Note – Thanks to Mel/LissieLove for letting me take some of her characters from Tangle. This is a future fic focusing mainly on Jake but also on Elizabeth and Jason and some other characters, and there's a lot you need to know. Visit my site, Solo Ensemble (link in my profile; registration is free, fast and easy, but if you don't get the activation email just start another account with another email address) and click the "Mean" forum under "Incomplete Liason Stories" to find the Cast List.

I'm leery of posting this fiction at a Liason board just because it's mainly about Jake, but a few people have specifically asked me to, so I am. This is a very angsty story, and I have to wonder if the angst will even be resolved in a matter that satisfies most of you. It's about resentment and hatred and insecurity; that's the best way I can describe it. And it's gritty. If you find you can't go on after reading a few chapters, I totally don't blame you. It'll be a frustrating, infuriating, disheartening ride.

Thank you to those who will choose to stick around. LOL!

What You Need To Know:

Cameron is two years younger than Michael.

Michael has been SORASed so that the shooting actually takes place when he's about five, Cameron's about three, and Jake's about one. He makes a full recovery, but Jason and Elizabeth never get over that and Sonny really tones down the scale of his mob organization as a result.

Morgan has been SORASed to be the same age as Jake and the two are best friends.

Johnny and Nadine's daughter Amalia is one year younger than Jake and part of his large circle of friends.

Spencer Cassidine is one year older than Jake and Morgan, neatly sandwiched between the two Webber boys, and is a part of their circle of friends.

Carly and Jax's daughter Cecily is one and a half years younger than Morgan and Jake (meaning that Carly married Jax right after Sonny, no Alcazar in the middle) and is best friends with Anna Drake.

Malcolm Drake is the same age as Morgan and Jake and his sister Anna Drake is one and a half years younger, around Cecily's age. Malcolm, while part of Morgan and Jake's little group, is particularly close with Spencer Cassidine.

Molly is Jake's age and best friends with Amalia Zacchara, and Kristina is Michael's age.

Sonny is single, no girlfriend in sight. He runs his business and continues to be an ass-head to Jason sometimes, but after Michael's near-death stopped hounding Jason about claiming Jake. He doesn't agree, but he keeps his mouth shut.

Jax and Carly are married with Michael and Morgan going back and forth between their mom and dad's houses, and they spoil Cecily rotten. Carly is particularly displeased with Cecily's romance with Malcolm Drake during her young adult years.

Patrick impregnated Robin the night of Georgie's funeral and the two got back together in time for Mal's birth and remain happily married, though gossip persists about Mal's conception, etc. After their son, they welcomed Anna Drake, and Robin is particularly displeased with Anna's romance with Morgan Corinthos during her young adult years. (HA!)

Nikolas is single and raising Spencer on his own. He has no plans to marry and does not entertain girlfriends, instead devoting all of his energy to his son, who is more than ready to accept his position as heir to the Cassidine empire.

Johnny and Nadine had only one child and are happily married and Johnny still runs his organization. Claudia is mostly located in Milan and runs her uncle Rudy's empire but occasionally comes to visit her brother and his family, Amalia being a particular favorite of hers.

Ric and Alexis divorced and the girls live with their mother. Kristina later becomes a lawyer like her mother at Alexis's pushing and prodding, but amusingly enough, decides to screw with her by becoming a mob mouthpiece for her father's organization, at that time in a period of transition as Morgan starts to take over. Molly is the wild child of the family and the apple of her father's eye.

Lucky is the police commissioner, still believed to be Jake's father, and has not been a huge presence in Jake and Cameron's lives mostly due to his job and family drama with the Spencer nutcases.

Jason broke off his engagement to Elizabeth and vowed never to be with her and the boys and has stayed true to that promise. He has not had any other romances since. After Michael's death, Sonny scaled down the organization and handed it over to Jason, who very slowly built it up as Morgan grew older, and eventually Sonny and Jason work together to help Morgan as he accepts the reins. Their friendship, though strained at times, has persisted over the years.

Elizabeth raises Cameron and Jake on her own as a single mother and a nurse at General Hospital. Her boys are her top priority and she remains very protective of them. She didn't remarry and she didn't have a serious boyfriend after she and Jason broke things off. It is her goal for both her boys to earn professional degrees and live safe, clean, happy lives. She is very close with Robin Drake and enjoys a civil coexistence with Carly Jacks, who finally came to agree that Jake was safer as a Spencer than a Morgan, and though she counts Nadine Zacchara as a close friend, she has always been secretly jealous of how Nadine and Johnny managed to love each other, get married, and raise their daughter together despite Johnny's occupation.

This story begins with Jason and Elizabeth breaking off their engagement and focuses mainly on Jake, who learns his true parentage at the age of six and comes to resent Jason deeply for it. Though Liason do have a story here, this tale mostly revolves around Jake and how their fateful decisions affected his life as he grows into manhood.

It might seem like a lot to digest (the above) but I'll be doing my best to write little reminders where they're pertinent, and I have no reason to believe that anyone will get lost.



When we live such fragile lives

It's the best way we survive

-- "Dirty Little Secret," All-American Rejects

.: April 2007 :.

"So, just so I'm clear…" She wiped away a tear and turned around to face him. "You're choosing that life, the violence, over me and the boys."

The heartbreak in his eyes mirrored that in hers. His voice was gravelly when he spoke and Jason claimed one small step toward her. "No. I made the choice before I even met you. I've risked your life, and Jake's and Cam's, and…I refuse to be the reason that any of you die."

Her vision blurred again and Elizabeth covered her hand with her mouth. He was so sure, so determined, even while his heart was breaking, and there was no way to convince him not to do this. Her knees felt like they would give out underneath her at any minute, and she sank down on the couch, appearing to almost withdraw into herself. A good minute passed before she could speak.

"I've loved you longer than you've loved me," she admitted quietly, unable to look at him. "I've tried really hard to stop, but I can't. Even now."

She sniffled and rubbed the back of her hand against her nose. "You're right," she choked out. "You're right about everything. I can never risk my boys getting hurt like Michael. And I know – I know that I should be making this easier, because it's my choice, too."

Jason's expression was broken, his eyes glassy and pained. "I'm sorry."

Elizabeth looked up at him, tilting her chin just so. "I'm not."

She could tell her reply surprised him, and she rubbed her clammy palms on her knees before getting up and crossing the remainder of the living room over to him. "I have loved every minute that I've spent with you."

He closed his eyes when she cupped his cheek, tenderly brushing his hair back. "And our son. I thank God that we made him together. I don't – I don't want this to just be over."

Jason's eyes opened when her voice cracked.

"I-I just hope that somehow there's a way I can be with you again," she continued, choking on a sob. "I accept that you lead a dangerous life, and I accept that you should never step foot inside this house, nor be with my children, but I'm a different story. Why can't we just continue to meet at the safehouse?"

His eyes softened. "If you call, I'll meet you."

Her heart sank. It was just like what he told her six years ago, that he wouldn't come to her, but he wouldn't turn her away if she came to him. "But you're not going to call me."

Jason looked away, unable to bear her tears. "I couldn't ask you to take that chance."

Elizabeth let out a strangled scream and ran her hands through her hair. "God, Jason, why does it always have to be up to me?"

He took a cautious step toward her. "Because you're the one with everything to lose."

He let out a sigh, his touch feather-light as he combed his fingers through her hair and down the line of her cheek. "You – You know I love you. But before you call, you've got to think of Carly screaming for Michael."

Her mouth twisted at his stark words. "That's not fair!"

Jason averted his gaze again, visibly distressed. "I'm just trying to be honest. I want…I want you and Jake and Cam to have a …safe and amazing life. And in order for you to have that, I can't be a part of it."

His voice wavered on the last words, and Jason hesitantly lowered his face to hers and, sucking in a small breath, brushed his lips against hers. She opened up underneath him and the kiss became slow, heavy, anguished, and at the end reluctant. His mouth hovered over hers even after they'd broken apart, as if Jason was convincing himself to pull away and leave.

His rational side won out, as it always did, and Elizabeth closed her eyes tightly when she felt a light draft and knew that Jason was walking away, out of her house, out of her life.


His hand was on the knob and he turned, achingly slow. "Yeah?"

"Is…" She took a step forward and folded her arms tightly around her middle. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Jason let out a shuddering breath and dipped his head. "If you could…pray for Michael, I'd appreciate it."

Elizabeth nodded, dreading the metallic click of the knob. "Yeah, of course. The boys and I will pray for all of you."

He gave her one last look and pulled the door open, shutting it securely behind him. She stood rigidly in place until she heard his car start and pull out of the drive, and that was when it all came crashing down on her: it was the last time he'd be leaving her, and this time he wouldn't be back. Her legs gave way underneath her and Elizabeth sank down onto the couch once more, adding a silent prayer that she'd be able to get through this and be strong for her children.

Five years pass…

.: 2012 :.

The hinge on his door was starting to squeak, and Cameron looked up at the tell-tale sound to see his six-year-old brother standing in the threshold. With a gruff sigh of frustration, he slid the floorboard back into place and walked over to him.

Jake looked oddly troubled, but his expression didn't register with Cameron right away. "Hey, Cam…OW!"

Cameron watched grimly as Jake fell to his knees, rubbing the arm where he'd just been socked. "You found my secret stash of M&Ms and you took all the red ones!"

His little brother looked away, rubbing his arm, and Cameron's anger abated slightly when he saw his lower lip tremble. "Hey…I didn't hit you that hard. What're you crying for?"

"I'm not crying," Jake replied stubbornly, pushing himself up onto his feet. His hand remained on his arm, and now that they were almost at even height, Cameron could see the way his brother's eyes glistened. He sniffled and turned around, heading for the door. "Forget it."

"Wait," he called out, trotting toward the door when Jake didn't listen. Before he could leave, Cameron shut the door and positioned himself between it and his little brother. "You are crying. Did I really do something to your arm? Don't tell Mom! I'll give you all my M&Ms, just don't tell Mom."

"It's not…" Jake rubbed his arm and glanced at the floorboard that hid his brother's candy stash. "How many more you got in there? No, no, never mind. I just…"

Cameron rolled his eyes and grabbed his brother's shoulder, steering him toward the bed and half-pushing him onto it. "Okay, either you did something even worse to me than stealing my M&Ms and you're trying to confess, or you know something. Which one is it?"

Jake nibbled on his bottom lip as he stared up at his brother, who had his hands planted on his hips and was waiting rather impatiently for him to say something. "I, um, I heard something."

Cameron blinked. "Start the presses."

The little boy steeled his jaw and looked away. "I was at Morgan's and Mister C was there with Jason Morgan and Mister Spinelli was there, and Max was gonna walk me down to the lobby for Mom to pick me up. I left, but I came back because I forgot the Gameboy in the kitchen and I…I heard Jason and Mister Spinelli talking."

He looked up at his Cameron, his bright eyes laced with confusion and hurt. "They said that Jason was my dad."

Cameron's lips parted in surprise, and then he let out a snort. "You must have heard wrong. There's no way he's your dad – Dad's our dad."

"He's not your dad," Jake pointed out. "Not really."

"He's my dad because he says he is," he replied testily. "Zander Smith isn't really my father. Mom talked to us about this."

"They said…" He shifted on the bed, moving over when Cameron joined him. "They said how it felt weird sometimes that I spent so much time at Mister C's house because of Morgan, and Mister Spinelli said that I would be living across the hall in the other penthouse with you and Mom and Jason if…if Jason didn't lie about not being my dad. I…I don't know, Cam, they said a lot of things that sounded…that sounded like they could be real, you know?"

Cameron swallowed roughly. "There's – there's no way, Jake. Mom wouldn't lie about something like that."

"She would if Jason told her to." Jake licked his lips and stared down at his hands. "I mean, everyone knows what he does. Lots of people think he's scary. If he told Mom to do something, she'd probably do it. And if he's my dad…"

Cameron didn't have a reply for that.

They sat in silence for a long time, side by side on Cameron's race car bed, and finally, the older Webber boy broke the silence.

"They could be lying."

"They could be," Jake agreed, "...but it's kind of a dumb thing to lie about, isn't it? And Mrs. Jacks is always saying how he never lies...well, except probably for this lie, but you know what I mean."

"Not really."

"They could be lying," he repeated with a sigh, "but they could also be telling the truth."

"What are you going to do?"

Jake sighed heavily. "I guess…I'm going to find out the truth."