Chapter 20

The storm





Inuyasha paced in the middle of the large library and Kane scowled at him for disturbing her work.

"Mind taking that elsewhere Inuyasha?" She wondered as she gathered more herbs.

"It's almost night fall." Inuyasha stated.

Kane frowned, "Let your mate have her moment to say goodbye."

Without warning a spot in the middle of the room glowed bright blue and when it died down Kagome was sitting on a chair.

She instantly noticed Inuyasha and Kane. "Inuyasha, can you give me and Kane a moment to talk?"

Inuyasha was in mid-lip motion of an argument but when he heard the fear in Kagome's voice he left well alone. "I'll be with Sesshomaru." He stated and left.


Kagome looked at Kane with worried eyes. "You came to me in the future."

Kane paused in her task and looked at Kagome.

"You gave me this amulet," Kagome pointed to the small, silver moon amulet.

"What else did I say?" Kane wondered what her future self said.

Kagome bit her lip. "You told me what could have been if this battle changes…and that you had a vision of the battle."

Kane nodded, she couldn't deny the vision at this point.

"Kane, please, tell me…is one of us going to die?" Kagome asked desperately.

"Not if I'm still alive." Kane vowed, "I won't let the vision become permanent."

Kagome bowed her head in sorrow. "So one of us dies."

Kane sighed, she didn't want to reply to the question that was now a statement.

"Kagome, many bad things will happen as we try to get Ryu. But I promise you that none of us will die. If I have to summon the strongest spells my grandmother and mother taught me then so be it, but none of us will die." Kane replied.

Kagome's eyes showed her fear, it showed Kane that she wanted to believe those words but was too scared to.





Without warning a huge quake hit the castle and both Kagome and Kane rushed to the balcony to see what had happened.

Everything was in chaos. The castle's guards fought against demons who tried to get past the gate.

Off in the distance they both saw a figure with a sword in hand.




Sesshomaru seethed as he watched the beginnings of a battle start.

Next to him Inuyasha growled as he caught sight of Ryu.

Just as the gate began to crumble both brothers lost their self control and dove into the battle.



Shippo jumped as he heard a deep rumble. From his lookout point, he saw the massive army of demons. Behind him he heard Rin gasp in fear and hold the pups closer.



Kagome ran as fast as her legs would let her as she and Kane ran to the castle's grand hall.

"Kagome!" Sango called and waved her friend to come toward where she and Miroku were.

"What's going on?" Kagome asked in between pants.

"The gate fell. The whole castle grounds is a battle field." Miroku said and wrote another sutra to place on the door.

"Where's Inuyasha?" Kagome felt fear creep on her as she felt a sudden doom gloom over her.

"He and Sesshomaru are going after Ryu." Sango explained and saw the worry on Kagome's face.


Without warning the four heard a crash against the castle's grand front door.

Kane growled and summoned several spirits to protect her home.

"I'll set an anchor for a barrier. Go, your skills are needed in battle." Kane said as she started to write a spell with her youki.

Without a moment of hesitation Kagome nodded and followed one of the hallways to a different exit.

When Kane was sure Kagome and the others were out of sight, she bowed her head. 'Please let us win.' She prayed as the barrier formed.





Shippo watched the battle start from his perch. Rin stayed behind him and held the pups to contain her fear.

'We're out numbered…This isn't a battle, it's a massacre.' He thought in fear before he saw flashes of yellow light. 'Be careful Inuyasha, don't make me lose a father a second time.'




Inuyasha continued to release Wind Scar at the enemy with no control. The enemy out numbered them greatly. Compared to Naraku, Ryu's demon's were a thousand time more in number.

Even Sesshomaru was overwhelmed by the great number.

'This is bad, these demons are just attacking us in mobs to weaken us. By the time we reach Ryu we won't have the strength to fight.' Inuyasha growled and sliced another demon.







"Hear me oh great power of the ancients, I call on your power. Hear my plea, rise and protect this place as you once did." Kane chanted as her eyes did their best to avoid contact with the chaos around her.

Demon aura flooded the castle, running through the halls and encasing the castle.

Thick fog trapped the castle in a void, all demons who tried to enter only were transported to the other side of the castle. It appeared as if the castle wasn't there.

All enemies within the castle were transported outside. And thus, because of the mass confusion, were killed by their own allies.

"My lady, are you alright?" One of the dog guards asked Kane as she leaned against the wall for support.

"Don't mind me, aid the warriors outside." Kane replied and headed straight for a balcony. Already using her yoki to write another spell.

Once at the balcony, she saw Kanaye watching the battle- more so watching his men.

"You will not join?" He asked.

"I fight from afar, thus is the limit of my power." Kane replied and wrote the last symbol of the spell before releasing hell's fire on the enemy.

"Much is the same for the sky clan." He commented. "I wish to aid you."

Kane nodded in understanding. "Then help destroy the mobs."







"Go!" Kagome called and released an arrow full of both her demonic and spiritual power. With both powers combined Kagome, as was Sango and Miroku, was amazed at the damage. It was thousands times more powerful than before. Instantly all in the path were killed, and if the demon she was aiming for moved- the arrow followed the enemy's path.

"There they are!" Sango pointed to where she saw Inuyasha.

Kagome nodded in thanks. "Let me down here and go back and help Kane."

"Are you sure?" Miroku asked.

"I am," Kagome replied and released another arrow before taking a leap to land on the ground she cleared.

She lingered for a moment and watched as her friends headed back to the fog encased castle. 'Be safe," She prayed and unknowingly touched the amulet.

Instantly she heard Inuyasha's Wind Scar and headed toward it, shooting as many arrows on the way. Which was easy since her yoki made energy arrows in addition to the arrows in her quiver for when her yoki was low.


"Damn it all." Inuyasha cursed as he sliced another demon that tried to attack him from behind.

Sesshomaru scoffed and paused for a moment before attacking another demon. "These demons should be more frightened of your mouth than your sword brother."

"Shut up" Inuyasha growled and released another Wind Scar. He knew Sesshomaru was trying to help, seeing that the more angry he got the more damage his yoki did. But still, admitting to that was a kick to his pride.

While Inuyasha was composing himself for another attack a demon managed to sneak up behind him. 'Shit!' Was his thought as he tried to jump out of range.

Ever since Sesshomaru told him of Kane's vision he had been more careful in battle, sparing included, and took things in a more mindful setting rather than rush in.

Yet here he was, going back to old ways. And he had more than one life to think about.

Before the demon's attack hit, it evaporated.

Both brothers' were wide eyed as they saw Kagome, both just as thankful to have her help.


Except that Kagome's presence in the middle of a dangerous battle didn't sit well with Inuyasha's demon.

"Before you say anything, no I am NOT going to stay with Kane and protect the castle." Kagome poked Inuyasha in the chest when she saw a flash of red.

Before Inuyasha could say a word Kagome shot another arrow.

"Just stay out of trouble." Inuyasha replied, his voice a little rougher as his demon melded with him to fight.

Sesshomaru smirked as he saw Inuyasha handle his transformation smoothly, in secret the two of them worked on it. It was wonderful to see the end result of many painful hours of training.

With all sides of him in equal thought- Protect mate- Inuyasha had full control of his demon.

As the transformation ended a whirlwind touched the ground. When all settled, Ryu appeared.





Kane watched in fear when she felt Ryu's presence in the battle. The spell she was in the middle of writing was paused as she changed it into a far more powerful on.

"Come forth, Sky brothers." Kane summoned a storm, channeling her yoki into the clouds. Her very will was held in the bolts of lightening as it started striking the enemy.

'Please,' She begged fate, 'Please don't let the vision be true.'




Shippo stood still as he watched the battle. He was scared when Ryu appeared, only because that was when he felt several demonic auras in the air.

Rin sat on the floor, holding the pups tightly to her chest. More than anything she wanted to cry to release her fear. But she was even more afraid that the scent of tears would lure a demon to them.

The pups were just as scared, but stayed very still and very quiet.

"He's out there isn't he?" Rin whispered, her senses well aware of a strong presence on the battle field.

"Yes," Shippo replied and watched on in mild worry.

Rin bit her lip in worry, "Shippo…I'm scared." She admitted.

Shippo knelt down behind her and embraced her. "I know, and I think we all are."











Dark threatening eyes looked at the brothers. Ryu grinned evilly as he drew his sword.

Without any warning he lunged forward and started stabbing and slicing at Inuyasha and Sesshomaru without any control over his sword.


To be continued





Sorry for the lack of updates -.- I hate writing fighting scenes, it takes up so much time and I kept getting stuck. Final two chapters got finished in the cursed days of writer's block.

Count down until tear jerking final two chapters: three