Well, here it is, the final chapter. I hope you guys have all enjoyed it just as much as I have, and just to add something different, you can each ask me one question in your review-nothing too personal, otherwise I'll give you my favorite color or somesuch.

Again, many thanks to my wonderful reviewers. you make me feel all warm and fuzzy. If it seemed like yours got a litle cut cut off, I'm sorry. I blame the time of night it sometimes is when I reply. Slip of the mouse and all that. Thanks also to Gategirl for all of her work and effort and insight.

Good knew to those who have found and read Power of the Gods: I am joining forces with writer/creator fondycheesehead to get it back on its feet, so you haven't seen the last of me!

I think I've covered it all. Enjoy!!

The days passed slowly, with green riders and Weapons constantly making their way to the mending wing whenever they had a chance, or if they were just passing by, to visit the still unconscious Karigan. It often drove Master Mender Destarion batty to have so many visitors, but he took it in stride. Mara had taken to reading aloud to Karigan in her room, and on occasion, Estora took refuge by her bedside, chatting up a storm, even though she would get no response.

It was on one of these days that Karigan finally decided to wake up.

"…Originally intending for the dress to be cobalt, but now, I'm not so sure. Cobalt is so overpowering by itself, and mother disagrees when I tell her it should have accents of other colors. She is completely against it, saying that cobalt is the clan color, therefore the dress must be cobalt…" Estora gave an exasperated sigh. "I just want something simple."

Karigan tried to laugh, at the situation Estora found herself in, but ended up sighing instead.

"She thinks it should be all the finest silks, and of exquisite design. I could picture it in my head, and it all looks much too busy. I told her I would rather have a fairly simple dress made of an elegant fabric. I was thinking of a pale blue, something that sparkles in the sunlight. That would make up for any lack of exquisiteness from the gown—"

"Blue would bring out your eyes," Karigan croaked.

Estora gasped, turning to stare at the girl lying on the bed—indeed, wasting away on the bed, for she looked very pale and gaunt.

"Just don't go too pale or you will look half dead," Karigan continued when she got no response.

Finally recovering, Estora bounded from her chair and gently grasped Karigan's hand, giving a gentle squeeze. "Speak for yourself," she said through a broad smile, "You practically are half dead."

Karigan smiled weakly, looking over at her friend, her beautiful porcelain face lined with worry. "How long…have I been out?" she asked.

"Five days," Estora responded. "We've all been so worried about you. Ben did what he could for you; completely exhausted himself, actually. In fact, he had a room in the mending wing himself for a few hours. But he's back to his regular duties now, after saying that you need time more then anything.

Karigan only nodded.

"Garth returned from the wall just the other day and delivered a letter for you from Alton. It's on the table here when you're ready to read it."

Karigan nodded again.

"While he was here he said that he might just start moving your furniture in with you, since you're here so often."

Karigan laughed, then immediately regretted it. The fresh tissue forming across her abdomen ached with the laughter, and she would have doubled over in pain had she been standing. As she was, she curled into a loose ball, realizing that being on her side didn't really make things much more comfortable. With a groan, she turned onto her back again, Estora gently supporting her, and waited for the pain to ease. "What else have I missed?" she asked through a grimace.

Estora's face lit up with a smile as she reached for something on the table. "You missed this," she said, handing her a dark pink and perfect Hellebore bloom.

Karigan smiled, taking the winter rose from Estora's fingers. She started to ask who brought it, but was cut off.

"Fastion brought it by early this morning."

"Fastion," she mumbled, smiling into the large bloom. All of a sudden, memories came unbidden to her mind, and the smile vanished, and she swore. The ride to Selium; the information she delivered to the king; Everlise with her twin broadswords disappearing with the king through the secret passage; Fastion coming in later, calling for help, and running after them. "What happened?" she asked, her face lined with worry.

Estora looked about to answer, but something seemed to catch her eye at the doorway, and her opened mouth changed to a smile as she turned back to Karigan. "I think I'll let Fastion answer that one. Besides, he's better with all the gory details then I am," she said, giving her hand a final squeeze as she rose to leave.

"Estora," Karigan called, not letting go of her hand.

Estora turned back to her. "Yes?"

Karigan smiled. "Thank you."

Estora squeezed her hand again. "Of course, my friend." She turned to leave, and admonished Fastion not to overtire the recovering rider before she finally left the room.

Fastion took the chair that Estora had vacated and gently grasped Karigan's hand. "I'm glad you're finally awake."

"I think I could have slept a little longer," she said, mocking weariness, and bringing a laugh out of the Weapon. Karigan only smiled, not daring to laugh again.

"First off, I regret to inform you that you have been decommissioned by Captain Mapstone and Master Mender Destarion until further notice."

"I can ride," Karigan said weakly.

"Of course you can," Fastion said with a smile. "So would you like to hear about the fall of Rhovan's Blade?" he asked dramatically.

"Oh yes."

"There's not really much to tell. You weakened her more then you think. You must have hit a nerve or something, for by the time the other Weapons and I caught up with her and the king, she was hardly using that arm. It looked like she was holding on to that blade with all she had. All I had to do was either focus my attentions on that side, or get her unarmed on the left side." Fastion seemed to beam in self-pride. "I did both."

"Don't let it go to your head," Karigan said with a smile, desperately trying not to laugh at the crestfallen look that crossed his face before it was replaced by a smile.

"I ended up swinging wide on her right. She tried to block with her left, which overextended her, and gave me a perfect opportunity to strike her with the flat of my blade on the back of the hand, forcing her to drop her sword. She defiantly surrendered without complaint. The king had Drent question her to find out who was behind her orders, but she doesn't know anything about him. Never saw his face or anything."

Fastion fell silent, reflecting on the happenings, and the relative calm that the castle now enjoyed.

Finally, Karigan broke it. "Fastion, what happened? You must have heard what was going on outside."

"I did, and I would have come to your aid, I wanted to desperately, but Everlise had someone else working with her. He threw a knife at Bryan before either of us even saw him, striking him in the chest, thankfully missing his lung, but not his rib. Master Destarion just released him yesterday. This man, Matthew Lancer, gave quite a fight before I finally beat him. By that time you were already down, and Everlise gone with the king."

"What happened with this Matthew Lancer character?"

"Drent had his way with him. Turns out he actually works for Everlise's employer, who was getting impatient, so he sent Matthew. He did give a name," he said hurriedly before Karigan could cut him off, "A legion of soldiers has been dispatched to Rhovanny to see what can be done to bring him to justice here. I don't think we should have a problem."

Karigan nodded, looking troubled. "Fastion, I'm sorry I couldn't hold her off longer."

"No, Karigan," he said, resting his hand on her cheek, "You did good. By what the king says, I doubt I would have done much better. Was she really that good?"

"Like fighting two of you," she answered. "And Kari is just fine, it's not quite such a mouthful."

Fastion smiled, leaning close to her. "Kari, your name is not a mouthful," he said with conviction, then, softening, "And I'm glad you're all right."

Karigan shrugged as best she could while lying on her back, "Oh, what's a little trouble?" she asked rhetorically.

"Nothing unusual when it comes to you." They shared a smile before Fastion softly brought his lips to hers, kissing her timidly at first, then deepened by the rider.

Mara chose that moment to stop by and see how Karigan was doing. She stopped abruptly just outside the open door, her eyes widening and a smile breaking out on her face before turning back the way she had come, a slight bounce in her step.