Alright. This is a new before - story message from AEonVicious.

For those of you who haven't started reading I just want to warn you that this is going to get kinda complicated., but it will all make sense in the end. Once the stories over there will be a final chapter that reveals everything, just in case I lose you along the way. As always, reviews are welcome and encouraged. Oh, and be prepared for anything plot-wise, relationship-wise or other. Thank You for reading.


5 years after the end of Death Note

Surrounded in the cold wind of winter a young woman stares at the sharp black lines carved into dull gray stone. It was only a letter, but that was more than enough for her. The graceful curls of her ebony hair moved listlessly. As she exhaled the warmth of her breath disappeared into the overcast sky.

"Do you remember the day we met? I know it was a long time ago but…I think it was snowing like this then too."

Light steps on a crowded street marked the passage of a young woman, bright eyes looking out at the world with a prideful gleam. Close to her chest she clutched a notebook so plain and unassuming that no one took notice. But the feeling of the black book held to her chest caused a grin to cross her face.

"God….has answered me.

Behind her, out of the sight of mortals a pair of ominous red eyes watched.

Near sat staring at the screens, absently twisting his silver hair around one finger. It was getting curly again from the constant attention. A panel to his left made a shrill series of beeps and he clicked over the speaker.

"Yes Watari?"

There was a pause before a sleepy, but firm voice came over the phone.

"Long time Near. I'm glad you're well."

The young man immediately stopped mid-twirl, eyes staring with unparalled intensity at the calligraphic W on his screen. He could have heard wrong…it could be someone else.

"Watari? Are you there?"

The old mans voice came through, unhurried. "Yes Near."

The twirling began again.

Near ran the short conversation through his mind. He knew that if Watari was calling him Near – a name he hadn't heard in over five years, then there could only be one person with him.

"L. It has been a long time."

L gave a short laugh on the other end, something so quick anyone else would have missed it.

"Yes it has. I found a bit of information you may need."

"Really?" Near asked. "Are you investigating the Holland case as well?"

There was an uncertain pause.

"No…This has to do with the KIRA case."

Near kept his eyes focused on the screen, as if trying to gain some hidden information from it. He couldn't understand why, after all this time the case was coming up again.

"The KIRA case…that was solved."

L continued. "I know that Light Yagami was KIRA. I also know he died before he could be apprehended. But there is an unresolved matter, Near."

Taking a moment to think Near ran over the facts in his mind. Light was dead. L was dead and the death notes were ash that had long been scattered to the winds. But maybe there was still something to be said about them.

"The death notes…I burned them."

"Then what of the copycat KIRA?"

Nodding to himself, Near felt his stomach turn a bit. With age he had started to gain a greater appreciation of life and all the disturbing emotions that came with it. He knew he was feeling…fear. Of course there were more death notes. Why shouldn't there be?

"I see."

L's voice lowered, almost to a whisper. "Did you know that Shinigami's love apples, Near?"

Climbing from his chair, Near crept over to the monitor before pacing. It was something he's started doing recently whenever he felt restless or nervous. L continued. "An old friend of yours left that message behind."

Near focused on the silver strands of his own hair, calming himself.

"L told me about that in the evidence he left behind. Is this evidence coming from the investigation reports?"

He wondered if L would take the bait. No. L wouldn't confirm anything over the phone like this.

"Near. I'd like to meet you in person for this case. We'll need help to solve it. If there is anyone you think would be an asset please bring them. Watari will send you the location."

As the line fizzled out Near glanced over at the surveillance tapes he had been watching. He would need to rewind and watch them all over again. But he could do that later. The thought of meeting L for the first time in years made him feel warm, excited, and a bit sad all at once.

"So. KIRA's legacy is still haunting you L."

Ayame looked around at the empty desks in the classroom. Each one had a grim little picture of all the snooty girls she hated. Each one was a girl that was out of the world forever. She could only think about how each one had deserved it for treating her like dirt.

"They had it coming." She whispered so softly not even she could hear it.

"You're going to make it obvious." A deep voice chided her and she resisted the urge to turn around, moving only her eyes instead.

"Sure, whatever." Ayame mouthed to her watchful shinigami, Tau.

From a secret vantage point in another room an agent snorted at the screen.

"Sure, whatever. What a stupid girl." He groaned, dialing a number on his phone.

The hotel room was fancier than most people would ever see. It would have shocked those assembled if they hadn't been there before. It was L's headquarters, the building with a secret world tucked away inside. Touta Matsuda looked out of the large picture windows until Kanzo Mogi waved him back into the room.

"You never know who's looking." He murmured.

Matsuda grinned. "Oh come on. I was just looking at the view. It's a shame to waste it."

"Safety first." Lidner sighed, looking tired from her long flight. Beside her Gevanni looked no better. Both had come in as soon as they could and neither had slept through the entire flight. It wasn't every day you were called in by the elusive L.

Poking into some of the drawers, Matsuda let out a soft sigh.

"Just like back then."

Lidner ignored him. "This seems like an awfully small group though. Where are the others?"

A creak made them turn as the door opened, revealing an older version of the young boy they'd last seen five years ago. Now a young man, Near looked over his old companions.

"The others won't be coming. They're dead."

Looks of shock crossed the faces of those assembled. Matsuda took a seat on a nearby chair, almost missing it. "No…Ide and Aizawa I knew about. But I didn't realize that Rester was dead too."

"It's nothing suspicious." Near commented calmly. "Humans are born and humans die. That's the way things are. So it's just us for now."

Gevanni nodded solemly. "So we'll be working with L again." He asked, eyes expectantly on the young man. Since Near had become the new 'L' Gevanni had been looking forward to working with the genius again.

Near nodded, twirling his hair. "Of course. We were just discussing that."

He looked behind him into the darkened room.

"We?" Matsuda asked, vocalizing everyone's thoughts.

From behind the door a face appeared, shadowed eyes taking in each member of the team in turn from beneath wild black hair. With hands shoved into blue jean pockets the young man walked out, slightly slouched as if he were tired. After a moment he addressed the group.

"Then let's get to work shall we?"

Matsuda nearly fell off his chair and the others could only stare with open mouths. For a moment there was silence as L looked to each of the surprised faces again.

"L!! You're—" Matsuda stammered.

"L!!" Mogi chimed in.

Lidner and Gevanni shared the same thought but it was Lidner who spoke first.

"L? This guy?"

Unconcerned with the confusion, L took his seat, reaching absently for a piece of peppermint on the table.

"Yes? Is that a problem?"

Moving forward, Matsuda swallowed his nervousness. It didn't make any sense to him at all.

"L. B-but…how? I was there!"

L only gave him a look out of the corner of one eye as Near brought him a piece of cake. Seeing the confection he gratefully began to eat.

Matsuda watched, the memories coming back to him with crystal clarity. He had watched the dark eyes close. He had been there when L's heart had stopped and seen his breathing cease. There was no doubt in his mind that L had died, in the arms of his enemy and best friend.

"L. You're supposed to be dead."

L finally looked up at him. "How distressing. But as you can see I'm alive and well."

It was him…the mannerisms…the way of speaking…it was him. That was all the group could think. Matsuda ran up and snatched L off the couch, spinning him in a hug. L balanced the cake carefully, eyes wide as he regained his footing, allowing Matsuda to hug him for the time being. "M...Matsuda—" L stammered.

Mogi shook his head. "You can't be L."

"Mogi!" Matsuda cried out, tears running down his face. "We shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth."

With an unflinching stare Mogi watched L. "L's name was written in a death note and anyone whose name is written there dies. We know that better than anyone. L—is dead."

As Matsuda's grip loosened L tried unsuccessfully to make an escape. "Mogi-san, you're quite observant. You're also completely right."

Eyes wide, Matsuda let go of L. "Eh? What?"

Landing on his rear, L gave Matsuda an exasperated look before climbing back onto the couch and taking a large bite of his cake.

"You didn't have to drop me."

Clenching his fists, Matsuda turned to L. His dark eyes had lost their sadness and were now unusually fierce. "So…you're not L."

L waved his fork. "Wrong. I am L."

"But L died." Matsuda emphasized.

L nodded, taking another bite. "Correct."

Mogi finally stepped in after seeing that Gevanni and Lidner had no intention of getting involved. "You're L…who's dead…but you're alive?"

Near took a seat beside L, looking amused. "That's right."

"That's stupid! What are you trying to pull?" Matsuda yelled.

"Fine then. Let's get to work."

The group looked at Mogi who seemed content with his answer. After a moment of stunned silence Lidner looked to Near who already had his eyes on her, as if knowing her question.

"This is impossible. Near. You're okay with this? Can you really trust this second L?"

Near twirled his hair. "I trust L. But please Lidner, this isn't a second L."

A hush fell over the group as their minds tried to reconcile all the jumbled pieces.

It was L who spoke at last.

"I am -- the original L. Now that that's cleared up we can get to work."

Seeing that the conversation was effectively as dead as L was supposed to be they each gave a nod of affirmation. With everyone in agreement the work began.