Top of the World

Summary: Not the most conventional Sakumo seppuku story...I'm not changing the result or down-playing the outcome; only the reason.
Author's Note: Caution, 398-ish spoiler: Deals with a theory of mine, based on the new manga revelations…: If the elders had set up the Uchiha clan, could they have set up Sakumo?
I'm thinking possibly yes, and what a bunch of butt-heads.

…I love this song so immensely; it's one of the greatest songs ever. (Top of the World by the Dixie Chicks)—also while writing this, I listened to "Sinners Like Me," and especially "Lightning," both by Eric Church.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, but I love him all the same. (I don't own the song, either.)
Genre: Tragedy; Humor (Rated only for the language; Jiraiya needs to go wash his mouth out…)





She wiped away the sweat above her brow and silently wondered if it could possibly get any worse. Tsunade didn't mind complication—so long as it was in theater, and not actual life. Her breathing slowed, and for a second, she could have sworn Jiraiya was in more pain than Sakumo was.

Tsunade saw Jiraiya look at her with all the uncertainty she had. It hadn't helped any, unless she told him something specific to do, like go get some water, hold him steady, of go recite shinobi ordinance. Tsunade decided she'd go ahead and fix a bandage on Sakumo's arm using material Jiraiya had torn from one of his sleeves. She started wrapping when she cleared her throat and said, "Jiraiya…why don't you talk to him…I have a bias to think it works."

She had a clear view of Jiraiya's profile—seemingly calmer than it had been five minutes ago. She imagined he'd speak quietly to him; maybe say some pretty annoying Tennyson verse to try and piss each other off—Jiraiya liked venting his anger so, but as she slipped a ribbon of indigo around Sakumo's arm, she heard: "SAKUMO—DON'T DIE!" Tsunade practically leapt back five feet in surprise. "Just please…don't…" he couldn't bring himself to say the word.

Jiraiya was hardly aware he startled her.

Tsunade looked at him in astonishment. She'd never heard or witnessed Jiraiya make that kind of wish. And Tsunade knew herself it was the wildest wish she could ever bet on. Sakumo would have died without question if they hadn't found him when they did. Now, by Tsunade's medical meddling, she may have just prolonged his life a little, at best. Still, Jiraiya's near-scream of good will rang in her ears as she slowly returned to her position.

Predictably, Jiraiya fell silent. Normally, everyone knew he always had something witty to say, but not now. He kept staring at his brother's face as if it should change. Jiraiya never felt so helpless in his life.

Tsunade finished and leaned back. She decided anything might be better than the silence. "Jiraiya—"

"I'm sorry," he said instantly, surrendering to quiet. "Maybe…maybe I thought he'd hear it better if I…if I said it like that."

She grinned at such a cute thing to say. "I'm sure he did," she lied.

Jiraiya looked at her. "What's next? What do we do?"

Tsunade took a breath. In truth, all she had were general ideas. Never before had she seen a man as beaten and broken as this, let alone Sakumo of all people. She sighed, glancing at him. "There's a medical station close to the border we can take him to…from there I can…" She decided to leave out the 'maybe', "…do something."

"All right," he agreed.

Again, she touched her forehead in a sort of evasive manner, subconsciously preparing the answer for Jiraiya's eventual question. "Under any other circumstance, I would not let him be moved."

"Tsunade…what are you implying?"

It was clear on her face that she did not wish to answer. "He's not well."

"Please…tell me."

Tsunade shook her head and stood. "All I can say is we need to get going."

Jiraiya nodded. "All right."

Tsunade watched as he got a grip on Sakumo's unconscious frame. "Hold him steady."

But Jiraiya couldn't bring himself to say anything this time. Instead, with Tsunade's direction, took the lead and never looked back.
