Always One

Chapter 1: Introduction

Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns Twilight and all of it's characters.

Cold hands brushing against my cheek made me alert and awake. This was my favorite way of waking up, with my own personal angel next to me.

"Good morning." Edward said.

"Morning." I responded, hoping my breath wasn't that pungent.

I pressed my lips to his cheek and went to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and took a shower. I put on fresh clothes and brushed my hair. I came out.

"Ready?" he asked, sitting in my rocking chair. He looked so perfect without even trying.

"Almost." I went downstairs and picked up a granola bar and my bag. Charlie had already left.

He took my hand and led me outside of the house and into his Volvo. The door was opened for me and I climbed inside.

We talked for the ride but when we reached the school I saw Alice, Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper waiting for us. When we got out of the car I saw a familiar look run across Alice's face.

I saw Edward tense and squeeze my hand. Alice was having a vision and Edward was seeing it too.

When she stopped Edward asked, "How long?"

"One minute." She responded.

I couldn't take this anymore. "What is wrong? What's happening?" I anxiously asked.

"Bella, there's another vampire coven in Forks."

My mouth opened but words couldn't come out. So many thoughts and questions were going around in my head. Who Why? Were the vegetarians? Do you know them? I voiced my questions.

Alice answered, "We are not sure yet."

I shuddered. This could be a big problem. All of my other interactions with vampires other than the Cullens did not turn out well at all.

Edward's arms wrapped around me. "Don't worry." He whispered in my ear, as if he was reading my mind.

At that moment, one car pulled up and four stunningly beautiful people steeped out. We stared at them and they stared back. Their gazes also flickered to Edward's lips at my ear assuring me that everything would be okay. I was looked at strangely for a second before their eyes were off of my face.

They started to approach the school walking past the Cullens. I squirmed as one practically touched me and I could swear that I heard a laugh.

Edward and I were very early going into English class. Mrs. Maudlin greeted us kindly. "Welcome to the first day of your senior year. Please take the seats with your names on them."

I started to gravitate around the room looking for the name, "Isabella Swan."

"Isabella Swan," someone said.

My head turned to the voice it was one of the new vampires. "Your name is right here," he said, motioning to the seat next to him.

My mouth fell open and my head snapped around to look at Edward. What was I supposed to do?

The vampire sensed my distress and said, "Don't worry, I don't bite." He winked and my face turned red.

Edward spoke to Miss Maudlin in his extremely charming voice. "Surely I could switch seats with Adam."

Adam. That must've been what his name was.

She put on a softer face but shook her head. "I'm sorry Mister Cullen but I am not changing the seating charts." Edward's charm didn't affect her in the desired way.

She turned and started writing on the blackboard. As I stood, not sure of what to do Edward approached Adam and spoke in a low, fast, voice that I could not understand.

He then came back to me and pulled me into a tight embrace. I didn't want to let go but I had to. "It's safe." He whispered in my ear.

I nodded and sat in my seat. I quickly took my notebooks out and proceeded to write my name on a page. I felt Adam's eyes on my face and I stole a glance at him and was transfixed. He smiled as I registered his face. His square jaw and perfectly proportioned face made him handsome. But I didn't care about that, what I cared about was that his eyes were golden; the mark of vegetarian vampires.

"I'm Adam." He said with his hand sticking out and a smile on his face.

"Bella." I responded, and shook his hand. I was so relieved that I was not in his diet. He seemed harmless enough. His smile was infectious, and I couldn't help smiling back.

My first fanfic. Please review and give constructive critiscm. Thanks. :)