Ta da! The final chapter! ^^


As Masaya reached Ichigo her face lit up and her eyes were wide with happiness, Masaya paused in his stride for a second confused but then smiled and walked forward till he reached her.

"Hi Ichigo." He said, "What are you doing around here?"

Ichigo smiled, "Looking for you!"

"Me? But why—"

He was cut off as Ichigo jumped up and kissed him on the lips whilst placing her hands on his shoulders, Masaya paused and pulled away shocked.

"Ichigo?!" he gasped.

Ichigo smiled at him, "I love you Masaya."

Masaya stood dumbfounded, what the hell was this!?

Ichigo frowned, "You don't love me back?"

Masaya shook his head, "It's not that… this is just a bit sudden."

Ichigo smiled, "Oh well if you don't want to do it here we can go there." She said pointing her finger to someplace to her right.

Masaya followed the direction of her finger to see her pointing at a love hotel, his eyes widened and he pulled Ichigo's hands from his shoulders and looked down at her.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course." Ichigo replied with a smile.

Masaya gulped, "I know we're going out but… I'm not so sure this is a good idea."

Ichigo frowned, "Fine then I'll go get somebody else."

Confusion swept Masaya until Ichigo darted away and ran to a boy a few years older than her, he watched puzzled until Ichigo grabbed the boy's arm and pulled him in the direction of the love hotel.

"Whoah, Ichigo!" he yelled running forward.

Ichigo looked up at him, "What?"

Masaya looked at the boy who had an equal shocked expression, "Look I'm gonna go…" the boy said unsurely before turning and running off.

Ichigo sighed and looking at Masaya sent him a wink with a flirty look, "Bye!" she cried before turning and running away.

Masaya stood rooted to the spot, What… the hell?


Kisshu flew high in the sky scoping the area, the clouds gave him some cover but it also blinded his vision slightly.

Where is she!?

Suddenly he spotted a pink head, glancing towards it he spotted Ichigo running down a street.


Suddenly a hand grabbed him before he could fly down; looking behind him he saw Pai and Taruto.

"P-Pai?" he gasped.

Pai narrowed his eyes, "What on earth have you done!"


The mews along with Ryou and Keiichiro ran along the street, as they were passing Mint suddenly spotted Masaya up ahead.

"He might have seen her!" Mint cried running up to him, "Oi!"

Masaya looked up.

"Where's Ichigo? We're looking for her!"

Masaya blinked, "Well last I saw her she was heading in the direction of the town but—"

"Thanks!" Ryou cried before they all ran off.

Masaya stood confused before turning around and shouting after them, "What the hell is going on!?"


Kisshu growled, "This'll have to wait, I'm going down!"

Before Pai could protest Kisshu teleported down to see Ichigo glancing around at a corner.

"Ichigo!" he yelled.

Ichigo stopped and turned around, "Kisshu!" she cried happily.

Running towards him Kisshu opened his mouth to speak however Ichigo suddenly gripped his arm and pulled him into a nearby alley.

The next thing he knew she had pinned him to the wall by his shoulder's and was kissing, licking, and nipping him on the neck playfully.

Kisshu stood frozen, this was a turn around….

Suddenly his promise echoed in his mind and he gently pushed her away, "I can't…"

Ichigo frowned, "Why not?" she whined.

Kisshu sighed, "I promised you I wouldn't touch you that way."

Ichigo shrugged, "So I give you permission to break it."

Kisshu sighed, "Ichigo—"

He was once again cut off as Ichigo pressed her lips to his, Kisshu instantly forgot all his promises and smiled into the kiss. Placing his arms around Ichigo's waist he pulled her into him, Ichigo seemed happy with this and instantly wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him more forecfully. Kisshu opened his mouth and the two began to play with each other's tongues, Kisshu gently began to ease his hand up the front of her shirt when a loud voice bellowed.


Kisshu pulled away and turned to see Pai and Taruto stood in the entrance, Pai placed a hand over Taruto's eyes and yelled, "Don't tell me you used the love potion again!"

"Pai?" Ichigo murmurred, she suddenly unlocked herself from Kish's grasp and stood on the ground turning towards him.

Pai looked at her, "What is… oh no." he muttered.


As the other group ran down the street they suddenly heard a loud yell from a familiar voice which belonged ot Kisshu.

"Kisshu." Lettuce murmured.

Running to where they heard it from they turned into an alleyway only for their mouths to drop to their floor and their eyes pop.

"What…" Zakuro began.

"The…" Ryou added.

"HELL!" Mint finished.

There in the alleyway was Ichigo on top of Pai who was laid on the floor being forcefully kissed by Ichigo.

Pai who was too shocked to teleport sat frozen.

"No!" Kisshu yelled pulling Ichigo and finally bringing her off.

Zakuro quickly ran forward and held Ichigo's hands behind her back, "Okay everyone, relax."

"Come on Pai…" Taruto said helping a traumatised Pai up with his arm under him for support, "It's all over…"

"What's with him?" Pudding asked gesturing to Kisshu who was huddled in a ball, "My beloved Ichigo…" he mumbled.

Ryou shook his head, "Forget that! How the hell do we get Ichigo back to normal!"

Mint kicked Kisshu on the floor who jolted and slowly sat up, "I don't know…" he mumbled, "The first time it just wore off."

"You mean we have to wait?" Pudding asked.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Everyone jumped in surprise at the voice and turning their head saw a woman stood in the entrance of the alley.

"Hey you're the old lady who sold me the potion!" Kisshu yelled.

"Old woman…" Scarlet muttered with an angry look before quickly composing herself and smiling, "Yes I am and I warned you Kisshu of what would happen but you failed to listen."

"Can you get her back to normal?" Lettuce asked.

Scarlet walked forward so she was stood in front of Ichigo who looked at Scarlet curiously, "Huh?" Ichigo asked.

Scarlet smiled and bringing her fingers in front of Ichigo snapped them, Ichigo's eyes went wide before shutting and she slumped forward. If it weren't for Zakuro holding her she would have fallen to the ground.

"Ichigo!" Lettuce yelled.

"Mmmm…" Ichigo mumbled, opening her eyes she looked around, "Huh?" glancing at Zakuro from Pai to Scarlet she asked, "What's going on?"

"Eh! You mean all we had to do was snap our god damn fingers!" Ryou yelled.

Scarlet nodded, "Of course I did tell Kish this but I guess he wasn't listening."

Everyone turned to glare at Kish who chuckled nervously, "Erm… oops?"

"What happened?" Ichigo asked.

Scarlet smiled, "It doesn't matter now Ichigo."

"Oh right i—huh? How'd you know my name?" Ichigo asked.

"Yeah and mine." Kisshu stated.

Scarlet smiled nervously, "I guess I've already spent enough time here, I should hurry or Shadow will get nervous."

"Who's Shadow?" Lettuce asked.

Mint shrugged, "Another OC maybe… in a future sequel?"

Scarlet took a step back, "I'll be going now." she said, "I've said too much..." she whispered.

Before anybody could stop her she stepped around the corner of the alley entrance, Mint ran after her however looking from side to side down the street said, "She's… gone."

Ichigo frowned, "Well somebody tell me what the hell happened!"

Kisshu stood up, "Erm… I'll let them explain. See you later kitten."

Kissing her on the cheek he teleported.

"Yeah bye!" Taruto said teleporting along with traumatised Pai.

"Huh… what?" Ichigo asked.

"All's well that ends well." Keiichiro said.

"Huh? You finally spoke!" Pudding cried.

"Yeah that's your first and only line in this chapter!" Mint stated.

Keiichiro opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.

"She said 'only' line so you don't say no more." Zakuro stated.

"Oh well, let's go back and eat cake!" Pudding yelled.

"All right."

"Sounds good."

With that the four mews, Ryou and Keiichiro exited the alleyway leaving a confused kitten.

"What?" she asked puzzled, "What kind of stupid ending is this! I demand a re-write! You hear me?! A REWRITE!"



Lol, I hear you Ichigo and rest your kitten head. When I can I'll include a sequel to this and that can be your rewrite.

Not as much Kiichigo as I hoped… Damn it! What kind of rubbish final chapter was this! For those of you who agree with me that I wrote a dumb chapter I may be include an extra chapter that is just a short Kiichigo story. I think I did too much comedy and not enough fluff.

Oh and Scarlet gave away the other unimportant OC… Shadow. Well see you round!