Five adults stood around in a circle, each one so different form the other, all of the unique

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans.


Five adults stood around in a circle, each one so different form the other, yet, all of them unique. No one was saying anything, just relishing the last few moment of each other's company. They would be leaving soon, gone within the hour.

"So this is it. . .?" the voice didn't hold the type of commanding power that it normally did, it was uncertain, trailing off at the end. The words came from the mouth of a boy about 22 now. His clothing red, green, and yellow. A traffic light some liked to say, and people where right. Traffic lights stop accidents from happening, they stop people from getting hurt. Yet some do go through them, but they are always brought around. He was the leader of the group, a traffic light, telling them all when it was safe to move, and keeping personalities from clashing, though sometimes they ran a traffic light. The leader looked around at each member of his group, pardon me, what had been his group.

"Yet we will always remain the B of Fs, correct?" The voice was innocent, slightly hopeful, and naive, but not as naive as it once had been before. She had come from another planet, one well outside our solar system. Her bright red hair hung down, her dainty little feet stayed on the ground. This wasn't a happy time for her; it was no time of joyfulness. She was 21 now, but still slipped up her words, when she was down, or too excited. She was dubbed by almost everyone, the peacebringer, by a twist of fate. For when she had first come to this planet, she had fought them all, but really turned out to be gentle, keeping them all together.

"Well, best friends for most of us. Now Bird Brain is a different type of BF for you," the voice came out rather squeaky and high pitched, but not quite as it had once been when he had first joined the team. His choice of words where suppose to be funny, and under normal circumstances, he might of gotten a few laughs for his effort, maybe even a blushing traffic light. But no one laughed, they didn't even look at amused. It was his role in the team, well not a team now, to be the comic relief person. It was an unsaid thing that they took for granted from the 20 year old. Yet he wasn't really that funny at all, well only when he wasn't trying to be was he funny.

"Dude, this ain't the time for jokes," the statement came out rather harsh for the metal man, but then this was a hard time for him. He had always been the big brother to everyone. Looking out for the group making sure that nothing happened to his adopted siblings. He was the oldest in the group, now 24, and fit the part that he had played for the team quite nicely. He had always known what to say, when to say it, to make everyone relax, but at this point he couldn't think of anything that would make the room untense.

"Bye," the one word sentence broke through everyone's little remises of the memories. It was spoken in monotone, devoured of all emotion. The word its self was so simple and straight forward, no hidden messages, no double edge, like it normally would from the empathy in the dark blue cloak. She was the dark one, the mysterious one, the sarcastic one. Some how she was the one who could always keep a level head, and bring things back to the main point, even if other people wanted to go off down a different path. A talent that wasn't always appreciated. The 19 year old looked around quickly at her four friends. She knew despite what her innocent friend had said, they wouldn't be able to remain BFs. Closing her eyes on her friends for what she figured would be the last time, she found her shadow, resting inside her peacefully. Twisting it around herself, like a child would wrap its self in their favorite blanket, she sank through the floor, leaving the room, the tower forever.

The others looked silently at where she had been, only moments before, a small bye on everyone's lips. The peacebringer of the group somehow found a joy that was enough to send her flying with happiness. She waved goodbye to her friends in the retreating tower behind her. The memory of the five of them together, kept her aloft, kept her going.

The traffic light waved goodbye to his two friends that where left. They waved half heartily back.

The two people left in the room watched their former leader leave the room. The grass stain turned to look out the window. The sun was ending its setting over the city. It was slightly ironic to him, they where leaving when the sun was disappearing. The changling jumped a little when a metallic hand was placed on his green shoulder, startling him out of his thoughts.

"You're never going to see her again, you need to move on." It was probably the last piece of brotherly advice that the cyborg would give to his friend.

His friend just nodded, moving away from the comforting hand, he walked closer to the big window that spanned across the room. "It isn't easy you know." he paused for a second, glancing back at his half human- half machine friend, "Moving on that is."

The cyborg nodded, "I know." The grass-stain morphed into an eagle and soared away, the air lifting him up into the heavens. The last remaining member looked around at all the rooms, to lock them up. They where all clean, stripped of anything that would ever say that their owners would come back. The half man half machine, left. The tower was locked up, no one could get in, except the original five Teen Titans. He didn't believe that any of his friends would come back. But he left it open for them, just in case. But they where gone, they had all left to go their separate ways. The original Teen Titans where gone, off to live normal lives that had been taken from them for whatever reasons.