
Disclaimer: Mr. Help The Boat Is Sinking and Mr. Egg Man own Dark Angel. I own a couple CD-ROMs that won't install for some reason. Life's a bitch like that, huh?

A/N: Well, after re-watching "Bag 'Em" I thought, 'Gee. Those poorly named children need their own story.' This is what this is! This is the story of five strangers picked to live in the real world and - whoops. I mean, this is the story of how those five (Bullet, Zero, Ralph, Fixit, and Bugler) survive in the real world. I wanted to get this out as soon as possible, so here is chapter one. Set about six months after "Bag 'Em".

Bullet looked out the window and sighed. The sun was coming up and everybody would be awake soon. Bullet didn't consider himself a leader anymore, but he knew on some level he knew he still was.

Bullet moved to his dresser and pulled out a black T-shirt and a pair of dark khaki cargo pants. He got dressed and looked in the cracked mirror that hung over his dresser.

Nothing in his room was really nice. Nothing in their "home" was really nice either. They had found an old barn just on the outside of town and turned it into their home. They worked on it and it eventually became somewhat of a home. Bullet often described the old place as mixed and matched. That's what everything was. On weekends they would go into town in their old beat up car and grab what they needed. Bullet's dresser came from the curb, as did their couch, table, chairs, Bugler's bed, and quite a few other things. Mixed and matched, true, but good.

Bullet climbed down the latter to the lower level. Zero was asleep on the couch, his bed. Bullet walked over and lightly tapped him. Zero opened his eyes and yawned.

"Anyone else up?"

"Nope." Bullet answered and went into the area they deemed the kitchen.
Since there was no electricity, they had to get things that wouldn't spoil fast and things that would get eaten quick. They had a few "eat it before it totally spoils" days and they didn't want to repeat the process.

Bullet opened one of the cupboards that he and Fixit made from old scrap wood that was lying around. He pulled out a bag of chips and grabbed a banana from the counter. Breakfast was often like that.

Yawning and stretching, Zero walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"Hand me a piece of bread, matches, and a candle, would you?" Zero asked.

Bullet complied and Zero lit the candle. He then picked up one of the few forks and started to "toast" the bread on the candle flame. Bullet could never understand how Zero could eat toast like that, but he never said anything.

Ralph, Fixit, and Bugler all walked tiredly into the kitchen and grabbed something to eat. It was dry cereal and half cold Coke again for Bugler, a banana and some warm iced tea for Ralph, and a cheese sandwich and a Pop Tart for Fixit.

"Found a way to get us any kind of electricity?" Zero asked, taking a bite of his toast.

"Not really. I haven't found an available generator." Fixit said. What she meant was that she couldn't find a discarded one.

"Gotta hurry up and eat." Zero said, glancing at his watch. "If Bull and I are late for work again, the boss is going to have a cow."

Bullet and Zero lied about their ages to get a job at a convenient store in town, Fixit worked at a small TV repair shop in town, and Ralph delivered afternoon newspapers. Bugler was the only one who didn't lie about his age; he went to school.

"All right, let's go." Bullet said, standing. Everyone else moaned and groaned then stood up too. Bullet grabbed the keys to the truck and they were off to start their days.