Emolsifier : and now -

Brother : - the conclusion.

after my brother woke up from his untimely nap we got up to the backyard to discuss what to do from there. honestly thought neither one of us had any clue what to do. heck we couldn't even train our dog right let alone a 26 foot rock serpent.

we were on the deck that stood above the half the paved area of the backyard and was like a bridge from the house to the hill Onix was on. Onix was spread out all over the hill with it's head resting right at the deck door to the hill. we were wrapped in out jackets seated at a table. our frozen heads searching for an answer.

"so what now?" asked my brother, his words coming out with a wisp of vapor. kind of like a voice bubble that popped. That question had to be the most obvious question on both of our minds. he probably didn't need to ask it, my head was already trying to work out a plan. for odd reasons they kept ending up with me asking my parents for consent. which ended in Onix being thrown out, not the ending I wanted to his story.

I needed something to drive out the bad ideas. sighing I went to Onix, showing affection to animals always seemed to soothe me and calm me down. stroking it's rocky skin with my gloved hands I tried once again to think. this time the thoughts went well but slammed to the horrid conclusion of being crushed to death by Onix.

obviously I reeled at that thought like a normal person would to a snake. but then again I was far from normal. but that's another story.

"maybe we just need to go online and look up information on this." I suggested, seeing no other course of action except winging it which all seemed to conclude with one of us being killed. I did my best to look like I was fine, even if I kept seeing my brother being turned into a deflated balloon human with blood coming out of him.

my brother had this incredulous look on him. it was more than apparent it was there in the flesh with all the frowning and thinning of the lips. I could hear a soft rumble from Onix, is it having fun watching us?

"r-right, we're going to go online and look up 'how to care for an Onix' perfect plan." he said. as he was talking I continued to stroke Onix,

"well what else can we do? tell mama and papa? they'll throw him out on the street." I said as I felt now a tremor from Onix. taking off a glove I felt it's skin, Ice cold with a mini earthquake moving down it's long body.

"we've got to do something, or he's going to freeze to death." It agreed with a pained growl. my brother made this face that was like 'god why did I get the weird compassionate brother?'.

"well what can we do? he's big and we're tiny, no amount of our help could help him." he said obviously trying to get me to consider leaving the Pokemon but he's forgetting he's dealing with the craziest more unorthodox person in his life. that's when my "crazy" kicked in.

"Onix, dig deep enough to find warmth, do it as quick as possible." It nodded, bumping into my hand which was still on it. I stepped back as it dove into the soil, a earthly thunderous roar pounded our earth drums as an quake issued from it's digging. I held up okay but my brother was more shaken up than I was, bad pun.

we waited until we couldn't hear it's digging any more before getting close to the hole.

"Onix, make yourself comfortable down there." I suggested as we heard echoes it's digging.

"what's this going to accomplish?"

"it's going to answer our questions. it's mad warm down there so all we have to do is just make it a home here and bingo we've our answer." I smiled to him through frost covered lips and cheeks. He looked at me like I was crazy then groaned.

"why must you act like an idiot?"

"because life's too short to be uptight and serious all the time!" I answered sing song like. we began to walk down the hill, I realized something at that moment. I took a step down the slope as I told me brother what It was.

"Nick, I have a crazy idea."

"don't you always?" he said as he reached the ground. we were now at the side of the house where the stone wall ended. this place was so underused that we forgot about it most of the time.

"well yeah but this is crazier." I stated, "why not feed it dog food."

"dog food?!"


"How about n-" I love the unexpected. it adds a spice to life that we miss out with schedules, but this next occurrence was like "what the heck". Onix crashed out of the stone wall that was supporting the slope. thankfully it held. I don't think i need to say that we were scared out of our pants.

"Dude, tell that thing to never do that again!"

That was the most illogical thing Nick could have said. telling a creature of that size to not scare him like that was outrageous to say the least. I mean it's huge, being near it makes you scared that it might kill you by simply moving around.

"Onix..." okay I felt very very very awkward trying to scold it. "don't scare my brother like that again?"

if it felt stupid trying to scold it I felt more so when I heard it's laugh rumble. It did nod but man did it make my lack of authority apparent.

"just stay in there and try not to dig so much. we'll be back with some food, I promise."

"oh no, not the dog food."

"yes the dog food."

with that we headed back into the house to get the food. we had no clue that this would be the start of a sequence of events that'd leave up as different people, with more involuntary reflexes than most people have ever.

that and a high tolerance to the smell of poop, urine, dogie breath, heights, the sound of grinding, high speeds, complete darkness, being hit really hard, and stares from people that think we're completely insane. yeah that sums it up nicely.

Emolsifier: The End Or At Least For Now

Brother: So what are we going to do with Jessie's Lapras?

Emolsifier : sssh! don't start that story!!