Authors Note: (excited to do one of these) Okay so this story has had a bit of an overhaul, and though you will find none of the shots different in plot, it has suffered a spelling and gramatical revision - however, i don't pretend to be perfect and spelling is a particular weakness, so anything i have missed, do not hesitate in bringing it to my attention. I have also ommited a few lines throughout that i no longer liked, but apart from that there isn't much differnce at all, and also for the delight of anyone if it should bring some: an eighth shot has been uploaded with the writing of a ninth pending and a tenth 3/4 completed.

However, i am now in my A2 year in collage and the workload alone is near intolerble, so updates, if any will be few and far between and no sooner than February if there are any. I apologise profously, i like the situation not, but on the plus side, hopefully it will all be worth it. Thank you for your continued support :)

-One Wish Magic

Chapter One: Trouble Brewing


A pregnant Celebrian is kept awake by her twin son's refusal to rest. Her cravings give way to some sweet treats and a late night conversation.

It was late, or extremely early depending on which way you saw the world. Rivendell was quiet, the only sound was the combined, rhythmic breathing of all the sleeping elves.

Sleep, however, was the one thing that seemed to elude Celebrian, all thanks to her two unborn sons. They delighted in keeping her awake all night, with there never ceasing kicking and moving about. They worked as a tireless team; while one slept the other would rage a fierce battle against the inside of Celebrian, then, when one got tired they would swap. Her twins were barely seven months old and already they were giving her a run for her money. The Valar only knew what trouble lay ahead.

Celebrian turned onto her back hoping that the change of position would make her sons relax and go back to sleep, she was sadly mistaken. One of the twins showed his unhappiness by aiming a viscous kick to the side of her stomach. She groaned.

"Can't you just let me have one good nights sleep?" she pleaded with her sons. Their painful answers were clear. No.

Frustrated, tired and craving jam and honey, she decided to get up. With a considerable amount of effort she positioned herself on to the end of the bed. Her bulging stomach really did get in the way. Using the bed post as an aid she pulled herself up. Her legs ached with the extra amount of weight she was carrying.

As quietly as she could she made her way out of her room, pausing only briefly to look at herself in the mirror. The pregnancy was really starting to take it's toll on her fine, elvin features. Her usually glowing white skin looked pale and sickly. Her eyes were surrounded by dark circles from lack of sleep. Her fine silvery locks, which usually cascaded down her back like a waterfall looked limp, uncared for and malnourished. All together she had to say, she was not looking her best.

She quickly moved away from the mirror, she did not like to see her beauty fading and imperfections showing, even if it was only temporary. She closed the beautifully carved door behind her, leaving the room completely empty. She had been sleeping in a room on her own for a while now, as her being kept awake by the twins was keeping Elrond awake, and that she considered an unkindness.

Swiftly and silently she passed down the main corridors and into the kitchens. This was a trip she had made many times over the past few months, and one she was likely to repeat again before this pregnancy was over.

She opened the cupboards and searched for what her cravings desired tonight. The larder had been well stocked with all the food and fine treats Celebrian could want. Tonight was a time for jam and honey. She often found that she desired two different things at the same time, courtesy of the twins.

She brought the jam, honey, a bowl and a spoon to the table, where she mixed a generous amount of each sweet treat, licking her lips at even just the thought of the concoction. The twins also grew excited as they knew that they were getting what they desired. Unable to wait any longer, Celebrian spooned the mixture greedily into her mouth. When her craving had been satisfied, the twins finally relaxed and decided that they would sleep a little.

Celebrian smiled, twins were a real rarity among elves, with only one set being born every age or so. Elrond and her had already decided on names for the young rascals: Elladan and Elrohir. She contemplated who they were going to look like, would they have her silvery locks or would they have Elrond's dark sleek tresses. She smiled to herself trying to imagine her twin sons. Forever together. She was so immersed in her own thoughts that she did not notice someone come up behind her.

Elrond had heard Celebrian get up, and had also felt her frustration at their sons for not letting her sleep, but now she seemed quite content. Elrond noticed the discarded bowl, which had been scraped clean of it's contents.

"Up again are we?" asked the elf Lord. His wife turned to face him, giving him a guilty smile.

"And what was the craving tonight?"

"Jam and honey," answered Celebrian licking her lips. Elrond chuckled.

"I think the twins have finally fallen asleep," she sighed laying a hand on her overlarge stomach. She motioned for Elrond to move closer. When he had, she laid his hand at the side of her stomach, a smile spread across his face as he could feel his sons inside of her, their breathing patterns irregular to their mothers.

Elrond looked into Celebrian's eyes with pity, she looked exhausted. Lately the pregnancy had took it's toll on her, hardly surprising really with twins. He leaned into her and kissed her tenderly on the cheek.

"Perhaps you should try and get some rest also," he suggested. Celebrian nodded.

"I cannot deny that a bit of much needed beauty sleep would do me the world of good," she yawned. Getting up, she turned and was just about to retreat out of the kitchen with Elrond behind her, when she stopped and smiled at the elf lord.

"These two are going to be trouble." she said

"I know," replied Elrond. "I have foreseen it."

Awwhh :) Elrond and Celebrain, what have they let themselves in for :')

As always, your words are welcomed if you wish to give them

Thank you for reading!

- One Wish Magic