A\N: I might not be at top form here, since I'm devoid of music. (Who knew Youtube was a broadband hog?) Hopefull this'll be good enough to keep you guys from dying of boredom.


I'm sitting on my roof, waiting for my parents to stop fighting.

I hate this. They yell all the time. Didn't even notice when I was turned evil, they were so busy having a fight over the car. The car, yeah. Tommy's been turned evil and is acting like a total jerk? Oh, let's ignore it. The car's not getting good enough gas mileage? Oh no, the world's going down in flames!

I realize I'm muttering to myself and shut up. I don't actually need to sound like a nutjob. Not that anyone would notice. I'm on a rooftop in the middle of the freaking night.

I look up at the sky.

There's more stars than I realized. A whole sky full of them. I can trace Orion, the Big Dipper, and the Little Dipper. That's it...

But it's beautiful.

I don't know a thing about the stars, I realize. There's a whole galaxy of people, and I don't even know the stuff shepherders and middle-agers did.

It kind of seems too bad.

"...You think you can act like you're such tough shit--"

"I've had enough of you!"

I curl up a little more. Ignore the fighting, Tommy. Come tomorrow, you won't even remember it, you'll be so busy trying to stop Rita and save the world.

Of course, saving the world implies the world ought to be saved.

I roll my eyes. I'm just grouchy because my parents are at it again. Of course it needs to be saved.

I look at the stars again.

They really are pretty. I can imagine getting onto a space station, living among them.

Is that why Rita lives on the moon? Because she can?

The cold night air takes me away, up to the sky.

My parents' fighting gets worse, but I don't really notice.

I can imagine meeting other races. Talking to them. Living among them. They're probably peaceful, loving, kind people.

A car door slams, but I don't glance down. I don't care.

The stars are so beautiful, and they welcome me.

Come home, Tommy, they whisper. Come stay with us.

I want to. I want to live in the blackness, among those pure white, shining beings.

I can't, though.

I get up, sighing. At least the fighting's stopped.

I climb down, saying in my mind, sorry, guys. I have to stay here.

I suddenly realize that the police are at my house, and someone's looking at me with amusement. Officer Scott. Jason's dad.

"You looked pretty tired up there." He says. "Taking a nap?"

"No, sir. Stargazing." It's the truth. "What's going on?"

Officer Scott glances at the ambulance. "You didn't hear?"


I see my baby sister being carried out, her leg at a funny angle.

"Your dad got drunk and shot himself." Officer Scott says. "He kind of went crazy before he did, though."

I almost throw up.

"You're lucky you were up there, Tommy." Officer Scott says. "Tell you what. You can stay at my house tonight. You and Jason can stay up and play video games all night. How does that sound?"

I nod, in shock.

Dead...my sister...

I should have gone to the stars.