"Even when the battle is over and the bonds that connect us are severed... We always return...Time and time again."

Mia's emotional bond to Maya was very strong, and this, combined with Mia's unfinished business in her life's work had served to make it far easier for Maya and Pearl to channel her than any other spirit. Mia was more distant, now her life's work had been resolved, but, partially due to her spiritual powers, she continued an unusually close connection to her family from the afterlife.

Mia had said "I'm sure we'll meet again, someday.. Phoenix.." but she really couldn't predict when. Phoenix, being male, had no spiritual powers, though he was indisputably an honorary member of the Maya - Mia – Pearl Fey clan by now. Sometimes the connection between them had resulted in Phoenix hearing Mia's voice in the courtroom. Time was relatively irrelevant in the afterlife, but she'd had no connection with Phoenix for many years, however this was not cause for concern as it was not like the highly proficient living still required the dead.

So it was a significant shock when Mia one 'day' got the significant impression she was being called. Not the type of intense signals one got when professionally channelled, but a vague static that someone unfamiliar with channelling would have completely disregarded. Mia concentrated with all her spiritual powers. "Phoenix." she whispered. The impression she was getting chilled her. Phoenix was in mortal peril. The fact that his own life was so close to the spirit world, she theorised, must be how he had managed to call her at all.

Phoenix's signal was strong enough to allow Mia's powers to facilitate her entry to the mortal world. One of the few benefits of being dead was a disconnection from the timeline constraints of the mortal world, and Mia decelerated the time in her perception so she could adequately comprehend the confusing scene. Phoenix, it seemed, had just been hit by a car, in fact this was the literal moment of impact, Phoenix seemingly only still alive because he was clutching the car's rear vision mirror. Mia couldn't comprehend why he was wearing that strange outfit and looked so disturbingly… scruffy.. but she confined this thought to the back of her mind in favour of resolving the more pressing concern at present.

Mia had only limited control over real-world physics, but the connection to the physical world was strong enough that she could haul Phoenix away from the car enough to present a fatal impact. Semi – conscious Phoenix seemed to get the idea and their combined effort resulted in wrenching off the car's mirror, sending them hurtling through the air.

Mia thanked Ami Fey that she was still holding Phoenix, as some disaster would surely have occurred next. But as a spirit, her limited real-world powers allowed her to drift and continue Phoenix's flight, rather than dropping him from a fatal height. Their flight continued in a sizeable arc for 30 feet, upon which Mia detected an imminent collision with a telephone pole which her physical-world powers could not control.

For a fleeting instant, Phoenix's eyes flashed open. "Mia!" he breathed in awe, before dramatically smashing into the telephone pole and collapsing into unconsciousness. At once, Mia found herself jerked back to the spirit world, the connection severed.

Mia fervently hoped she'd manage to reduce Phoenix's accident to a hospitalisation, rather than a fatality. Though his strange appearance piqued her interest and warranted further investigation. Maybe she'd start monitoring Maya's signals more closely, in the hope that Maya might channel her….