

Chapter 1

Hey! I'm back! And this time with a full story instead of little oneshots. Well I got this idea for this fanfic from The City of Ember, which is another book that I read for school. I didn't take the whole story, I just took my idea from that book. But it will still be ALL MR characters and I won't add characters from other books, from my imagination maybe. Well I hope you enjoy. Oh and I think I'll update twice a week… maybe more if I feel up to it. Reviews and PM's help me write though ;) hint hint

Disclaimer: I do not own Maximum Ride, James Patterson is the man who came up with this great idea. This is fanfiction, and something that I came up with using Patterson's books.

Bold Me

Normal Normal story

Italics Voice

"Nudge honey please go to bed already, I know you're excited we aren't going to that school… but your talking is giving me a headache." I rubbed my hands over my eyes and tried to tune Nudge out. I looked around the room and saw Total trying to talk to Akila, who has warmed up to him since the hurricane incident. Fang was pinching the bridge of his nose while reading something on his blog, Iggy and Gazzy were in a corner of the room with their backs turned to me, no doubt making bombs but I was too tired to even say something… and Angel was. Wait a second, where was Angel? That's when I heard the shower running in the bathroom and realized she was just in there. Some might call that paranoia but I call that my life. Moonlight streamed in through the window and onto the floor. I stared at it transfixed trying to figure out what I was going to do next.

Next thing I know Fang is standing in front of me waving his hand in my face "Earth to Max! Did you hear me? The rest of the flock just went to bed, come on you need to get some sleep too." I looked around and sure enough the flock was sprawled out on beds and across the floor.

"Oh sorry, I was just thinking," I told Fang before I stood up and walked towards the bathroom to go brush my teeth. I could just barely hear him mumble something under his breath before I left the room. I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself. My eye was still a little dark from when I got a black eye back in our last battle. Barely noticeable but still there. Angel was already recovered with our fast healing. Her bone healed itself before my black eye could even disappear completely. I guess the older we get the less "efficient" we become. Maybe this has something to do with our expiration dates… Or maybe all this stress is just starting to take it's toll on me.

I reached over and turned on the facet to wash my face and brush my teeth. My skin was pretty clear, no scratches anymore and I never did get acne. I guess that's another superhuman thing about us. I turned the water off and patted my face dry with a towel. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, held it and slowly exhaled. I have no idea what's going to happen now. This leader thing really can suck sometimes… but maybe my right hand man, my second in command could help me with that. It's times like these that I'm so happy that Fang came back and that we'll never split up again. I hated, HATED it when we were apart. But I'm not going to admit that.

When I walked back into the main room where we were all sleeping I saw that all the space was taken up except for an area just barely large enough for two people to sleep. Hmmm I guess I know what spot on the floor I'm getting tonight. Fang had already set up two pillows and some blankets on the floor. As soon as I exited the bathroom Fang walked right past me and into the bathroom without saying a word. Hmmm what's up with him? (Hmm maybe Fang is PMSing lol) I crawled in between the covers and plumped my pillow, closing my eyes. I heard the bathroom door open and close. I could barely hear Fang walk across the room, he was always quiet, like a shadow. I heard him lay down beside me and I laid there listening to his breathing.

I heard a slight rustle as he turned around, towards me I think, and his breath caught. I wanted to open my eyes and see what made him gasp but I thought it was better to just fake sleep. I made sure to keep my breathing even. I heard Fang start to breathe normally again and turn around his back just barely touching mind. I just listened to his breathing for a long time, until it slowed and I realized he was finally asleep. I then fell asleep to the sound of Fang breathing.

I was going to keep writing, but I decided that I would just start a new chapter and get this posted to see what people think. Yup it's short, but I have never written a long chapter and I never will. I think my most was like 2000 words and that's it. I know it sounds sort of like my other story, but I actually have a plot planned. Though I don't know exactly how this will be. I'm going to follow an outline loosely. I like to add random stuff in and not just have it jam packed and rushed. Sooo tell me what you think

Much love
