The Note from the Interviewer

The Note from the Interviewer

Hi, I'm the author of this story, and I must conclude all the drama is caused by only me. It all has to do with past passions and truths that came from past lies. I must also say that if it weren't for "Teen Fairy Magazine" we probably wouldn't have this problem, but of course, that isn't the point. I just thought this would clarify things so you know the truth about the lives of the Red Fountain Boys and what comes from this is so far beyond my comprehension. I must learn to take things on day at a time.

It all started one Monday evening when I was finishing a fashion article I was writing. My boss Jared (Sound familiar? He took over Teen Fairy about a year ago. He's the best editor they had ever had. I'm new here as well.) came into my office. He handed me a piece of paper.

"What's this?" I asked looking at it. It was a list of names of boys who went to Rd Fountain while I was a student at Alfea. These people certainly weren't old friends of Jared according to my knowledge,

"Your assignment," Jared said, "I want you to interview them for the magazine since there is so much news on Alfea's new programs and Red Fountain's summer camps for young ones. I thought you should interview the top of the class. You earned this."

"Yes sir," I felt my voice stutter. The appointments for the men's interviews were already arranged and first one to be questioned was Sky the prince of Ekraylion. And so, the story begins with talking to the blonde prince.

-Delilah York