Disclaimer: Yeah... no, I'm SO not a fucked up enough writer to own hayate.

Author's Notes: Not much to say. This is an idea I've had for some time, I figured I'd put it into action. This is a story about all the girls different perspective's on Hayate, and their respective relationships with him. We'll start with Nagi, and work our way down. There may be a little Hayate X Hinagiku bias, I apologize. I'm a fan of the pairing, and so I can't help but be biased. Sorry.

Chapter 1: Nagi

She sometimes wonders what the hell is wrong with him, or what's wrong with her.

She doesn't understand his actions. Didn't he confess to her? Didn't he say that he wanted her, that he was going to take her away? He had sounded sincere, and his eyes, oh his eyes had been passionate. So why, why was did he have to act like such a bastard?

Of course other girls would be attracted to Hayate, Nagi had expected that. He was after all, the coolest guy in the universe and he was smart, funny, nice, and good looking. She had expected girls to fall for him, but she had also expected Hayate to brush these girls off as little more than distractions from his duty to his one and only love, her.

So, she found herself questioning, why? Why did he constantly fawn over Maria, why did he always look guilty after he was alone with her, why was he ignoring Nagi for her?

Why did he embrace Isumi? Why had he gone to her when Nagi had fired him, rather than somebody else?

Why did he constantly try to impress Hinagiku? Why was he always so happy when he got to talk to her, and Hinagiku would blush each time she say Hayate?

Why did he constantly joke around with Sakuya, why did she seem to warm up to him in a way she only used to act with Nagi?

Why was he constantly helping other girls, putting his life on the line to save others, when Nagi was right there in front of him? What was she doing wrong? Why, after such a heartfelt confession, did he seem to take notice of all the girls around him, but her?

She was always looking for the answer, though she could only come to the same, inevitable conclusion, which was that Hayate had lied when they had first met, and he never really did love her to begin with.

Nagi rejected this thought, banished it from her mind. But no matter how hard she tried, it always came back, a nagging itch in the back of her head. She would sulk over it, scream over it. She would cry herself to sleep in Maria's arms over the stupid thought. Then, every time she was about to give up hope of him loving her, he would give her a warm smile, and assure her that, of all the people in the world, she was the most important to him. Then, like the love-sick girl she was, Nagi would once again follow the hope of Hayate's love until the feeling of foolishness came again.

Sometimes, she thought they were never meant to be, that somewhere along the line it had all gone terribly wrong, and the perfect dream world she had built up was only just that, an illusion that could come crashing down around her in an instant.

Despite all that, she kept on loving Hayate. Because above all her doubt, above all her fantasies and her anger and her happiness, Nagi was scared. She was scared of finding that he really didn't love her, scared of him leaving, and once again being a friendless, lonely girl with only Maria to lean on. She had felt it once before, and she never wanted to feel it again.

So, if only to reassure herself, Nagi would, on occasion, ask him if he was leaving. She would let her guard down, tears stinging the corners of her eyes. He would always look taken aback, then give the same response, each and every time.

"Of course not, I would never leave Ojo-sama."

She took his word for it, smiling and nodding, then running away to glow for a few hours. Always the same answer, as if rehearsed, practiced for the sole purpose of appeasing a foolish little girl. Each time a bit of hope found her way into her mind, a thousand doubts were thrust apon her. And as each new ray of hope became clouded by doubt, Nagi became more and more lost in despair.

Nagi walked up to Hayate, grabbing his hand, holding it over her heart. He stared at her in shock, questioning her about her actions.

"Hayate... you'll never leave me.. .will you?" Nagi asked softly. She was really afraid today, sitting in her room she couldn't help but think of her relationship with her butler. Again, he gave her a soft, warm smile, and place a hand on her head.

"Of course not," He said, his voice warm but level, kind but almost robotic, "I would never leave Ojo-sama."

And she buried her face in his chest, wrapping her arms around him. She would take his word at face value. No second-thoughts, no inhibitions, no doubt. If he broke her heart, then so be it.

Because above her fear, there was love.

Endnotes: Yeah, I know, it's kinda sad. I'm not trying to bash Nagi X Hayate, really I'm not, I think it's plausible, and it's my third favorite pairing. I'm just trying to show that Nagi doesn't understand that Hayate never really confessed to her, so she's confused as to why he doesn't treat her like a girlfriend. Well, enjoy, and don't hesitate to drop me a review!