Don't get mad at me but I hope you guys will be okay with it. :)

One year later...

"Peyt, sweetie, you can do this." Lucas encouraged, squeezing her hand tighter.

Peyton was already sweating. She was in labor for ten hours and it wasn't easy. Loud, audible noises could be heard in the waiting room, where family and friends patiently waited. "How long has it been already, mama?" Young Jamie questioned.

"A long time, honey, but your aunt Peyton is strong. Next thing you know, you'll have a brand new cousin." Haley smiled.

"I hope it's a boy but a girl is okay too." Jamie wanders off to his godmother. "Hey Jamie James, how you holdin' up, buddy?" The excited brunette asked. "I'm fine. But having a baby sure does take long."

She smiles. Her best friend, Peyton Sawyer-now-Scott, was going to be a mother. Brooke herself, is now a mother as well. The adoption agency had given her a call a year ago and gave her a baby boy, Tristan. Everything turned out great for all of them.

"We need one more push, Peyton." Dr. Wilson instructed. And with that, Peyton gave all she can and a beautiful baby boy came out crying. The nurse quickly cleaned it and covered it with a soft towel.

She grins and hands it to Lucas. "He's beautiful." Lucas beamed. He was now, officially a father. It was the greatest feeling in the world.

"Okay, Peyton, we have a couple more minutes 'til your baby girl comes out. I need you to try harder this time." Dr. Wilson said.

Lucas handed his baby boy to the nurse who brought it to the nursery. "Luke, I can't do it anymore." Peyton cried out.

"Peyton, it'll be over soon. I promise." A minute passed and Peyton was already in labor.

"Dang, dawg. They've been in there for hours." Skills tells Nathan. "Yeah, now I know why Peyton was having mood swings for these past months." It was true, Peyton had been very bitchy during her 9 months of pregnancy. Lucas was a soldier though. If she needed a chocolate-dipped tuna sandwich, he would get it. Even if it was 2 o'clock in the morning. Though she wasn't always bitchy. Her hormones were always up in the air. One moment she would hate Lucas for not doing anything right according to her accomendations and then the next moment she'll love him like crazy.

"You guys, that's how pregnant women are. It's not easy carrying a growing baby in your stomach for nine whole months." Haley clarified. "Speaking of pregnancy, Haley, you were all over the place. From sweetie to horny." Brooke laughed.

"Ahem," Nathan cleared his throat. "Kid in the room." He said, referring to Jamie. "Anyway," Haley began, still a little flushed from the comment Brooke made. "I called Karen and she said her, Andy, and Lily will arrive tomorrow. Their flight was delayed for a little while."

"Yeah, and I called Mouth. He said he'll be here with Millicent tomorrow. They're stuck in Omaha." Skills confirmed, shutting his phone.

"Here she is, your baby girl." Dr Wilson handed the cute little blond to Peyton. "She's gorgeous." The new mother glowed, sharing a look with Lucas. "I'll leave you two alone for awhile and have the nurse fetch you your son."

They stared at her little palms as it was clutching on to Lucas' finger. "I love you." He said, referring to his girl. "And you." Referring to his other girl. Peyton kisses him tenderly. "Thanks, Luke."

"For what?" He asks. "For giving me the family I never had." To Lucas, that was the greatest compliment anyone could ever give him. He kissed her forehead. "No problem."

"Knock, knock." The nurse comes in with Lucas and Peyton's baby boy. "You two are very lucky parents." She praises, as she hands over the baby boy to Lucas and leaves the room.

Lucas rocks his baby boy in his arms to sleep while humming a tune. Little by little he begins to fall to a slumber. "Have you thought of names yet?" Lucas whispers to his wife, who held the sleeping baby girl in her arms. "I was thinking, we can both name one of them." She grins.

"So, which one do you plan on naming?" Lucas didn't mind her idea. In fact he thought it was great. "For him," she says, staring lovingly at her little boy. "River Keith Scott." She flashes a smile. "What do you think?" She asks for his opinion. In all honesty, Lucas could not have come up with something better. He thought. His wife definitely couldn't have given a more kick-ass name than that.

He chuckles to himself. "It's so you."

She flashed him another one of her famous smiles. "Okay, your turn." He looks at his baby daughter, caressing her cheeks. "Leighton Haley Scott." Peyton stifled a giggle.

"What?" He looks at Peyton, puzzled. "It's cute. She's definitely gonna be a combination of the both of us."

"Yeah," he agrees. "Both of them are."

"Can we come in?" Jamie enters with the rest of the gang.

"Sure." Lucas nods. "Wow! A boy and a girl! I have two cousins!" Jamie runs up to Lucas, who was holding River.

"I can't believe you had twins!" A surprised Brooke walks to Peyton.

"They're so adorable!" Haley coos.

"Wow. Nice job, Luke." Skills nudges Lucas.

"Congratulations you guys." Nathan smiles. "So what's their names?"

Peyton hands over Leighton to Brooke. "This one is Leighton Haley Scott."

"And this one is River Keith Scott." Lucas proudly says, still rocking his son back and forth.

"The next one better have my name, P. Scott." Brooke jokingly says.

Lucas and Peyton exchange looks. "You'll have to wait for that one." Peyton says, exhausted.

"Ready when you are, babe." Lucas teased. "Okay, we better get going now." Haley says. "Yeah, we have to get ready for the party tomorrow." Nathan explains.

The friends bid their goodbyes and leave the happy family in the hospital.

"Thanks for putting up with me these past nine months, Luke." She kissed her husband on the cheek. "It was worth it." He glances at their two children in Peyton's arms.

This was going to be a new beginning for the Scott Family.

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