and completely dissmissed the part where Tank had hit Lester.

Steph was regretting her decision to take the medicine on an empty stomach she flew from the control in to the bathroom. She didn't even both knocking she went to the first empty stall and emptied her stomach into it.

"Babe?" Ranger asked from the doorway.

"Ulk." Was all Steph was able to get out.

Ranger pulled her hair back out of the way and let her continue. When she was done he turned her to so she faced him. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Steph rinsed her mouth out with water and headed back out of the bathroom.

"Geez, Beautiful that's the second time this week." Lester commented, wanting to see Ranger's reaction.

"Second time, Babe?" Ranger asked his eyebrow shooting upwards in question. "Morning sickness?" He joked.

The guys around them froze waiting for the answer.

"Morning sickness? You think I'm pregnant?" She poked him in the chest with her finger. "I would have to be having sex in order to get pregnant."

The guys burst out laughing, releived that Steph hadn't been pregnant after all.

Ranger just rose an eyebrow his equivlant of a sigh and grabbed her wrist pulling her towards the elevator.

The guys on five looked around at each other after the doors had finished closing.

"Holy shit." Lester exclaimed.

"How the hell does a woman know she is pregnant when she always has those symptoms?" Bobby asked.

Cal gave him a dirty look. "Why would you ask that?"

"Who cares? It's over now." Ram said leaning against the wall.

"I wonder why she was throwing up then?" Hal asked.

The guys stood there looking from one another.

"Oh shit." Woody said looking around at the guys knowing he was about to get his ass kicked. "When we picked up a skip the day Ranger left he said he had a cold."

Tank, who had gone back into his office after Ranger and Steph left, came barreling out of his office straight for Woody.

"Gym now." He grunted out at him. He didn't even stop, he just continued to the stairs and out of sight.

"Geez, man, I bring you to the hospital afterwards okay." Lester said slapping him on his back.

"Oh man, you made him worry about telling the boss all over nothing." Bobby said as he walked away laughing.

Woody let his head drop as he slowly made his way down to the gym.


Steph stood in the elevator staring at Ranger.

"Where are we going?" Steph asks as the doors closed.

Ranger only gave her his wolf smile and pressed the button for the seventh floor, using the fob.


When the doors opened on seven Ranger pulled her out and in to his apartment.

"Come on, Babe. Let's see if you remember how to do this." He was already pulling her shirt out of her pants.

Oh boy.

The End