Title: End of Days
Rating: T
Genre: Angst/Romance
Pairing: Jake/Haley
Prompt: #1 - Black
Summary: And he would join her there, once the darkness took him.

End of Days


The sun was setting; soon it would be dark. It would be as black and empty as he felt nowadays. He felt older than he was; more than just sixty. Once upon a time, he had played basketball with all of himself; building up a sweat and feeling the thrum of adrenaline rush through him. But those were days of the past. Now he was wrinkled and grey, with liverspotted hands. And he was ready to lay down in the darkness and let it take him. Take him to where she was; his beloved wife who'd passed just three days ago.

And to the approaching night, Jake said, "I'm coming, Haley."

Title: Their Day
Rating: K
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Haley/Jake
Prompt: #2 - white
Summary: This was their day and she was glowing.

Their Day


She looked beautiful; swathed in the purest of whites. That giant, warm Haley James smile beamed at him. His cheeks hurt, but his own smile wouldn't fade. He just kept staring at her, in that dress on this day, in front of him and God and everybody present. She was going to be his and soon that smile of hers would be known as the infamous Haley Jagielski grin. Her teeth gleamed white, every single pearly one showing as she kept her smile staring up at him, despite the happy tears in her eyes. This was their day - a long time coming.

Title: Gone
Rating: T
Genre: Angst
Pairing: Jake/Haley
Prompt: #3 - grey
Summary: She was nowhere to be found. She was gone.



The world was muted. His days were colorless, filled with a constant grey that ached. She was gone. And all he could do was sit and stare and wait for her return. But she wouldn't. He knew that. She couldn't. Gone. He could write all the songs he wanted to; he could call her name or search the house, the whole world. She wouldn't be found. Gone. She'd never laugh or smile that Haley Jagielski grin of hers. And all that was left was a newborn baby in a bassinet, crying out for his mom but finding only his mute, broken dad.

Title: Those Lips
Rating: T
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Haley/Jake
Prompt: #4 - red
Summary: He fell in love with her lips first.

Those Lips


Those lips could do wonders; fierce frowns, pretty pouts, crafty kisses. But the best was when they curved up in a smile. Whether it was seductive or just warm, it did things to him. Those red lips of her, so inviting and soft and all her. He'd kissed those lips countless times, touched them with his fingertips, felt them over every inch of his body. Those lips were the first part of her he fell in love with; that smile that made his stomach turn to goo and sappy songs flow from his fingers in droves. Every one of them about Haley's red smile.

Title: The Loves of Jake Jagielski
Rating: K
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Haley/Jake
Prompt: #5 - orange
Summary: AU (no Jenny J) Jake's first and last love.

The Loves of Jake Jagielski


His first love was a bright orange basketball that seemed more vivid than any other color in the world. It fit right in the palm of his hand and felt like it was meant to be nowhere else. Until he picked up his guitar and then his basketball came second best. He loved the game though; loved the rush he got each time that orange ball hit his fingers. It was his first love, but not his last. Music outdid it in a way he never expected to be trumped, until he saw her. And then all those vivid colors collected to make up Haley James and he never loved anything more.

Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed this. I'm going to try and post in increments of five, so there'll probably be twenty chapters, given there's 100 prompts. Hope you enjoyed these. Luv yas - Fina!