Anyways, have you read the first six chapters of Chaotic Relations?

If you haven't, go read them now.

Even then, the end part doesn't quite line up, but that's okay, I meant it that way!

Now, enjoy!

He couldn't find the demon him, or Metal Sonic for that matter, anywhere.

Sonic scowled, a sword strapped to his back still as he darted along a wall, looking for something, anything.

Behind him was his brother Manic, riding on what looked like an Air Board, reminding Sonic of a green hawk back in the Chaos Dimension.

"I'm not getting anything…" Sonic sighed, going to the left and making a stop in the entrance of a cave, Manic slowing and hopping off his board by him.

"We've been looking for a week now," Manic said, "We should get back. Blaze needs yah bro, and you haven't gotten to know your sister much either."

Sonic frowned, shaking his head, "I have to…I have to find that evil me, and Metal Sonic…Neither Silver nor I can sense the Sol Emeralds, and for that matter, neither can Blaze! They're being masked somehow."

He turned to Manic with a sigh, "I can't go back a failure."

"You won't," Manic answered, "There's nothing you can do about it right now. It's not your fault…We'll consult Merlin, or something alright?"

Sonic scowled, "He's partially responsible for this!"

"You can't fault him for it," Manic said, surprised at defending a former enemy, "He was trying to protect you…Protect all of us."

Sonic sighed, then nodded his head, "Right…You're right. Let's go back then."

Manic smiled, and the two turned to go, when Sonic froze again, turning and looking into the cave.

"Sonic, what are you doing?" Manic wondered, following Sonic, leaving his Air Board at the entrance.

"I can…sense something," Sonic answered, running into the cave, leaving Manic behind.

As he made his way through the cave, it began to grow dark, but a small light showed itself in the distance. Sonic's speed increased, heading for the light, coming to a halt when he entered a giant cavern, lit with what appeared to be torches, a large door illuminated in the soft light.

Suddenly, the ground shook, and appearing in a whirl of dust, a creature appeared.

It was huge, well over twenty feet tall, incredibly muscular. It had only two arms, but it's lower body resembled that of a centipede, clittering on the ground, echoing through the cavern. It's head looked vaguely human, but it had large tusks, and it's eyes were pitched black.

It's mouth opened, saliva dripping from the gaping hole. It roared, the cavern shuddering.

Sonic pulled out his battered sword, eyeing the creature carefully.


The Guardian scuttered forward, bringing it's powerful arms down, smashing into the ground where Sonic had been, his after image fading in the light.

"Way to slow!" Sonic grinned, behind the creature, sword slashing forward.

The Guardian turned, grabbing the sword in it's left hand. Sonic paused, and with a crunch, his sword clattering to the ground, shattered.

"Man, Connery's gonna kill me," Sonic commented, spinning backwards as The Guardian's other fist came at him. "Looks like it's time to get some practice in something else!"

The Blue Blur landed on the ground, focusing, darkness shrouding around his form.

He twitched, grabbing his heart as The Guardian rushed at him again. The darkness circled all around Sonic, The Guardian bringing both fists down for another smash.

Two powerful arms shot upwards, grabbing the wrists of the creature, and pulled, bringing The Guardian into the air and thrown into the opposite wall.

"AWOOOOOOOO!" WereSonic called out, the darkness dying out around him. "Let's see you take me now!"

Wind ruffled WereSonic's fur, as he jumped upwards, spinning with his arms as they elongated, creating a whirlwind of claws.

The Guardian charged straight at the attack, finding itself forced backwards, slash marks appearing all over it's body.

WereSonic landed, then ran forward on all fours, jumping upwards and spinning, planting his feet on The Guardian's chest, pushing back off of it, landing again as once more The Guardian was pushed into the wall, hard.

However, The Guardian got back up, still ready to fight.

"Still up, huh?" WereSonic grinned, "I'll kick it up a notch then!"

Energy condensed around WereSonic, transforming again, his eyes turning completely white, shedding his shaggy look, gaining white stripes down his spines.

In a matter of seconds, Darkspine Sonic stood there now, floating in the air.

"Time for you to lose!" Darkspine Sonic declared, shooting forward suddenly, slamming into The Guardian with a spin.

"YAH!" Darkspine Sonic shouted, eyes glowing as he unleashed a fury of close range blows, landing them all over The Guardian, who roared in pain.

Darkspine shot up to the ceiling, glowing with energy, then shot downwards, barreling right into The Guardian's head.

There was an explosion of dust, and The Guardian was vaniquished.

Darkspine Sonic landed on the ground, and with a short burst of energy, returned to his normal form.

He grinned, then looked to the door, which began to open slowly, admitting him in.

"Geez! Could you try to be a little more patient bro?" Manic panted, entering the cavern just now, leaning on his knees.

"You could have grabbed your board," Sonic answered. Manic opened his mouth to retort, then paused. He didn't have anything to say to that.

"Come on…let's see what's in here," Sonic said, and went through the door. After another moment of catching his breath, Manic followed after him.

Inside was a vast horde of treasure, Manic beginning to drool slightly at the sight.

"Easy there…" Sonic said, looking around, "We don't need the money."

"Need?" Manic said, inspecting a jewel now, "How about want?"

Sonic chuckled, "Don't get like Rouge on me."


Sonic paused, about to explain who Rouge was, but froze, seeing something on the wall. Jumping over a pile of gold, he walked over to the shining sword.

He gripped the handle and pulled, and it cleanly came off the wall, radiating with unseen power.

Manic even dropped the gem he was currently examining as Sonic walked back, holding the sword up.

"Wow…" Manic muttered, "That's…Wow…"

"Nice descriptive word play there, bro," Sonic chuckled, "But yah…"

He put the sword into his old scabbard, and found, with some surprise, it seemed to fit.

"Well then…let's head back," Sonic grinned. Manic nodded, and with Sonic, raced back to the entrance of the cave, where he got his Air Board, and the two started off back to Blaze's castle...

Metal Sonic held up a hand, time and space at his beck and call, peering into the past, the present, the infinite futures before him.

"I see…" Metal Sonic said simply, then turned.

A portal began to appeared, a green hedgehog grinning, holding up seven Emeralds. Issai and Stream were behind him.

"You got them…Excellent…" Metal said, "Any trouble?"

"Not much," Scourge answered, "Here's the gems…"

Scourge tossed the Chaos Emeralds through the portal, and they floated around Metal Sonic, accompanying the Sol Emeralds and Time Stones.

Pure energy crackled around the robot as he floated into the air some more.

The Chaos Dimension and the Sol Dimension began to shake, and Metal Sonic ascended…


A.N. Hehehe.

You know what, just laugh evilly for me here. Just boom it out, wherever you are. Right now.


Errr…I mean…yah. XD

I do NOT own Sonic and all related titles.