A brunette sneaks her way into the kitchen, a smile on her lips, as she gets closer to the blonde working at the counter. Reaching out, she wraps her arms around the woman's waist, "Hey gorgeous." Her smile grows as she feels her jump.

The blonde instantly relaxes into the woman's embrace when she recognizes the brunette's familiar scent and husky voice. "Ashley." The brunette lightly kisses Spencer's collarbone, relishing in the sigh Spencer lets out. They stand like that for another moment until Spencer turns in Ashley's arms, leaning back against the counter; hands gripping the countertop. "What are you doing here?"

Ashley shrugs, not making any attempt to move out of Spencer's personal space, unaware of the affect it's having on the blonde. "I was just finishing up at the studio so I thought I'd stop by. What are you doing?"

She leans forward, peering over Spencer's shoulder taking in all the ingredients sitting on the counter. "Baking cupcakes."

"Oh… and what brought about this sudden urge to bake?"

Spencer shrugs, trying to ignore the fact that Ashley is so close. "Just felt like it."

Ashley takes a step forward, letting her hands rest next to each of Spencer's, essentially trapping the blonde, leaving barely any space between the two of them. "Do I get one?"

Spencer smiles, "If you want one."

"I do."

They stay like that for another moment, just looking at one another, a few inches apart before Ashley clears her throat and steps back. She runs a hand through her hair, and looks to the ground, missing the eye roll from Spencer. "So I have a favor to ask you."

Spencer quirks a brow, "What's that?"

"Well two things really." Ashley bites her lip nervously before making eye contact with Spencer. "Tomorrow Jamie, Kyla, and I are going to the animal shelter to possibly find me a dog… want to come?"

"A dog?"

Ashley nods, "Yep. I've been putting off getting one since I never seemed to be in one place for too long. But now seems like the perfect time."

"Alright. Yeah, I'd love to." Spencer smiles, "as long as it's not some little purse dog."

The singer scoffs, "As if. I want a big dog. You know this."

Spencer crosses her arms at her chest, "Just checking. What's this other favor?"

"Come over tonight?"

An amused look crosses Spencer's face, "That's the other favor?"

Ashley smiles sheepishly, "Yeah. Jamie has plans with Andrew tonight and Kyla with Glen. So I was hoping you'd come keep me company. It gets lonely sometimes when it's just me."

"And that's the only reason you want me to come? Because Kyla and Jamie are both busy?"

"Oh no…" Ashley ducks her head, biting her lip nervously as she feels her cheeks burn, "I uh… I'd take you over the two of them any day. I just didn't know if you have plans or…"

Spencer steps forward, lightly grasping Ashley's wrist, cutting off her ramble, "I'd love to. What time do you want me over?"

Ashley shrugs, eyes traveling from the hand still grasping her own, up to Spencer's face. "Whenever, the only thing on the agenda tonight is a nice long bath."

Spencer smirks, "So should I come before or after the bath?"

"That's up to you Spence."

They once again get caught up in each other before Ashley steps away from the blonde and hops onto the counter next to where she's apparently mixing something. "So need any help?"

Picking up on that the brunette plans on staying, Spencer begins mixing the frosting, not even responding to her question. Ashley nods, watching her, "Good because we both know I'm terrible in the kitchen… like Kyla's dinner was a disaster I'm surprised she didn't get food poisoning. I think I'm better just sitting here looking pretty and keeping you…"

Spencer cuts off her rambling, stepping in between Ashley's legs, holding a spoon up to her lips, "Shut up and taste this."

Ashley takes the frosting into her mouth, her tongue coming out to lick away any excess frosting. She closes her eyes as she swallows, "Mmm, that's delicious Spence." When she opens her eyes, she finds Spencer still standing there, her eyes a few hues darker.

"Think so?" She asks, as she sets the spoon down on the counter.

Ashley nods, gripping the counters in attempt to keep her hands from wandering. "Yeah, I do."

Bringing her own hands up, Spencer rests them on Ashley's denim covered thighs, slowly rubbing up and down. They lock eyes, and Ashley smirks at the situation, "We seem to keep finding ourselves in these little stare downs today."

Spencer nods, biting her bottom lip, tilting her head, "So do something about it."

Smiling softly, Ashley nods as she reaches over to wipe powdered sugar from Spencer's cheek, relishing in the fact that she leans into her hand; her eyes closed. She leans down, slowly bringing their lips together giving Spencer a chaste kiss. She smiles as she pulls back slightly.

When doesn't lean back in immediately Spencer opens her eyes and nervously bites her lip, "What's wrong?"

Ashley shakes her head, smile still in place, "Nothing. Nothing at all," she husks out before capturing her lips again.

It quickly gets heated, and Spencer lets a moan out as Ashley's tongue runs over her bottom lip, feeling her heart beat erratically, as she grants her access.

They easily get lost in each other, hands wandering and tugging, tongues meeting, moans eliciting; neither willing to come up for air.

With the slam of a door and Glen's voice floating into the kitchen, they pull apart. Chests heaving, Ashley rests her forehead against Spencer's as they try to control their breathing. "God you have no idea what you do to me."

"Then tell me…"

"I'd rather show…"

"Spence! I smell something delicious!"

Letting out a sigh, Spencer squeezes the brunette's thighs before taking stance in front of her ingredients again, just as Glen walks into the kitchen, a large smile on his face. "Hey Ash. What are you two up to?"

She hops down off the counter, trying to regain composure; finally just getting her heart to settle. "Hey, I'm actually just heading out. I have a bath waiting with my name all over it." Spencer opens her mouth to protest, wanting to finish what they started but quickly closes it as Ashley pulls her into a tight hug, "See you later gorgeous," she whispers before leaving a ghost of a kiss on her cheek. She pulls away, and heads out of the kitchen, smacking Glen on the ass as she passes by him eliciting a yelp, "Later."

With a sigh, Spencer leans against the counter, running a hand through her hair.

Glen stands there watching his sister with a shit-eating grin on his face, "Someone has it bad."

"Shut up."

"Real bad." He laughs lightly, loving the blush coating his sister's cheeks.

"Is there a reason you're here?"

Nodding Glen walks over to the counter, tasting the frosting that started the heated make-out session. "Kyla is on her way home, she told me to meet her here. Sorry if I interrupted something." He faces Spencer, "making cupcakes?" She nods, clearly still a bit flustered.

Shaking his head, he walks to the fridge grabbing him self a beer and one for Spencer. "What's going on with you two?"

She shrugs as she takes a drink from the bottle. "We're taking it slow."

"Ha. How's that going?"

"I'm dying."

He snorts, "Sounds about right."


As she steps out of the tub, feeling much more relaxed; Ashley lets out a content sigh. Recording hasn't been going well, due to lack of inspiration from a certain brunette. The words just weren't flowing these last few months and Ashley nearly bit Avery's head off when he suggested bringing writers onto the album.

She quickly dries herself off before slipping on her short gray robe and blows out the few scented candles she had lit.

Hearing the doorbell ring, she lets out a series of mumbled curses realizing she spent more time in tub than she meant to. Tying her robe securely, she runs to the front door, slightly out of breath.

She opens the door, mumbling to herself about getting a trainer. Her thoughts are cut short and a smile is instantly on her face when she opens the door to find Spencer standing there, hands playing with the hem of her shirt as she focuses on her shoes. "Hey you," she husks out, her heart rate automatically speeding up at the sight of her.

Spencer looks up from her feet, biting her lip as she takes in the sight before her. Swallowing thickly, she tries with all her might to push past the fact that Ashley's standing there clad only in a barely there robe that is clinging to all the right places on her body. Forcing her eyes to meet Ashley's she quirks an eyebrow, "Do you normally make it a habit of answering your door half naked?"

Ashley shrugs, leaning up against the open door, crossing her arms. If she's uncomfortable about being practically naked in front of Spencer, she's giving no indication. "Maybe. Is that a problem?"

The blonde shakes her head, letting her eyes rake up and down Ashley's body, "Nope."

She smirks, "That's good." They easily get lost in one another, matching smiles adorning their lips. They stay like that for another minute until Ashley rolls her eyes and firmly grabs Spencer's arm, pulling her into the house, quickly shutting the door. "Come on."

Pulling Spencer further into the house, she drops her off in the family room. Opening the large French doors, Ashley takes a deep breath, loving the smell and sounds that instantly floats into the home. "I'm going to go put something a little less revealing on, and then I'll be back." She turns toward Spencer with a smile, "Okay? So sit. Relax."

Spencer nods, a smirk in place as she flops down onto the couch, aimlessly flipping through channels.

"Okay, sorry about that." Ashley walks back into the room a few minutes' later, wearing gray sweats, a black tank top, with her hair down and still a little wet.

"Trust me, not a problem." She winks at Ashley, putting down the remote.

Smiling, Ashley points behind her toward the kitchen, "Want something to eat or drink?" Spencer nods, standing from her position on the couch following the brunette. "I have beer, wine, water, some kind of juice, and milk."

Spencer walks behind Ashley wrapping her arms around her waist as she peers into the fridge. "How about some wine?" she whispers, kissing her collarbone, making her way up to her neck.

"Mmm, sounds good." Ashley tilts her head to side, granting Spencer more access. Not making any move to get the wine.

Spencer bites the brunette's neck before placing a soft kiss over the red mark. "Great, I'll grab the glasses." Spencer pulls away, and begins searching the cabinets for the glasses.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Ashley runs a hand through her unruly curls, before opening the wine.


A few hours later they find themselves a half a pizza and a bottle of wine down, and sharing a carton of ice cream as they snuggle under a blanket watching the 3rd season of How I Met Your Mother.

Setting her spoon down, Ashley pulls the blanket away from them and stretches; letting out a yawn. "Man, I'm full."

Laughing, Spencer pats Ashley's stomach as her tank top rides up. "Yeah I can tell."

"Hey! Don't touch that, I might explode."

"Hmm, who would have thought you'd have a problem with me touching you." Spencer quirks an eyebrow, trying to bite back a smile as she turns her body towards her and eyes Ashley.

Ashley smirks, letting her eyes rake over Spencer, "Oh trust me I have no problem with you touching me…" She sends a wink Spencer's way as she stands and begins to clean the contents off the coffee table. "Be right back."

A few minutes later, Ashley comes back from the kitchen; two water bottles in hand, to find Spencer laying the length of the couch.

She sets the bottles down, "Way to steal my spot Spence," she states, as she sits on the edge of the cushion. She brings one hand to rest in between the couch cushion and Spencer's torso pretty much trapping the blonde below her, while the other brushes a piece of hair out of Spencer's eyes.

Spencer smiles at the action, shifting to give her more room. Ashley leans down, softly kissing Spencer's forehead, "I'm glad you came."

"Me too," Spencer husks out, her breathing picking up as Ashley stays hovered over her leaving a series of butterfly-light kisses everywhere.

They find themselves kissing a few short seconds later. They stay like this for a while, both of them savoring the other without hurry or urgency, with Spencer burying her hands in Ashley's hair, pulling her closer and in turn, deepening the kiss.

Tongues duel for a brief moment until they find sync with each other, creating a sensual dance.

Spencer lets out a low moan as Ashley shifts and slowly moves to straddle the blonde. She pulls back, locking eyes with Spencer, questioning whether this was okay or not. Spencer answers by hungrily reconnecting their lips, pulling the brunette down onto her. Ashley gasps as she feels their bodies connect, breast to breast, legs tangled.

Spencer's breath catches in her throat as Ashley's hand travels all over her body; over her arm, her stomach, her thigh, and back up until she moves her hand to her breast, her touch electric.

Their kissing slows down, Ashley pulls back, burying her head in Spencer's neck; placing a wet kiss there.

They stay like that, holding each other in a comfortable silence. Spencer runs her hands up and down Ashley's back as the brunette draws patterns on Spencer's stomach.

"I could stay like this forever," Ashley husks out.

"Me too."

Ashley looks up, trying to meet Spencer's eyes. "Really?"

The blonde nods with a smile, placing a kiss on Ashley's forehead. "Really."

"So you're getting a dog huh?"

Ashley nods, "Hopefully."

"What kind do you want?"

"Something large, maybe a lab or a mix... I don't think I'm going to be too picky."

"Does the place were going have large dogs?"

Ashley shrugs, placing kisses along Spencer's collarbone and neck, "I'm not sure."

Spencer chuckles softly as Ashley's hand begins to wander again, "Ash…" A moan escapes as Ashley's lips find her weak spot.

The singer pulls back, looking sheepish, "I'm sorry, I just… you do insane things to me Spence. I just want you all the time… I can't help myself."

Spence nods, "I know." She sighs, glancing at the large clock on the wall, stifling a yawn. "Ugh, I should go."

"Or…" Ashley entwines their hands, "you could stay."

"Ash… I…"

"I don't mean like that Spence. Just stay the night. It's already late and it's like a half hour drive at least. Stay with me."

Biting her bottom lip, Spencer tilts her head, studying Ashley; looking for any ulterior motives. Not finding anything but sincerity in Ashley's eyes, she nods, "Okay."

"Good. Now we can watch more of Neil Patrick Harris."

Smiling, Spencer shakes her head and pulls Ashley closer, loving how comfortable and content she's feeling.

Ashley leaves one more kiss on the nape of her neck before focusing her attention on the television, not missing the sigh that escapes the blonde's lips.

Not long after, they both find themselves dozing; curled up in one another. "Spence…" Ashley husks out, running her hand up and down the sleepy blonde's arm.


"Let's go to bed."

"Nuh uh. I'm comfy here."

Ashley chuckles softly, "Come on. I promise you'll be much more comfortable in a bed."

Letting out a groan, Spencer uncurls herself from the brunette, stretching before she stands. Letting Ashley lead her down the hall to her bedroom.

Spencer nervously sits on the edge of the bed as Ashley rifles through her drawers, pulling out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt; tossing them at the blonde. "Here ya go lady."

"Thanks." She stands and begins to strip, reveling in the fact that she can feel Ashley's eyes on her.

Once again clothed, she crawls into the bed, snuggling up in the large down comforter, "Coming?"

Nodding, Ashley tries to shake the image of Spencer's gorgeous, sculpted body out of her head. She too crawls into the massive bed, taking a minute to get comfortable. As soon as she gets settled, Spencer scoots closer to her, draping an arm over her stomach, burying her head in the brunette's neck; placing a gentle kiss there. "Good night Ash."

Remembering to breathe, Ashley wraps her arm around the cuddly blonde, "Night Spence."