Chapter 4

At about sunset, Vector was listening to the radio while sitting on the couch. Charmy

was taking a rest because he had a bit of a stomach ache from eating too much candy. I was

meditating while sitting inside my locker. We didn't know what Salley was doing, but we figured that she

had to get some fresh air outside.

"Well, Espio," said Vector, "did Sal ever say anything about you?"

I opened my eyes and sighed. "No. She was actually quiet most of the time."

"Oh, that's too bad."

"I guess that means I win the bet," said Charmy while hiccupping.

Vector sighed. "I hate to admit it, but you're probably right." As the two detectives

had their conversation, I closed my eyes again and went back to meditating.

Just then, I sensed something. It sounded like someone was singing. I stood up from

my locker and went outside to find out where the singing was coming from. When I opened the door, I

saw Salley sitting near the front yard. She was singing "What About Now" by Chris Daughtry with

background music coming from her wireless radio. Her singing was like music to my ears. I never knew

that she could sing real well. I walked up to her.

When she saw me, she was startled. "Oh, Espio!" Salley turned off her radio and

turned back to me. "I didn't see you there."

"Sorry," I said. "I didn't mean to startle you. Do you mind if I sit with you?"

"No, go ahead."

I sat down beside her. "Salley, you have a very beautiful voice. I must say that."

Salley blushed. "Oh, thanks." Salley hesitated for a few seconds. "I don't normally

do it a lot."

"Why? You sound really good."

"W-well, you see…besides a ninja, I want to be a famous singer. However, it's a little

awkward 'cause most ninjas don't sing. Another reason, I get stage fright so easily. I usually do it when

I'm alone or in front a few friends. But when it comes to over a thousand people--" Salley gagged. "—I

get so scared that I suddenly freeze or feel like I have to throw up."

"Don't worry about it. You'll get used to it, sooner or later."

"You think so?"

I smiled at Salley. "I know so."

Salley smiled back at me. Then we looked away at each other for a few seconds.

"Espio?" Salley broke the silence.

I turned to the cat-girl, who was still looking away from me. "Hmm?"

Salley sighed. "I have a confession to make." Salley turned to me. "The truth is, I

didn't really take this job because I needed one."

"Then, why did you take it?"

Salley was hesitant for a couple of seconds. "Because I wanted to spend more time

with you."

I was surprised. "What?"

"Well, I haven't really seen you for a few days and yet…I missed you a lot. I couldn't

stop thinking about you. Then, I read a piece of newspaper with an ad of the Chaotix Detective Agency

on it. When you told me that you worked here, I knew I would find you. And I kept begging for my

parents to get an application until they finally got me to shut up. So yeah, I lied about everything just so I

could be with you again."

I couldn't believe what Salley just said. "You did all that for me?"

Salley sighed. "Yes."

"Salley, I-I'm really surprised, but…what's the real reason why?"

Salley looked nervous. "I…uh…" Salley went silent and then took a deep breath.

"I have a crush on you, but I was too nervous to tell you because I thought you didn't feel the same

way about me. Plus, it's weird since you're my mentor and I'm your apprentice. It's sort of been

happening since you've been giving me ninja training. I also wasn't sure to tell you straight up or to wait a

little while." Salley panted a little bit because she was talking too fast. She looked down to the ground.

"Okay, I said it. Just promise that this won't ruin our friendship."

I put my hand on Salley's shoulder and she looked at me. I smiled at her and I

chuckled a little bit too.

She looked confused. "Why are you smiling for?"

"You know, Salley. This may seem a little odd, but I kind of feel the same way about


Salley was hesitant. "Y-you do?"

"Of course." I stroked Salley's cheek. "I think you're a beautiful girl, Salley. You're

also very kind, sweet, and talented. And that's what I like about you." I kissed Salley on the cheek.

"Besides, remember when you that wolf was about to kill you and I nearly cracked my horn open to save


Salley nodded.

"That's because I care about you and I don't want anyone to harm you."

Salley's were filled with tears, but she was also smiling. "Espio, I never knew you

cared that much about me."

"I mean every word that I said."

"Thank you, Espio."

I smiled at Salley. "You're welcome." I wrapped my arms around Salley and hugged her.

She hugged me back.

Normal POV

Vector and Charmy saw the two teenagers hug each other.

"I knew it!" exclaimed Vector. "I knew Sal was going to admit to Espio that she likes

him." Vector held out his hand to Charmy. "Looks like you owe me five bucks." Charmy groaned and

gave Vector the money. The crocodile wriggled it with his fingers, for he loves money.

"But the question is," said Charmy, "will it last? I'm betting half of my comic book

collection that they're going to break up soon."

"Oh, don't even think about it, Charmy!"

While the two detectives were talking, Salley let go of Espio after they're long hug.

"You promise one day you'll take me out on a date?" asked Salley.

"I'll see what I can do," Espio replied. Suddenly, Salley tackled on Espio and began

to tickle him. He laughed hysterically. Then, he pushed Salley off of him and gave her a noogie on the

head. Then they chased each other around the house and laughed. They did that for the rest of the day.

The End