Disclaimer: I in no way own anything pertaining to Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon belongs to Naoko Takeuchi and Toei Animations, none of which I am a part of. Insert clever quick witted statement of wishing to own Sailor Moon Here.

Summary: Usagi knows of her life on the Moon, and she knows who each of her friends are reincarnations of. But no one else knows, and she isn't about to tell them.

Chapter One:

I rolled over onto my side. This had to be some sort of cosmic joke. Here I was, in the middle of what seemed to be bliss and rainbows, when furball over here decided to shake me awake. Why is it that she lets me sleep through all of the nightmares where Haruna-sensei is yelling at me, but once Tuxedo Kamen pops into the room she bursts my bubble? I swear, that crescent has to sense some sort of happy vibes and decides to disrupt them.

Not risking being awoken, I flipped onto my stomach, clenching my eyes shut and shoved my head under my pillow. I felt two four paws on my back, they'd disappear and come back with even more force, and I realized I was being used as a trampoline. I jiggled my body back and forth, shoulders knocking against the mattress, wiggling like a worm on the sidewalk, hoping to throw her off my path. With one loud "Reeeeeeeeeeowwwww" I knew I had done my job.

A bit too well for her tastes.

"U-SA-GI!" the foghorn of a wake up call made me crawl out from under my pillow, forcing me to face my deepest, darkest fear. This was the one thing I could not deal with. I could stare youma in the eye, sometimes it really was just one eye, I could run into class late, only to be rewarded with a thirty percent on my algebra test, I could even demolish objects no one would have rendered edible with my stomach of steel. I could do all these things, without the blink of an eye, okay, I lied, youma really do scare me … and Haruna-sensei, but the food thing is totally true, all but this.

"Usagi, get off your ass or I will drag my claws so deep into your face you'll have dimples that reach your vocal chords."

And I'm up.


After rolling out of bed, onto the floor, tripping over Luna a few dozen times trying to get dressed, and finding my broach covered in toothpaste (I swear that Shingo has a death wish), I was on my way.

Maybe I over exaggerated on the sleep thing. I am, by no means, a morning person. Most people see me as sunny Usagi, always there to brighten other people's day. Well, yes, I take on that responsibility wholeheartedly, as long as it's after 10am. If you disrupt me before then, so help me gods, I will tell my dad and Luna you touched me and they'll be all over you.

This may sound a bit harsh, I agree, but you haven't heard my side yet! Although, Luna knows of my side, and isn't its biggest fan. But she doesn't know the reason for my side that makes me so irritable. All Luna knows is that I stay up late, and I mean real late. I know what you're thinking, and it's the exact thing Luna thought.

"You ingrate! If you didn't go to bed so late then you wouldn't have to be beaten black and blue to wake up in the morning!"

Well, maybe you all aren't thinking such horrid thoughts as Luna, but you are disappointed at my lack of responsibility, aren't you? Have you ever thought that maybe it's physically impossible for me to fall asleep at a reasonable time? I suppose not, since I haven't really given you proper time to think of it at all.

You all heard me talk of youma earlier, and I'm sure you know what they are. Those energy sucking freaks the Dark Kingdom sends to my dear Juuban at the command of their generals, who are mere puppets in Queen Beryl's hands, who has been planning my demise and the corruption of my planet since she was reawaken from her confinement that my mother had inflicted on her one thousand years ago.

Lost? Don't be, I'll explain. You see, one thousand years ago there was a princess names Princess S-

"Odango Atama, what a pleasure it is to see you this morning. I'm so glad I got to be your first victim, although not if your cat counts as one, too," taunted that jerk of a prince, Chiba Mamoru. He had successfully knocked me off my feet and onto my rear, again. Of course, I know him as my dear Prince Endymion. But that was another life ago, and he has certainly gone through some changes since then. He still looks the same, he has these deep, dark indigo eyes that seem to have some sort of secret held in them, and his silky smooth raven black hair is just the tiniest bit shaggy, so that it tends to fall into his eyes and he runs his fingers through it as what I've now realized is a nervous habit. I assume his hair is still silky, I haven't felt it since we were on the Moon, but it may be greasy and fried for all I know, cause his personality sure has taken one for the team.

One thousand years ago he was my Knight in shining armour, literally. He didn't ride on a noble steed, but he did have a big, shiny sword, so I suppose that counts for something. Anyway, he was always there for me, especially when he wasn't supposed to be. Since contact between the Moon and Earth was forbidden, our relationship was, what you call, uber taboo. No one knew about us, except my best friend and head senshi, Venus. In this life her name is Aino Minako and is also Sailor Venus, she has more than one identity. I find it quite refreshing, to say the least. My senshi have their own lives outside of protecting me, and it makes me feel like less of a hassle, especially since they don't even know I'm their princess.

Oops? Did I forget to mention that? Well you see, no one el-

"Odango! What are you doing?" Uh oh, forgot Mr. Fancy Pants was still here. I admit, I do tend to get lost in my day dreams more often than in my past life, but I suppose that's due to the Usagi side of me. You see, I'm still the same person, Serenity and Usagi are the exact same soul, the only difference in me from when I was awaken was that I got my memories back. There aren't two minds battling for control, before I got my memories I felt like I was always missing something. Now I know that's because I wasn't complete, I didn't have all of me. And now I do.

"None of your business, Mamoru-baka," Oh yeah, even though he is my prince, he hasn't gotten his prince memories back, and without them, he can be quite the asswipe. "You're just lucky you didn't give me a concussion, you jerk! What kind of guy goes around knocking down innocent little 14 year olds?" I half whined half pouted at him. I had lost my anger while looking into his eyes, this happens fairly often, which lets him win all the damn fights. But I've never tried the wounded puppy act on him in this life. On the Moon it made him grovel and beg for forgiveness. But here and now, I'm not so sure he'll be getting down on his knees anytime soon. Or will he?

Mamoru tilted his back, accentuating his slender neck, he's always had a great neck, and threw out a hearty laugh. It was one of those laughs that rises from the pit of his stomachs, all deep and sensual like. God I want to kill this man. "Oh please, the Odango Atama is not innocent. You're more devious than any 14 year old I know." I could see his eyes widen for a moment before he broke eye contact. They locked onto the ground but I could still see them moving back and forth, as if there was a hidden message on the sidewalk that I was never aware of. "Did," he squeaked out, immediately ceasing his speech to clear his throat, "Did you say fourteen?" I knew it. He does feel something for me, even without knowing who I am. Well, well Usagi. Seems you've won this battle.

I picked myself up off the ground, dusting off my pleaded skirt and straightening my broach on my bow. He really was slow if he didn't realize both me and Sailor Moon have this broach, no other like it existed, and he stared at Sailor Moon's chest long enough to sketch her fuku from memory. "Yes you baka, I'm fourteen. What's wrong with being fourteen?" I asked satirically. I knew what was wrong. I was very, very under age. Pity, his hentai thoughts would have to wait another few years. He never used to be able to keep his hands off me as Endymion, he was a very grabby fiancé.

I kept a steady eye on him as he made sure to avoid it. He bent down to pick up the papers he dropped, belonging to some elaborate physics assignment, no doubt. My Endy always was a smart man. I figured that since I already won, I should at least take the honour in rubbing it in a bit. So I bent down across from him, picking up the sheets of paper that had flown farthest away from ground zero. Secured on my knees, I saw a sheet sitting to the left of his side, diagonal from where I was sitting. Devoted to keeping the smirk off my face, I leaned over towards the paper, using my left arm to steady me on the concrete so I wouldn't topple over and risk him gaining a point on me. I continued my path to the lost soul without extending my torso any further, allowing my right arm to stretch more than humanly possible, pulling at my shirt just enough to give him a flash of stomach and a quick peek of my chest. I'm well endowed for someone fourteen years old, no matter how small my frame is. When the paper was in my grasp I gave a little grunt, to show my physical exertion, and possibly place a few strategic images into his mind without seeming to have done anything.

Once back in my prior position, bended knees, I passed him the sheets I had collected, with a look of boredom on my face. Boredom was the last emotion his face was exerting. His eyes were now completely bulged out of their sockets, making me wonder how they stayed in at all. They were focused on my chest, once more. As Sailor Moon, the fuku showcases all my curves, and Mamoru, or Tuxedo Kamen as he sometimes goes by, gets a firsthand look. But in my form as Usagi, it was well concealed, so he didn't get a chance to put all his fantasies to rest. Deciding to play along the ditz routine, I had gotten over my clumsiness and naivety when I collected Serenity's memories, they allowed me to have matured without raising a finger, I asked the most innocent question I could think of.

"You like my broach?" I asked him, making sure to add in a drop of surprise and just a dash of pride. Pride of my broach, of course. "It was a gift from my mother. She said it was made just for me, and that I had to keep it forever." Okay, so that wasn't a lie. Queen Serenity, who is still my mother, gave it to me, it is made for me since no one else besides senshi or Royalty can touch it without getting sent back one hundred feet, and I can never lose it since it's bind to me. I just made it sound like a special present. And oh what a special present it is.

That seemed to have set him straight, since the moment I spoke he snapped his head up to meet my eyes. 'Well it's about time.' He cleared his throat once again, followed by raking his fingers through his hair, even though it just fell back into his eyes afterwards. Both signs he was nervous. I really do love this man. "Uh, yeah. It's, um, nice, for, for what it is." He finished, but not without a few more combings through his luscious mane.

I smiled my naïve little smile, pretending to be oblivious to his current state. "Thanks Mamoru-baka," I replied, but the baka was more like a pet name that anything else now, at least, in this moment.

"Yeah, well, I'm late," and with that he rose to his feet and ran like the devil himself was after him, until he was completely out of my sight. Taking a stronger grip on his, what I could now tell what was a paper on the Japanese economy over the past 50 years, complete with a due date of today, I knew I had him. I had him good.


Okay, so I tried to pay attention in class, I truly, honestly did. But there isn't a point! I'm a freaking princess from a thousand years ago who runs around Juuban in a really short skirt and what appears to be a gymnast uniform throwing a hair accessory to evil beings who don't even have a pulse, saving the lives of everyone around me! What do I care what x equals? I know I have to plan for a future, in case all of this saving the world stuff falls through, but I think Beryl is still kinda pissed from our last meeting, so she won't be going on vacation anytime soon.

Ooh, I still didn't tell you how all this happened, did I? Here are the basics. One thousand years ago there was something called the Silver Millennium in which the Moon lead all the planets in our Solar System. My mother, Queen Serenity, was in charge of the whole shebang. She was the most powerful being in the universe because she had the silver crystal in her possession. Basically, it's this little rock that can save or destroy pretty much everything, so it's a wanted item. Mortals have no control over it, it has no powers to it's name when they're the keeper. But anyone from the Silver Millennium has the power to possess it, good or evil.

I fell in love with Prince Endymion of Earth. At that time, Earth having contact with any of the other planets was strictly forbidden. Before I was born, they had laughed at the magic we had, saying it was nothing but rubbish. If they had waited just one damn minute, they would've realized that they too had magical powers, only among the royals like everywhere else, but their planet was the youngest and therefore the powers weren't developed. But nooo, they just wouldn't listen, so the rest of the Silver Millennium shunned them, leaving them to deal with their own problems.

I was always a little rebel, so one day I convinced Venus to take me to Earth. Normally, she wouldn't have the power to do that, but I could feel me one true love calling me from Earth, and since she was a descendent of Aphrodite, goddess of love, she could bend the wills of the universe to help us come together.

Long story short, I met Endy, we both knew who the other was, a gift of all royals, but we also knew that we were soul mates, and that trumped damnation. We'd meet on each other's turfs, so we could both know the others' lives, but he mostly came to the Moon, he thought it was glamorous, and I didn't care where we were unless we were together.

What I didn't know until it was too late was that my Endy has a stalker. Beryl (we weren't too keen on last names back then) was obsessed with him, and at the time there was a dark energy with the name Metallia who was trying to take the silver crystal from my mother. She just needed someone to harness her power. A human. They had to be very vulnerable, and I'm still unclear of the circumstances surrounding their union, but Metallia began to use Beryl, and they had pretty much wiped out every planet but Earth and the Moon, she had kept Earth's inhabitants to become her soldiers and fight against my nation.

On the day of her attack, Endymion had seen his guards become brainwashed and turned into her soldiers, and he knew the end was not far. He came to the Moon, to warn us all and form a defense of our own, but it was too late, and I had to watch all of my people, my senshi, die at her hands. I had known Endymion's guards, and they were lovely people, so charming and so much like their prince. Venus had met his head guard, Kunzite, and developed a liking for him. Kunzite once told me the feeling was mutual, but Venus was too afraid to do anything about it. Each one of his guards killed my senshi, four for four. Kunzite killing Venus was the hardest to watch. She didn't even put up a fight; she didn't want to harm him. She surrendered.

Once they were gone, I didn't think it could get any worse. Didn't want to think of what else could happen, though I was very well aware. Beryl cornered me and my love against the palace, him stepping forward to defeat her. I couldn't watch. As much as I wanted to see him take his last breaths, I was too terrified. But when I heard his scream, I couldn't be a coward any longer. I ran to his side, knowing he was dead. And I couldn't bring him back, I wasn't strong enough. My healing powers could patch up a scratch or a paper cut at that age, too under developed to even begin solving his injuries.

I saw Beryl staring at me, yelling something at me I didn't comprehend. My Endymion was gone; I was helpless to save him. Who gave a damn what that wench had to say. So I took his sword I had long admired, and drove it into my abdomen. I can't even begin to describe the pain. It's more than you shall ever know. You see, when the royals die, they die hard. We experience pain no mortal could ever imagine, which made watching everyone die all the more painful; I couldn't understand the level of pain they felt though I knew it was great. It wasn't until I, too was dying that I felt their anguish.

When I got my memories back in this life, my mother showed me what happened after my death. She sent all of us, my senshi, my love, his guards, and my protectors Luna and Artemis to the future. Unfortunately, Metallia weaseled her way into my mother's path, who at that point was too weak to protest, and could only pray that we all made it through the second time around. She had died, saving all of us.

As much as all of these memories hurt, I am thankful for them. I wouldn't want to forget all of the pain that was caused by our mistakes. I had to know this, in order to step up to the plate this time and save the Earth. There is no life on any of the planets that belonged in the Silver Millennium. They had died long before our final battle, leaving my Queen unable to save their souls.

When Luna woke me, I didn't get any memories. I was still Usagi, half empty. It was only after a few weeks of being Sailor Moon, listening to Luna's vague memories of the Moon and our duty to find and protect the princess, that I start to remember things. All I got at first were snippets of seemingly unimportant parts of my past life, knowing they had something to do with alter ego.

One night, a few months back, I received a dream from my mother's spirit, telling me it was time for me to know. My entire life flashed before my eyes, only to let me begin my new one. I wept, I cried, I had moments of shock. Luna had no idea what was going on. I just told her the first thing that came to my mind, that I was on my period and I had a bad dream of a youma shaped like Mamoru-baka. She tried to soothe my fears while keeping chuckles in her throat, not daring to make me feel stupid. But I did. The fact that she believed me made me feel like I was some sort of complete ditz. I used to be a ditz who felt incomplete, but now I'm finally complete and no longer a ditz. Funny how life works sometimes.

I thought of telling her the real story, that I was the Moon Princess we were working our perky little asses off to find, but I decided against it. If they were meant to know, then they'd know. Queen Serenity would have gone into their minds and released their memories if it was the way things were meant to be. I know they'll remember everything sometime. They have to, it's impossible to kill Beryl without having all of our strength. I trust her, she is my mother, and I trust her with my life. I have no other choice.

Which takes us to the present. I still act like incomplete Usagi. Ditzy, clumsy, not that bright (okay fine, I was an airhead), and I'm still the stubborn little mule. I was always the stubborn little mule, mind you, no matter what my name was. I'm glad both parts of me share that trait; it makes my life a whole lot easier.

I think I've done a pretty good job in summarizing one thousand years worth of events, don't you? I didn't list the stuff that happened in between, but that's neither here nor there. These days, my heart belongs to my friends, my new family, and my baka. I'm not worried about the youma. I get a little frazzled, of course, but I know they aren't any big threats. The only thing that scares me is that I can't do my job right. If I were to use my true power, even if it were a watered down version, my senshi would be asking questions, unknowing as to changed in me to make me so powerful, and I can't reveal to them my secret yet.

For now, this will be my little secret.