Raphael Meets His Match 2

Part One: Rainy Engagement

Author's Note: I started this TMNT fanfic about a month ago and finished three chapters and saved them. I haven't got around to posting them until now so here it is! RaphMona pairing fanfic.

Drip drop. Drip drop. Drip drop. Rain poured into New York one dark Friday night as the turtles went about their own business and doing their most favored activities in their leisure time. Leonardo was working on his Ninjutsu training, Michelangelo was playing his favorite video games upside down, Donatello was conversing with April on his computer about technology, and Raphael was punching his worn out, blood red, cylinder shaped punching bag with unpredictable fury.

Raphael delivered blow by blow to his punching bag one hit after another. Sweat dripped from his face, legs, and arms as he extended and broadened each individual hit. He imagined the punching bag as all of his hated enemies and that he was knocking them out with his kicks and punches and blocking their attacks with his weapons.

After punching for what seemed like a millennium, Raphael performed combinations of punches, kicks, and headbutts to it. This strengthened his speed and balance in delivering a variety of attacks to a numerous amount of enemies all in one swerve. He ceased his workout after twenty-five minutes of doing this and panted in utter exhaustion. He wiped the sweat off his forehead, made his way over to the coat rack, and placed on a tan trench coat and tan detective hat along with a red scarf to sheild his mouth and sunglasses to shield his eyes.

Noticing his brother's preparation for heading out, Leonardo stopped his Ninjutsu training and inquired, "Hey, Raph, where are you going to at a time like this? It's 10:00 at night."

"I'm goin' out for some fresh air. What difference does it make?" Raph answered sourly.

"Okay, then. Whatever," Leonardo said laconically and shrugged as he continued with his training, not wishing to anger Raphael and question his desires to consequently get under his skin.

Raphael ran down the river of sewer water to a certain extent until he came to a steel ladder. He climbed it and removed the metal plate in which lead him to the city. He pryed himself out the hole, placed the metal plate back in its initial position, and began strolling down the rainy streets of New York.

Not much commotion was arising about on the streets. A few cars passed by as a small amount of pedestrians journeyed to their destinations on the sidewalks. Some restaurants and stores were still open for the convenience to late shoppers and diners, so minimal noise was present. The tiny raindrops hit Raphael's face, in which was relief for cooling down from his ferocious workout. He closed his eyes and let the drops fall freely onto him, enjoying every solitary minute of it.

Moments following, a cry of terror distured and tarnished Raphael's relaxation. His eyes bolted open like lightning, and he started rushing to his speculated location of the cry, hoping to find out what crime was taking place and bust the criminal for his wrongdoing. The scream lead him to one of the many allies in New York, and he peeked into it behind the brick wall to conceal himself and eavesdrop at the same time.

"No! Off me now, you scum!" the cry of terror was pleading that was supposedly female. The source of the cry had her hands tied behind her back by what might've been a particular male figure, and he held a small pocket knife to the neck of his hostage.

"Not until I annihilate you for what you've done to me many years ago and getting me jailed!" the shrill captor replied evily. Raphael widened his eyes, clenched his fists, shot his eyebrows down in rage, and growled like a grizzly bear.

"Hey, bud! Get off her now!" Raphael shouted as he skidded to the captor and kicked him the face. The captor went flying and landed in a nearby garbage disposal, getting knocked out unconsious. With the enemy down for the time being, Raphael turned his attention to the unfortunate victim. She was free from the captor's wicked grasp, and she panted with relief, holding her hand to her heart that was beating faster than a rock band's drum.

"You alright?" Raphael questioned as he held out an offering hand to help the female off the ground.

"Yes, I think so," she replied softly as she took the Raphael's offering hand to arise from the ground. Her tan detective hat fell off with no warning that showed her real features. Raphael and the female gasped in astonishment in unison and backed away from one another.

"M-Mo-Mona Lisa?" Raphael asked in an ear piercing voice of disbelief.

"R-Raphael?" Mona Lisa questioned with surprised eyes and agape mouth. She was wearing a tan trench coat just as Raphael was wearing and a pink scarf to cover her mouth. She took the long scarf from her face, scrunched it in a ball, and stuffed it in the pocket of her trench coat.

"Mona Lisa, where you've been all these years?" Raphael asked and yelled simultaneously. "After kicking Dr.Filch's butt at that birthday cruise, I haven't seen you since; well, except when you followed us back to our lair with that pizza and Mikey ate almost all of it."

"That's what I wanted to ask you," Mona Lisa replied. Her appearance had changed much greatly. Her breasts were enlarged, her hair was longer and a darker brown, and she had grown somewhat taller, but the only thing that didn't change was that she still wore that small pink hanker chief around her neck.

"Man! I thought that I'd never see you again, Mona! You knew where we were. You could've dropped by at any time!"

"I know, but...it's just...I don't know! I've been so busy still trying to foil Dr.Filch's evil plans that I haven't even thought of anything or anybody else. I've been selfish to you, your brothers, and myself. He escaped from jail a few weeks ago so I tried to track him down and get him back in jail. Just trying to bust Dr.Filch gets me into more trouble every time. I almost got killed back there, but it's thanks to you I'm still alive."

"You meant that was Filch back there?"

"Yeah. I was trying to take him down for myself for in revenge what he has transformed me into, and along with the many other attempts I've made. All I did was get beaten down by them slimy henchmen of his, and I've felt so ashamed." She held her head in her hands in shame to cover herself and not make eye contact with Raphael.

"Okay...we should've gaven you a shell phone to keep in contact and you could've called us whenever you needed help. And besides, you're fine the way you are. You don't need to change back to your original self."

Mona Lisa's head arisen and she replied, "You...really think so?"

Raphael half smiled and answered, "I know so."

This statement sparked Mona Lisa right up from the dumps as she grinned playfully and said, "Hey, what about when you called me "kinda cute" back then? Did you really mean that?" Mona Lisa formed a flirtatious grin on her curved mouth and had risen her right eyebrow.

"Um...uh...I, um...well..." Raphael stuttered to his dismay and blushed a crimson hue that was easily shown on his green skin. Mona Lisa giggled.

"Aw, the tough guy's blushing now? I find that hard to believe since you said it so long ago. Did you just say that to make me feel better or what?"

"No, I meant it," Raphael answered, shaking his head in disagreement to Mona Lisa's negative comment. He shrugged and continued, "Ya see, I...you know...I just..."

Mona Lisa giggled even more than before. She knew that Raph was too nervous to admit his own passionate feelings and accepted his stuttering as a potential answer.

"Don't worry about it, big guy," she reassured the tough, hotheaded turtle, "I see that you've changed and that you can't find the heart to...ya know."

"Um...yeah. Anyway, do you by any chance have a place to stay?" Raphael inquired, brushing off Mona Lisa's statement of utter intimacy. "You shouldn't be staying out here like this being all muggy and rainy."

"Well, not really," Mona Lisa replied reluctantly, "Each night, I just find shelter anywhere I can. I'm used to it."

"Um...if ya want, you can like I don't know...maybe crash at our place tonight. I mean, we don't have much of anything to sleep on besides the couch and other chairs around there, but we manage. Us four have our own rooms, so you know. So, how about it?"

"Sounds like a plan to me."