Hey everyone! It's me with another House fic. What I have to say first is very important. The idea for this fic was inspired by Angel's Star story Ask a Pirate! Please go and read hers, because it is very funny and good. It's well worth the read, even if you don't like Pirates of the Caribbean (but I do find it hard to believe that someone out there doesn't like POTC).

The next thing is that this fic can only continue by you! What I mean is that you would leave a review asking a doctor a question. You can ask anything, as long as you're not flaming me. Right now I only have House, Cuddy, Wilson, Cameron, Chase and Foreman written in here, but if enough questions are asked for Kutner, 13, or Taub I will include them also.

And one more thing. I'm just a gal that is writing this for fun. Please don't come to me telling me I'm stupid. But I will take constuctive critism.

Alrighty, on with the fic!

Disclaimer: I don't own House. But one could wish...

Episode 1

(Cameras begin rolling as the theme song for Ask a Doctor begins playing. A girl with curly, short, brown hair comes skipping onto stage. She sits in a chair that sits in the middle with three chairs on each side. She makes a motion for the music to stop).

Revengent: Hello! I said hello! (Audience members answer back with "hello"). I am Revengent and I will be your host for Ask a Doctor!

(The audience claps)

Revengent: Now there are a couple things of business before we bring out the stars of the show.

Random audience member: Bring out Chase NOW!

Revengent: Err…he'll be out soon enough. Anyways…the idea for this was inspired by Angel's Star story Ask a Pirate! It is really awesome and if you ever want to read something to make you laugh, go and read Angel's fic. You'll be glad you did. So stop by and read and review! Next up is the fact that this totally depends on you, the reader to make this fic go further. This is only the pilot episode, but from now on, when you read, be sure to ask a question (or questions) for your favorite doctors (or not so favorite) to answer. So just ask the questions when you leave a review, and you will have your question answered on the next episode. And now, the stars of the show!

(House, Wilson, Cuddy, Cameron, Chase and Foreman come in from left stage. All look rather confused as to why they are here. After hearing the audience's applause, Chase waves to adoring fangirls while House threatens the audience with his cane. Each takes their seat, which has their name embroidered in silver on the back of black chairs. The seating arrangement is starting on the left Cuddy, House, Wilson, Revengent, Cameron, Chase, and Foreman on the right.)

Revengent: Now that we have all of our doctors here, we can properly begin!

House: Yes, let's start this parade of fun. (Rolls eyes)

Cameron: Come on. You never know, this could be tons of excitement!

House: Your enthusiasm kills me.

Cuddy: House, please try to be more agreeable. If we are going to be stuck here, we might as well not be so stubborn. Meaning you.

House: Me? Stubborn? (Points at Revengent) It's her that's the stubborn one!

Revengent: Um…cookies anyone? (Holds up a plate of chocolate chip cookies)

Chase: Cookies! (Grabs a cookie)

Foreman: Your delicious cookies won't fool us this time!

Wilson: Yeah! It wasn't nice to trap us in that room with those cookies! It distracted us!

House: Why can't we just leave?

Revengent: While you were busy eating those cookies, you didn't notice you were signing an agreement to stay on this show as long as I want you.

House: I don't believe you.

Revengent: Oh really? (Pulls an official looking paper and hands it to House)

House: (Reading from the paper) "We understand that we are signing a binding contract in which that if it is broken we shall be met with severe consequences. Signed doctors House, Cuddy, Wilson…"

Wilson: (Reading over House's shoulder) this is madness! I have patients to take care of and-

Revengent: Don't worry. I have all of you covered.

Cuddy: What about the-

Revengent: And yes, I have the Clinic covered.

House: Well then, I'm staying.

Cuddy, Wilson, Cameron, Chase, Foreman: What!?

House: As long as I do anything as long as I don't have to work in the Clinic.

Revengent: I thought that you would like that.

Foreman: So what do we have to do?

Revengent: All you have to do is answer questions that people ask. (They complain and protest). It shouldn't be that hard, all you have to do is tell the truth!

House: But everybody lies.

Revengent: Of course they do! I thought that you might bring up that issue. So guess what I did!

Foreman: Go ahead and tell us. Get it over with.

Revengent: I enabled all of your chairs with lie-sensing devices. So when you lie, we all will know.

House: I didn't steal anything from Cuddy's underwear drawer.

(A red flashing light goes off over House's head and over the speaker system "lie" is chanted over and over again. House laughs as Cuddy tries to hit him)

Revengent: I think we get the point. Tony, please silence the alarm.

(Tony, a blond haired guy in the sound booth pushes a button to quiet the alarm and gives Revengent the thumbs up).

Foreman: Hey does you chair have one of those devices too?

Revengent: Of course it does. (Looks around with shifty eyes)

Foreman: And why do I not believe you?

Revengent: You'll just have to believe me. That's in the contract too.

Foreman: This is bull

(Foreman's alarm goes off)

Revengent: This isn't BS! And this is rated K+! No cursing!

Foreman: Whatever.

Revengent: Now, that we have all of that settled, we will have to say good-bye until next time.

House: Oh I can hardly wait.

Revengent: I hope that you won't have to wait long. So viewers (readers) review away!

(The camera begins to zoom out as the theme song is played again)

So now it's your turn to ask questions!