Chapter 1-Reaction

As me and Edward drove to my house, in my head I was trying to figure out how I was gonna tell Charlie that I was marrying Edward, even after all he put me through. I knew that Charlie wouldn't like the idea of having Edward as his son-in-law.

Edward laid his hand on mine as we drove, obviously feeling my distress. He hated not being able to read my mind. I enjoyed it sometimes. Others, I wish he could read my mind.

I let out a sigh and Edward looked over at me and smiled the crooked smile I loved "It will be fine Bella. You worry to much. Charlie likes me more then he appears to." Edward explained

"I know, but he has already gone through the teenage marriage. Both him and my mom wouldn't approve of his at all." I explained to him

"Just let me do the talking." Edward said as he leaned over and kissed my cheek

My heart began to race as his lips touched my skin. He laughed apparently hearing my heart race. He still found that humorous even after a year of having to listen to it do that every time he touched me in anyway. It still made me blush every time he laughed to. He would laugh even harder when my face turned a bright red.

We were at my house all to soon. I wasn't the least bit prepared to talk to Charlie. I knew it was better to tell him now, then wait and tell him just before the wedding. I had already put it off for to long. The wedding was in just two weeks. Alice already had almost every thing planned. She was annoying me with all this wedding stuff.

When I got out of the car Edward came over to me and placed his hand on my back and lead me towards the house. I could feel my heart pounding. I thought it might pop out of my chest. I felt like I was walking to my death. Telling mom was one thing, but Charlie. I knew he was gonna freak out.

When I walked into the house, I could feel Charlie's eyes drilling holes into Edward. He always seemed to have this look when Edward came into the house.

"Hello Charlie." Edward said in very pleasant voice. More then Charlie deserved.

"Edward." Charlie said in a very flat, stern voice.

"Um, Charlie...we have to tell you something." I almost whispered, but I knew Charlie heard because worry spread through his face.

"Yes?" Charlie asked the worry leaking out into his voice

Edward squeezed my waist lightly and whispered "I'll take it from here."

I let out a sigh as Edward began speaking again.

"Charlie. I would like to ask your permission to have Bella's hand in marriage." Edward said.

I had to hold in a laugh as Charlie's mouth dropped and his eyes widened.

"Charlie?" Edward asked.

"No!" Charlie yelled.

"Dad!" I yelled back

"He has hurt you to much! I will not accept this!" Charlie yelled again

"Charlie. I can't not ask you to forgive me for what I have done to Bella. I'm just asking for you to let me prove to you that, that will never happen again. I will make a vow to that as long as she still wants me." Edward said in a very soothing voice.

Charlie let out a heavy sigh and rolled his eyes. He looked over at me. I could tell he saw the plead in my eyes and face.

"If it will make my daughter happy..." Charlie let out another sigh. "I give you permission."

I let out a scream of joy and threw my arms around Charlie. He groaned and hugged me back. He let go of me and I took that as a hint to let go to. I let go of him with a big grin on my face.

"I have some requests though!" Charlie said in a stern voice trying to get me to calm down.

"Of course." Edward said nodding his head.

"Now, I want to walk her down the aisle. Not Dr. Cullen." Charlie said

"That's how we wanted it to be." Edward said

"I also wanna be there when you pick out your dress Bella! I will not have my daughter walking down the aisle in a horrible dress!" Charlie exclaimed

"Alice wouldn't allow that to happen. Neither would Esme." Edward said with a smile.

"Oh and's..." I looked over at Edward for some help.

"It's in two weeks." Edward said matter-of-factly

"Two weeks?" Charlie exclaimed "So you had already asked her?" He glared over at Edward.

"Yes, but we weren't sure how to tell you so, I decided this would be the best way to tell you." Edward explained.

"Oh, well...should have asked me first." Charlie said sternly. I could tell that he couldn't figure out anything else to say, because Edward had a good reason.

"Well, if you don't mind, Alice would like to go shopping today for the dress." Edward said

"Ok, I guess I could just follow you guys up to your house." Charlie said with a little bit of disappointment in his voice.

"I can wait here with you if you want dad. Alice can just come pick us up." I interjected before Edward could say anything.

"Oh well let's do that. I like that better." Charlie said with a smile.

I smiled and turned to Edward. He had my smile on his face. I could feel my heart flutter as I saw it. He laughed hearing it. He looked over my shoulder at Charlie then back at me. Charlie took the hint and went back to the living room watching his game. I laughed a little and looked up at Edward.

Edward leaned down and kissed me. I could feel my heart going insane now. I felt like I might have a heart attack.

I forgot about the boundaries for a split second, and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him harder against my lips. He pulled my arms from around his neck and let out a sigh.

"Every time Bella. When will you learn." Edward said

"Sorry." was all I could say.

Edward gave me a kiss on the forehead and turned around and headed out the door. I followed him out to his car.

"Alice should be up shortly." Edward said.

He started his Volvo and drove off. He watched the car as it began to fade into the distance. When the Volvo was gone I let out a sigh and turned back around heading back inside.

Not less then five minutes later did Alice show up at my door jumping up and down with excitement.