Chapter two- A normal nightly happening

I woke up to the sound of my door opening softly. I heard a little voice call out," Darry you still awake?"

I smiled in spite of it being three in the morning. "Ya, Pony, I'm awake."

Pony made his way to my bedside in a flash. I lifted him to my bed and kissed his messy brown hair. "Want to tell me what's wrong baby?" I said soothingly. He clung to me.

"I want mommy and daddy to come back. My heart hurts Darry. It hurts something badly."

I hugged Ponyboy close to me as he shook with soundless sobs. "Oh, Pony baby its ok. I know it hurts, trust me everything does get better I promise."

"When, when does it get better Darry?" Pony questioned me with such urgency.

I opened my mouth then paused. When did it get better?

"I don't know Ponyboy, I'm sure it takes some time. Just give it some time honey."

He shook harder whispering." I still want mommy Darry."

I knew what the little thing meant. I wanted my parents to tell me how I was doing with the boys. I wanted to know how my parents thought the boys were doing after their death. I didn't know what to say so I just held him close to me. We soon drifted off to sleep.