A Malfoy's Ways of Bonding (With a Daughter)

"Honey, I don't think this is such a great idea."

Draco Malfoy shook his head and laughed, "Hermione, you can never start these things to early. You need to learn to let go. She will have to learn, grow, and mature on her own."

His daughter, Adora Granger Malfoy, looked at him with her shiny gray eyes.

"Now, Adora," He began slowly, so she would comprehend and understand every word. This was, after all, one of the most sacred things a man could teach anyone, "This is called a broom. You use it to fly, and if you're really good, you play a game called Quidditch. Now, Daddy was really good at this game and I was the seeker. That means that when I saw the snitch, I would-"

"Draco, this is silly," Hermione said as she picked up for eight week old baby and coddled her. "And besides, when Adora's older, she'll want to talk about more girly things, not Quidditch."

With that said, Hermione left a depressed looking Draco on the emerald green couch of the Malfoy Manor.

"Why couldn't I have had a boy?"


"Daddy, Granny says that this is not ladylike."

Draco glanced over to his now six year old daughter, whose blond hair was currently in a chaotic mess due to the wind. "What's not ladylike, Addie?"

Adora frowned, crossed her arms, and stamped her foot, "That nickname, Daddy! Grammy says that I should be called Adora and nothing else."

"Your granny can be wrong sometimes," Draco resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

"Well, I think you're wrong, Daddy."

"Well, I think you're wrong, Addie."

"Mommy!" Adora screeched and ran out of the room.

Draco sat in the living room, not even trying to go after her.


"I was trying to bond with the girl!" Draco said with a scowl.


"May I go home now?"

"No, Dad. You may not. Now which color looks better?"

Moving his head from where it was placed against the wall, Draco moved his very tired body over to the dressmaker and his wonderfully annoying daughter, "Green."

Adora's eyes started watering, "You're only saying that because you were in Slytherin. If Mom was here she would know what color to choose!"

As she stormed back into the changing room, the dressmaker glared at the offending Malfoy.

"What did I do this time?!"




"You know how you wanted me to tell you what I wanted for my sixteenth birthday?"

"Yes. I remember."

"Well, I need you to do something for me."


"Get a life."

"Thanks, sweetheart."


Wizardly Words: Hogwarts School Newspaper

Goodbye to a Role Model, and a Friend

By: Jaqueline Delecour – Smith

Quidditch captain, straight-A student Adora Malfoy will be graduating from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year, and we are all sad to see her go. Aside from being Head Girl and a fantastic role model for everyone here, she is also a great friend to everyone, especially the first years she looks after. When she was asked about it she said, "I'm me because this was how I was raised by my dad. If you think I'm great, it's probably because my dad's pretty great too." We wish you luck, Adora, as you go out into the world, and who knows, maybe you could end up being the next Minister of Magic.



Adora is Latin for "loved one".

This fic was written for the "Daddy-Daughter Time" challenge by HermioneWeasleyFan! I had fun with it, hope you guys liked it!!
