Disclaimer: I own nothing. Zip, zero, zilch. Twilight and all its characters belong to the wonderful Stephenie Meyer. The song Miss Invisible belongs to the wonderful Marie Digby. Look her up on ...

Summary: Bella is a shy, unpopular girl with a broken family and an abusive, alcoholic father. Then, one day the Cullens move to Forks. Bella knows that none of them will ever pay attention to her. But Bella is rather confused when they not only ignore her, but everyone. She is quite intrigued by these extremely beautiful people. Especially Edward. He is gorgeous but turns down every other girl in school. Bella knows that she doesn't have a chance with him. But when Bella's is in danger, it's Edward who saves her, and her life does a complete 180. Based partially on the song "Miss Invisible" By Marie Digby.

"Theres a girl
Who sits under the bleachers
Just another day eating alone
And though she smiles
There is something she's hiding
And she cant find a way to relate
She just goes unnoticed
As the crowd passes by
And she'll pretend to be busy
When inside she just wants to cry
She'll say...


Take a little look at the life of Miss Always Invisible
Look a little closer, I really really want you to put yourself in her shoes
Take another look at the face of Miss Always Invisible
Look a little harder and maybe then you will see why she waits for the day
When you'll ask her her name

In the beginning, in the first weeks of class
She did everything to try and fit in
But the others they couldnt seem to get past all the things that mismatched on the surface
And she would close her eyes when they laughed and she fell down the stairs
And the more that they joked
And the more that they screamed
She retreated to where she is now
And she'll sing...


Take a little look at the life of Miss Always Invisible
Look a little harder I really really want you to put yourself in her shoes
Take a little look at the face of Miss Always Invisible
Look a little closer and maybe then you will see why she waits for the day that you will ask her...her name

And one day just the same as the last
Just the days spent in counting the time
Came a boy who sat under the bleachers just a little bit further behind..."

Author's note: I love Charlie to death and I hate that he has to be the bad guy but please give this story a chance. :

Miss Invisible:


Tuesday; just a normal day, I woke up early to get ready for school, got in the shower, said good morning and goodbye to Charlie, ate breakfast, got in my ancient truck, and drove to school. I sat in the back of all of my classes and took notes like a good student. I stopped at my locker on my way to lunch and grabbed the lunch I had made this morning, before going to sit at my usual table in the back of the cafeteria. Alone, like always. I watched everything going on in the cafeteria and longed to be part of it. Jessica was flirting with Mike again. Angela and Eric were laughing at something Ben had said. Tyler was trying to ignore Lauren's attempts at flirting. Just another normal, uneventful day. Before I knew it, it was time to go home. I cooked dinner, did my homework, sent an e-mail to Renee, and went to bed. A day in the life of Miss Invisible.

My name is Bella Swan. I'm a junior at Forks High School. I have lived in Forks, Washington my entire life. You see, when I was about a year or so old, my mom, Renee, walked out on my dad, Charlie and me. I still see her, in fact, I visit her in Phoenix every summer. Or at least I used to until she married my stepdad, Phil. Now, they live in Florida. When my mom left my dad, he started drinking. As long as I can remember, he's been an alcoholic. I try to stay out of his way as much as possible and I make sure to do everything I can to help out around the house. It's my duty in life. I cook and clean and go to school. As long as I do what I'm supposed to and stay out of Charlie's way, life is pretty bearable. But when I slip up, the consquences can be severe. I try my best to hide these "consequences". People usually don't ask. Usually they don't notice. Miss Invisible, remember? When people do notice, they just chalk it up to my being a clutz. Life isn't too exciting here in Forks, especially when you are invisible like I am. But little did I know, my life, was about to get a lot more interesting.

Author's note: Like it? Hate it? Let me know if you think I should continue. :

I'm sorry I haven't added a new chapter to Music Appreciation yet. My life has been kinda hectic. State Acrobatic Gymnastics Meet this weekend and school ending on wednesday and today was NOT the best of days so I've been in a pretty depressed mood all day today. But I'll try to update this and music appreciation this weekend. Thanks for bearing with me.