What if Hitsugaya started to act his (physical) age

"Matsumoto!" barked Captain Hitsugaya from behind a stack of papers on his desk.

"Yes, Captain?" asked Matsumoto.

"I need you to get something for me," he replied.

"What do you need, Captain?" inquired Matsumoto, although she already had a good idea where this was going.

"More candy," Hitsugaya responded seriously, "we ran out again."

"Ah, but Captain," complained Matsumoto, "you just bought more candy this morning. At this rate, not only will you make Squad 10 go broke but you'll also get cavities... lots of them."

"How do you expect me to work in these conditions?!" snapped Hitsugaya irritably.

Sighing, Matsumoto resigned herself to go buy more candy. They had gotten into this argument in the past and in the end, after a few temper tantrums, Hitsugaya had always gotten his way.

'What I wouldn't do for some sake." Matsumoto thought sadly. Unfortunately, due to Captain Hitsugaya's young age, Head Captain Yamamoto decided to forbid the consumption of any alcohol within all of Squad 10, which included Matsumoto. Such behavior would be a bad influence on such a "young, innocent, and developing mind."

'What he should have forbid,' thought Matsumoto, now returning from the store, 'was the consumption of junk food.'

Walking into the Captain's office, Matsumoto set the bag of candy down and walked up to Hitsugaya's desk.

"Captian?" she asked when she heard nothing from behind the papers.

When she got no response, Matsumoto decided to glace behind the stacks. There, with his head rested comfortably on his arms, was her Captain, napping. Matsumoto smiled despite herself, that is until she slid the paperwork he had been working on out from under his arms.

"CAPTAIN!" cried Matsumoto, startling the sleeping Hitsugaya awake and angrily shaking the papers in his face, "I can't believe this is all you've been doing!!"

"What?" Hitsugaya asked in confusion, he had thought his drawings were very nice, much better than the boring papers that Matsumoto always turned in.

A(s)/N – REVIEW!! Oh, and if you have any good "What if..." ideas you're welcome suggest them and if I like them I'll try to use them. Anyway, there's lots more "What if..."s to come so COME BACK... and review.