Say it Again.

Ahh…Pizza. It was about the only thing he had that really made any sense anymore. Dante loved this particular food. It was complex, but it never asked you to call it the next morning; hot, but just as good cold. Dante snatched a bite of the tomato sauce covered slice and licked a spot of it from his lower lip with a faint sigh. Such bliss in such a small item should not be possible, but this was the way that all days needed to start. Dante knew that he was up at all hours of the night, currently, it was almost three AM. But unlike any tavern whore, pizza was always around. Kicking his feet up on the desk of the main office of the shop, the son of Sparda bit into the slice again and looked around him for any signs of life, not that he expected to find any.

A rustling sound reached his sensitive ears, and he looked to the left to see Nero padding around the corner, looking only about half awake. The elder half demon snorted back a laugh at the expression on his face and leaned his head back against the wall back behind the desk. Nero turned his head towards the other occupant of the room and looked at him blankly for a minute or two before padding over, and taking a bite of the pizza right out of Dante's hand. There was a drawn out moment of silence, and Dante's mouth dropped with the sheer disbelief that anyone would have the sheer gall to even try. Seeming unaffected by his reaction, Nero turned, looking around for something.

Dante continued to stare at him for the longest time afterwards, and he set the pizza down on the desk in an attempt to figure out what to do about this. Nero yawned and picked up an abandoned bottle of water, taking a sip of it. It was a sip he did not get to finish, and the bottle was knocked from his hand as a large weight from behind tackled him to the scuffed hardwood floors. Nero cursed and writhed around, only to find a pair of hands twisting around his wrists, pinning them behind his back, his face pressed to the floor. "What were you thinking, asshole?!" Dante growled at him, tightening his grip, evoking a yelp from the smaller male beneath. Nero twisted again, which only served to tighten the hold again. "It's just pizza, Dante! Jesus!"

"My pizza, newbie!"

"How many times have I told you not to call me 'newbie'?!" Nero replied with a snarl. Dante snorted. "Until you show signs of not being a newbie, I will continue to call you a fucking newbie."


It was an excellent thing that the shop was empty…They'd have woken up every living soul had there been anyone else. Dante shifted, now straddling Nero, his face still pressed against the hardwood floor, just a little more forcefully.

"It's not like you even need the damn pizza, you're fat enough! You're crushing me!"

Dante growled at him again and shifted his hips, slamming them down onto Nero's back to evoke as much pain as humanly possible. Victory sounded in the whimpering noise Nero made, which he swiftly covered with a low hiss.

"Oww, fat ass." He said in a lamenting tone against the slightly stained floor. Dante knelt over him again, his hot breath flushing the back of his neck. "Say it again."

"Fat. Ass."

There was an eerie silence, and Nero silently cursed himself for being thickheaded enough to run his mouth. Darwinism dictated that this was not going to end in Nero's favor…and he was dumb enough to test it.