This is my first FanFic I hope you like it, yes I know everyone says that sticks out tongue. Please review if you like it don't like it whatever I just want to know if I'm wasting my time...

Now for the beloved drill:

Disclaimer: I gingeralejunkie do not own Twilight sad yes... BUT I do my almost un-healthy addiction to Ginger Ale (UserID duh!) and bad spelling issues!

Chapter One-Lost Love


It has been fifty years since I left my one and only love.

Fifty years since I hid the CD I made for her, the pictures she took of me, and everything that would cause her more pain. Fifty years since I had seen my Bella blush her wonderful blush. Fifty years since I had heard her complain about my driving speed. Fifty years since I watched her sleep. Fifty years since I told her I didn't love her. Fifty years since I kissed her full beautiful lips. Fifty years since I broke my heart in two, leaving nothing but two broken parts of my heart that could only be stitched up by my Bella.

A year later, I caught my family having a family meeting without me. They were discussing Bella's…death…and were deciding how to break it to me. I tried to run that night to the Volturi, so that they could "kill" me to end my poor sad existence of living, but Alice foresaw it of course. I got locked in the basement until I agreed not to go. Instead, I chose to lie in my room with the blinds closed, holding myself in a tight ball to try to keep the pain away, and only leaving to hunt. I only hunted at night and by myself, so that I didn't have to deal with the worried looks of my family, and to keep myself from feeling warm. I didn't deserve it…

Everyone, even Rosalie, was depressed about Bella's death. The house seemed more like a vampire family's home for a while. No talking, just sad looks and depression filling the air. No stupid jokes from Emmett, and no bouncy Alice wanting to go shopping every second of the day. Jasper could barely stay in the house from all the depression. Esme being her worried mother self, and Carlisle hating to see his family like this. But I ignored it all, staying in my room and curling up into a tiny ball.

Nothing mattered to me. I didn't have my angel, my savior. All I had were memories. Ones that always went back to the day I stupidly left, to the day I found out she was dead. Knowing if I was there, I could have saved her was so painful…

"Edward, get up!" Alice came flying through the locked door, breaking it off of the hinges. Esme wasn't going to be too pleased.

"Alice, go away." My voice was muffled from my mouth being held up against my legs.

"Edward, I said get up. The whole family is going on a family vacation. Ever since Bella died…" before she could finish her sentence, I leaped at her.

"Don't ever say that again!" I yelled, I got ready to throw a punch, only to be stopped by a bone-breaking hand. It was Jasper.

He threw me against the wall, causing my body to dent it, and went to help Alice up.

I almost hit Alice. I thought, horrified. I'm a monster! I yelled at myself.

"Edward, I can't believe you were going to hit Alice!" Jasper yelled at me.

By now, Rosalie was checking to see if Alice was okay, and Emmett was sending glares at me from the doorway with Esme and Carlisle. Esme's eyes filled with complete and total pain, staring at me. Those eyes went from Alice, who was standing up, to me getting up from the wall, to the huge dent in her house wall. Carlisle's face was masked and blocking his thoughts from me.

"Jasper, it's okay. Edward, I'm sorry for bringing up Bella," my hands clenched at the name, "but you are a ghost, and it's breaking us all apart. Would you please, for your family, come on the vacation with us? Bella wouldn't want you to be like this. You may deny it as much as you like, but you know it's true. Now please, will you go?" Alice's eyes filled with hope.

Please Edward, I hate seeing you like this, Esme thought to me.

Edward is such a jerk: he hurt Alice! Oh crap, he heard me. Sorry bro. Emmett thought.

Edward, I know I'm the last person to give this advice, but get over yourself, and go with us. Rosalie said, staring at me now that Alice was up.

Jasper was still mad at me, masking his thoughts.

Please, Edward. Alice thought.

"Fine. Sorry Alice." I said, staring into her eyes.

After five minutes of super speed packing, we were speeding our way to the airport. I hadn't been outside in forever, other than for hunting…

"Dr. Cullen, checking in for four rooms." Carlisle said to the man at the front desk.

Alice had gone all out for this trip. We flew first class (of course) and were picked up by a limo to be taken to The Plaza. We would be spending three weeks there, just relaxing and clubbing. Not so much clubbing for Esme, Carlisle, and hopefully me, but I knew the last one was never going to happen. Alice would want me "out there" and talking to human beings. The thought of me clubbing without helping my Bella from tripping as we danced, jerked my heart strings a bit.

"Cullen. Ah, here we are. These are the keys the hotel offers…" I blocked out the rest. I really didn't' care.

"Here are your keys. Alice, do you have any special plans?" Carlisle asked, as he handed us our key cards.

"Yes!" Alice squealed. "There is this major fashion show going on tonight. I mean, it's the biggest one of the year, and I got us backstage tickets! We get to meet the models and see all the clothes!" Alice was jumping by now.

Rosalie and Esme grew big grins. Emmett started to groan, until Rosalie knocked his head, and Jasper, living to please Alice, just gave her a grin.

God, this is going to suck. He thought to me.

Stifling a laugh, I started to the elevator. I wasn't pleased that we would be going to a fashion show, but at least the girls would be too wrapped up in it to bug me.

The suite was nice. It had two levels. All the walls were painted a tan/yellow color that was meant to be warm and inviting. It had a kitchen, dining room, four bedrooms all upstairs, four bathrooms connecting to the rooms, and one extra, a spiral stair case leading upstairs, TV's in all the bedrooms, and one really big plasma TV in the living room. The living room was filled with chocolate-brown furniture, and the rest of the house had wooden furniture with green covers. All the rooms had different looks.

Rosalie and Emmett immediately claimed a room with dark wash wooden furniture, red walls, and red coverings. It was like a small version of the wedding suite, and after a few seconds no one would try to fight them for it. Alice and Jasper opted for the room with the biggest closet space for all of Alice's clothes. Their room was white and black, very modern looking. Esme and Carlisle chose the more antique-looking room with a spring green color theme. I got last pick with the biggest bathroom. It was painted blue and silver strips with a blue comforter embroidered with silver thread. It was very shiny.

After everyone had unpacked and changed into nice clothes for the fashion show, we all met in the living room. Emmett and Rosalie both had stupid grins on their faces, their hair tousled.

"Okay, to the show!" Alice led the way.

We got to the show four hours early so that the girls could look around beforehand.

"Hello, I'm Calvin. Are you the Cullen family?" a guy approached us as we got past the guards, Alice flashing our tickets to them.

"Yes, we are. I'm Alice, this is my boyfriend Jasper, my mom Esme, dad Carlisle, brother Emmett, sister Rosalie, and the sulking guy over there is Edward." Alice spoke up for us. I sent her thanks a lot glare.

Calvin shook all of our hands, his eyes gazing a little too long at me when he shook my hand.

Congrats, Edward, you have a new boyfriend. Emmett thought to me.

"Here are your passes. Don't lose them or take them off. They allow you to go everywhere here. I'll show you around the place. You'll get to look and try on some of the clothes, visit the make-up room, and talk to some models. Now, if you'll follow me, we'll start in the clothes department. I have a friend, his name is Philippe, and can do wonders with someone's body, though you guys are too cute to need his work." His gaze again turning to me.

Now that's one chunk of man I'm willing to bite…Calvin thought.

I'm sure Philippe is more than a friend. Emmet joked. Hitting him on the arm, I continued forward.

"That hurt." Emmet hissed at me.

Right then, the scent of freesia hit me. Bella? I turned around, startling my family, to see a model enter the room and coming up to us to talk with Calvin. She had long, silky-looking brown hair flowing down her back. The upper part was held with one of those claw-looking clips. She also had a perfect model body, and was about 5 foot 4 inches tall. She wore a pair of skinny jeans, a plain red t-shirt, and red flips-flops.

"Izzy, darling, how are you!" Calvin said, giving her side-kisses. "You are a lucky bunch. Izzy here is one of the top models around. She can pull of anything. Darling Izzy, what gives me the honor of being in your presence?" Calvin said, dramatically bowing to Izzy. There's something familiar about her, I thought.

"Brooke and Katie are fighting again." Izzy said, like it was nothing and it happened all the time. It probably did.

"Right, sorry. I'll send Henry to take care of you guys till I'm done. Until then, Izzy?" he looked at her with puppy eyes.

"Go. I can take care of them." Calvin was gone in a flash.

"Hi, I'm…" before Alice could introduce herself, Izzy started to speak.

"Alice, and you're Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, Esme, Carlisle, and last, but not least, you're Edward." She said, pointing at each of us.

"How do you know our names?" Alice asked, once she regained her composure.

"Isabella Marie Swan Landon!" a voice called as she turned her head.

It was my Bella…

Well thanks for reading Review Please!