My readers! I've missed you all. Sorry for the lack of chapters lately, but you know how it goes. "I've been busy…" Blah blah blah. You don't want to hear it. You just want to read! And I can live with that. :)

Disclaimer: Still not mine. Only Ryan and Simon. Which would basically be this chapter so…yeah, a lot of this is mine. :)


"We need to finalize the plans and start moving or we're going to run out of time!" Ryan complained from across the room. I rolled my eyes and leaned forward over the counter, fixing my hair.

I couldn't believe that Ryan, of all people, had hunted me down. He had some freakish plan that he needed me a to be a part of. Something to do with the Cullens, which I wasn't totally against getting involved in. He wanted to kidnap the mysterious, beautiful girl that I'd seen before in the window. I couldn't get anymore information out of him about her other than her name. Bella. It was like music to my ears.

And I had to admit that I wanted to make Edward jealous of me. Him with his "sexy hair" and "musical talents". Just thinking about it made me want to vomit. There was no way that this Bella girl would want to be with him after she met me.

The last time I'd seen her though…well, I didn't really see her, per se, but she was there. She was so well protected that I couldn't see how we could even have a hope of breaking the Cullen's mysterious barrier to get to her. Ryan tried convinced me that it was only one of their friend's powers that caused it to be there, and that we would strike when their friend wasn't around. But I just wasn't sure. It didn't look like it would be easy, especially with Alice's future-seeing thing going on. Ryan, of course, claimed to have a plan for that, too. Although I wasn't allowed to know what that one was.

Satisfied with my hair, I turned to him. "I'm not finalizing any 'plans'. This was all your plan. Get it straightened out, or I'm out. I'm tired of playing these games."

He glared at me, his scarlet eyes flashing with anger. "Stop being such a brat." He snapped. "You want this Bella girl, don't you?" I nodded meekly at him, unsure of what to say. I didn't really want to back out; I needed to win over Bella.

"Alright then." Ryan said, his earlier anger disappearing, replaced by a smug look. "I told you that you could have her. After she brings Edward to me, she's all your's." I grinned at him, slowly putting together the pieces. He didn't like Edward either. He probably wanted to kill him. I couldn't think of any other explanations for his actions.

"Besides, she's not nearly as good as you're making her sound." He muttered under his breath, fiddling with his Blackberry. "Been there, done that. Yawn." I felt my mouth pop open, but I was too stunned to ask any questions. Ryan did know Bella. My mind was spinning with all the possible reasons that he might have for my help. Maybe he only needed me as a distraction and then he was going to take her for himself. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. Until I really processed his words. He didn't seem interested in her. Maybe it was just a fling, back from a few years ago and he wasn't even considering her again. Maybe she was out of the picture for him. I set myself on this idea and decided that, just incase, I would make as many plans as I could to get her away from him as soon as I could.

"How long will I have to wait until I can take of with her? I want to go back to Paris." I sighed longingly, my thoughts shifting suddenly. I missed France. I missed my home. This girl was the only thing that was holding me back here in America.

"Just until Edward comes looking for her. And finds her. Then you can take off." He assured me, glancing up only slightly to acknowledge my question. I nodded to myself and turned back to the mirror. I opened my contact case and popped in a new pair, blinking rapidly as the thin plastic formed itself over my eye. I had gotten use to wearing these; they didn't bother me nearly as much as they had in the beginning. And I just loved being a green eyed beauty than a red eyed monster. I shuddered slightly and turned around again.

"I'm heading out to hunt. I'll be back later." I told Ryan, grabbing all the props I needed; my leather jacket, shoes, and wallet. If he said anything else, I missed it as I left our suite and the hotel, hailing a taxi and asking for an address on the outskirts of town.

This was my definition of easy hunting. The driver would take me away from town and all the lights and witnesses, and I would strike. As the poor man would die, he'd swerve and probably hit a tree. Thus, a perfect car crash scene for investigators. I'd walk away unscathed and run back to town, leaving him behind for some unsuspecting traveler to find. And then a few days later, I'd see the tragic story on the news. No one ever thought that there was foul play involved. Just an unlucky situation for an unlucky -and very dead- man.

I smiled to myself and leaned forward, grasping the man's neck and biting him just below his ear. A few seconds later, an airbag burst in my face as the car slammed into an ancient oak tree.

Perfect, I thought to myself. Just another perfect kill.

Ew…gruesome. Haha. Oh, and if you didn't guess, that was Simon's POV. Remember him? :)
