"Lets take off our clothes and see if anybody notices, then runaway

OK, so there's this song, and I love it. It's all about sort of living life to the full and all that…but anyway, it's great (if you put in Avril Lavigne B-side Take me away into youtube, you should find it). Anyway, I thought it would be fun if I had the Doctor and Rose doing stuff out of the song…

Disclaimer – Do not own Doctor Who. I guess it's kinda obvious that Avril owns herself

Let the writing commence.

"Lets take off our clothes and see if anybody notices, then runaway. What d'you say?" Avril Lavigne

The Doctor and Rose were slobbing around in the Tyler flat, the floor littered with sweet wrappers. The Doctor was flicking through the new 900 channels he had just managed to add to their TV accidentally, but currently had not found anything to his liking. Rose was sitting beside him, swinging their intertwined hands absent mindedly, and watching as a couple of little green men bounced around the screen, squealing.

Finally, the Doctor got bored, and laid back into the sofa, sighing theatrically.

"Nothing." he groaned "You humans, got 557 billion TV channels to choose from, and you still can't come up with decent telly."

"Doctor, we don't have 557 billion TV channels," Rose sighed. She liked just sitting back and listening to his voice, but after seven hours, even the Doctor had run out of things to say. Well, in English. So he'd resorted to adding 900 new channels to her TV.

It had started out a normal enough day – well normal enough for normal people – a day where they got up, ate breakfast, and sat and chatted to Jackie for a while over the washing up (they got thrown out of the kitchen when the Doctor attempted to throw plates, Frisbee like, into the cupboard. He was a pretty good shot, but Jackie said if she heard one more crash as it landed on the pile, she would most likely have a nervous breakdown.) No. It was after that, when she had joined them in the lounge, that she had dropped the bombshell.

"I'm just popping down the shops for five minutes – get some milk and stuff – you two stay here and behave yourselves."

Seven hours later, we return to the present, and the two people bored out of their skulls: namely the Doctor and Rose.

"I'm sure she'll be back in a minute," Rose suggested tentavively.

"Rose, you've said that every ten minutes for the last six hours." The Doctor told her, slightly irritably. "She clearly is not."

Rose reached over, ruffling his hair, deliberately messing it up.

"OK Mr Smarty Pants," she teased, pleased with the even messier than usual hairstyle. "What shall we do then?"

"Oh…" he drawled, suddenly lunging for her, and messing up her hair so violently, she shrieked, and started hitting him "We could play strip snap."

"You are joking me!" He gave her that look that told her he wasn't "You have about 80 layers! I'd be completely naked, and you'd still have about three shirts on!"

"That's half the fun of it!" he laughed.

"For you."

"OK, OK"

He stripped off his jacket and tie, leaving on just his trousers, and the innermost shirt. Rose raised her eyebrows.

"Are you sure this is…" she begun. Suddenly, she grinned, and giggled. "Oh OK. Go on."

He grinned back, and started rummaging in his pockets for the playing cards. After discarding a few screwed up bits of paper, a pencil, a metal dog biscuit, and a bag of rainbow drops (Rose helped herself to a handful), he extricated a small tatty box. She didn't recognise the language on in, but when he up ended it, out fell some perfectly normal playing cards, if rather crumpled.

"You are complete rubbish at shuffling!" Rose laughed, watching him tossing handfuls of cards into the air. "here-" she reached over and gathered them up "Let me do it."

The Doctor watched her sulkily for a moment, then his eyes sparkled as she dealt a pile to him.

"OK. Lets play! I rule at this." he said, practically bouncing with excitement. Rose smiled to herself. "Ready?"

They begun to play. The Doctor was, to say the least, a rather enthusiastic player, and pretty soon the room was littered with cards. Still they had not managed a match, and he was getting frustrated.

"SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!" he yelled, as the two black jacks fell onto the discard pile. Rose imitated him a second later. He smiled at her sweetly.

She looked at him, eyes narrowed lightly, before pulling her top over her head. Trying not to smile at his expression, she tossed it aside, and gathered up the cards. Acting as though nothing was any different from normal, she dealt the cards out again.

Considering that he ruled at this game, the Doctor managed to do horrendously during the next two rounds. The simple reason for this was the mental struggle going on in the Doctor's brain. There was Rose, in front of him, in just jeans and a bra. Half of him wanted to look, the other knew he shouldn't, and another part was randomly wondering why someone had drawn a giraffe on his pack of cards.

Before either of them knew it, they were both just in their underwear.

"I think maybe we should stop here," the Doctor remarked. He looked at Rose.

"Yup" She wasn't really listening. She was rather enjoying looking at the Doctor. His chest was quite toned, with a light smattering of hair. A thin trail of it led down from his tummy button to…NO! Rose Tyler, stop thinking about that! He's your friend – best friend – but friend. Yeah, said that little voice at the back of her head, a friend who you're in love with.

"Just one more thing…" Rose's head snapped up to his so fast she cricked her neck. Where had that come from? The Doctor wondered. He hadn't meant to say that.

"Oh yes?"

He didn't answer, just kissed her. A second later, his brain caught up with his body, and he realised what he'd just done. What was he doing? Where had all of this come from? He really shouldn't be doing this. Where had their boundaries gone? He knew they'd been pushing them a bit lately, but little pecks on the cheek, and then the lips, and then getting progressively longer…well they weren't in the same league as snogging. Oh SHUT UP brain. Just relax.

After a little while, she drew away, letting her head rest on his chest. Ooh, he liked that. He held her in his arms, enjoying the feel of her skin against his.

A great clattering and scraping came from the front door, together with several loud thuds, and then a key in the lock.

"Oh heck!" the Doctor cried. "Your mother!"

"Relax. We'll just sit here and act normal, like everything's same as usual, yeah?"

"Oh sure, 'cause she won't notice we're both half naked…"

He broke off as Jackie's voice echoed down the hallway.

"Hi! Sorry I was a bit late, but I ran into Bev at the store, and she was all set to go uptown with the girls, and I couldn't really say no…"

She stopped as she saw the scene in front of her. There was the Doctor and Rose, still sprawled on the sofa, Rose in her bra and knickers, the Doctor in a pair of boxers, both trying (and failing) to look innocent. Rose was staring at the blank TV screen, apparently fascinated. The Doctor had his lips pressed together, shaking with silent laughter. The room was littered with sweet wrappers, playing cards, and their discarded clothes.

"I'm not even going to ASK what you've been doing."

Rose glanced at the Doctor, and could see how suspicious it looked. He was still slightly flushed from when they had kissed, his hair was sticking up everywhere, and he was wearing next to nothing. She knew that she was in a similar state.

"OK, put your clothes on both of you!" Jackie exclaimed, shaking her head at them. She turned, and walked through to the kitchen.

She could hardly fail to notice the raucous laughter as she walked away.

:D will you review. I'll give you juice : it's fun to sing about when you play tennis. Along with cake. And jelly.