Alright. Jon tells everyone that tomorrow they will go to war with the Yamani Islands. I write what ensues. I know in the summary I said they will be light nonsensical drabbles, and I promise this is the only one that isn't.


"The initial force leaves tomorrow," Jon said.

Neal looked for Kel. Her face was emotionless, as always. It was her 'Yamani Mask'. Funny she should still use the mask, Neal thought, when tomorrow she'll be sailing to the Yamani Islands as an enemy.

Kel left the room and Neal lost no time in following her. For the longest time neither of them said a word.

"You can take off the mask," Neal said softly.

"No," Kel whispered. "I can't. I'm one of them."

Neal nodded. He had guessed as much. Wordlessly, he embraced his friend.

"How can I fight against these people? They raised me. They made me who I am," Kel said somberly. "How can I, Neal, how?"

"I don't know," Neal said. He sighed. "I don't know."