(Okay as I've said before I tend to write new stuff to cure writer's block...then if my friend likes it when he reads them for me I put them on, well this is the most recent piece that met his particular standards(though he really didn't have my permission to read it) so...Please make sure to give a little feed back on what ya think...)


A frightened gray furred rat stumbled over a half empty trash can falling into a puddle of water the alley had recently collected from the previous night's rainfall as it was Kew's rainy season. Several blaster shots slammed into walls sending chunks of stone into his path. As he ran the rat turned to see if she had caught up with him, Kursed had been chasing him for hours and his legs had long since went numb...the fact that he was still running was miraculous, or maybe it was just the fear the most famous bounty hunter in the galaxy instilled when she was chasing you. Nevertheless he kept running, and praying to whatever gods he could think of to release him from the psychotic vixen that was tailing him..

"YOU'RE A DEAD RAT BASTARD GAREX!!" Kursed's voice echoed through the alley as a shot from a blaster tore into his right shoulder issuing a scream of pain from his lips, "IF YOU THINK THAT HURT JUST YOU WAIT!!"

The fact that he was heavily bleeding now only made Garex run that much faster, not a good idea when your loosing so much blood. He panicked as he noticed that he could see her shadow from around a near corner she was right on his ass...but he turned only to find his neck colliding with what looked like a perfectly proportionate metal arm which quickly pulled the rat into a tight well developed set of abs. Garex could see who it was, but he'd never heard of Kursed working with anyone. Garex struggled to pull his head free but the obviously bionic implant locked around his neck only grew tighter. Finally Kursed could hear him and lurched around the corner ready to fire her blaster but all she could see at the moment was a large fox in a long red coat with a black cross on it's back, she didn't know who this fox was but, Garex was no weakling, she was amazed that he could hold the rat still with a single arm. She smiled a bit when she heard the sound of the crushing bone in Garex's neck before his madly flailing tail fell limply to the ground, her only disappointment was that she hadn't done it herself...

"Creed..." She growled.

At the sound of his name the large bodied fox turned to face the blue vixen; his fiery red fur was only parted by the standard white that started at his muzzle running down past the collar of the dark gray shirt under his red trench, his light blue eyes showed a depth that seemed unfathomable, his darker red hair was a bit longer than shoulder length, his bangs were slightly feathered in front hanging a bit over his eyes as the rest was slicked back into a single ponytail, his black leather pants rattled as he moved as several lengths of chain hung from his belt line, his boots were just as noisy with a heavy kicking plate over the shins...but the main part that stuck out on him were the shining metal bionics that covered his arms, giving him a half machine like rather frightening look...

"So your just going to steal my mark huh!?" Kursed shouted pointing her blaster at his face, "You aren't going a damn place! Cause dead or living that piece of shit is my meal ticket for the next few months!"

A short sided smile spread across both their faces, "I thought you were really going to shoot me that time."

"If you would have left with that rat you're damn right I would have." Kursed laughed putting her blaster away, "What the fuck took you so long anyway? I just chased that son of a bitch all the way across the city..."

Creed laughed out loud as the two began to walk back toward their hanger, located on the other end of the city, "What can I say you looked like you needed the exercise."

"Hey FUCK you!" Kursed shouted punching him in the fleshy part of his shoulder blade.

Creed glanced to his side at the vixen, "Is that an invitation?" He smiled.

"Tch...you wish." Kursed replied, "Only action you're getting around here is from a whore, one of your old cell mates, or one of those." She finished tapping the closest arm to him.

It wasn't too long before they found themselves in a rather small, banged up, old transport ship...honestly it was the sadest thing that either Creed or Kursed had ever seen. She'd owned it ever since she'd left Star Fox. It was nowhere near the massive scale of the Great Fox, it's once pristine paint job was so worn and faded that one could never even tell that it was once a rather pretty shade of blue...It wasn't much but, aside from the constant motel rooms she stayed in, it was home. The two boarded the craft and walked through the short halls that lead to the small bridge where Creed simply tossed his luggage aside...The squared room was rather dimly lit and there were spare parts and other such junk laying about the place, Kursed sighed as she swept a small pile of trash off her captain's seat...

"This place is a fucking sty..."

Creed kicked something across the room, "No shit...I think we can agree to fix this place up with this bounty right?"

"Other than food that's all we really need...I'm a bit sick of that instant Ramen crap, one person can only eat so many noodles. I want steak, sausage, anything made of meat." Kursed's words were beginning to make Creed's mind slip off.

"SHUT UP!" He wined, "You're making me hungry."

Kursed flipped on a small laptop on her seat's arm, "Well giving me your ration of the food was your choice not mine, deal with it."

'As cold as the day I met you...' He thought to himself.

As Kursed sat there typing in something she looked over her shoulder, "I heard that asshole."

"Yeah whatever...you can stuff your telepathy right up your ass. Just get the client on so he can fucking pay us."

After a short time she reached their client who left informed them of where they could meet. The two delivered the body, received their money and were happy to set Kew's third moon well behind them. Kew was the closest planet to them but, there wasn't much for quality there when it came to mechanics or ship parts. They needed the best and that meant Katina. Kursed manually set their course and stood up stretching her back, they picked up a small supply of food on Kew's moon but, only enough for their new trip...they found prices there to be astronomically ridiculous...

"Computer..." Kursed said as she stretched, "...route any calls to the kitchen and my room."

There ship was so out of date that the on board computer didn't eve have a voice, just an annoying confirmation beep to most commands...which she heard now. She spent some time in the kitchen when she heard the computer's attention beep which meant there was an incoming call...

"Uuuhhh..." Kursed groaned as she stood up, "...Creed you deal with that piece of ship com system. I'm takin a shower and going to bed."

When Creed took a seat in the captain's seat he pulled his metallic arms out of his coat allowing it to fall onto the back of the seat. He punched in the codes for the imager buried under the pile of random junk in front of him, an image flickered above the ground for a moment before going out. Creed then kicked the dome shaped object on the floor and the image flickered to life as the floating upper body of a light brown furred fox, he looked like he was blinded by some sort of burn on his face...several arcs of electricity flashed and hissed at him...

"This...cCloud...damage...can't see...qesting...assist..."

After his brief words Creed could see nothing of the image but a label saying "Subspace link lost", though he knew Kursed wouldn't have agreed with what he did, he couldn't help himself as he rushed to his wolfen, and sped out of the docking bay of Kursed's small ship. As he approached the small ship that had appeared on their scanners he found that it was a horribly neglected arwing, that looked like it had been hit by some sort of meteor shower. Without calling to inform the pilot Creed connected to the arwing with his wolfen's tow cable and slowly began to pull it in to their ship, as they reached the ship a transmission came through to his control console...

Now at a closer inspection he could see that an electrical burn had robbed the fox, at least temporarily of his sight, "My name is Creed are you alright in there?"

"More or less...no. With this burn I can't open my eyes and as far as I can tell my leg's broken..."

"You got a name?" Creed asked, it was a stupid question of course he did.

"Fox McCloud...and thanks for the help..."

(As always I thank whatever fans there are to my stuff...and even those who don't. So if this gets what I consider to be enough reviews I'll continue indefinitely. Even if not though as...hell...I love writing. Don't forget to R&R people THX a mil...)

-I will always be those footsteps in the darkness- SkullFox