Hatake Kakashi had expected many things of death. This certainly wasn't one of them.

He had imagined that it would perhaps be an empty, black void. Or like eternal sleep, to be able to rest after a very hectic life. Or perhaps, in his hopes and dreams, he had thought that he'd be reunited with his fallen friends and family. That he'd be able to thank Obito for real, that he'd be able to see sensei smile again and to tell Rin he was sorry. And that he would be able to see his father, and tell him that he did not hate him. And, when their time was up, he would be ale to see his students, his other team, again.

It felt… odd. He was standing next to his fallen body, which was surprisingly unmarred, considering that he's taken down five of the Akatsuki before dying. From chakra exhaustion.

He was quite proud of himself because of that (not the dying or chakra exhaustion part, but the Akatsuki part). And his students, friends, and village were all safe, for now.

He looked around for a second, then searched his pockets. Damn. Apparently his first edition Icha Icha Paradise hadn't stayed with him, or his soul, he didn't really know (he just saw the weird, broken chain hanging out of his chest), when he died.

"How did you do that?" A distinctly female voice spoke up from beside him. Ah. She must've been the one hiding among the trees during the fight.

She looked strange under his sharingan, as if half of her chakra was missing, not in amount or density, but in essence. It didn't make sense to him. He didn't let her see his surprise, but kept his expression blank, or rather somewhat bored.

He ignored her question.

"How can you see me?" he asked, allowing himself to sound curious. "I mean, being dead and all, I thought I'd be invisible."

"Oh, you are." The short, dark haired woman dressed in black, carrying a slim katana at her hip, still stared at the spot where the five Akatsuki members had been swallowed by the black hole created by his mangekyo sharingan. "But I am a Shinigami; I as well am invisible to regular mortals."

A Shinigami? As in there were more?

The young woman seemed to snap out of her trance and pulled out a black phone, Kakashi recognized the device, even though it was something that had never become popular within the shinobi society and profession – a cell phone was far too easy to track.

"Yes," she spoke into the phone.

"No there is not a problem… well sort of. I am calling to request a senkaimon. No I have not yet performed the konso.

I am just saying that you do not want this guy to run around loose in Rukongai!" She was beginning to sound more and more irritated; a vein was staring to bulge on her forehead. For some reason she was reminding Kakashi of Tsunade. Though a very short, dark haired, flat chested Tsunade.

"He opened a dimensional rift or portal of some sort by him self. And he could control it.

No I don't know if it lead to Hueco Mundo.

Yes, while he was alive.

No, I have no idea how he did it. Nor how he could access his reiatsu like that.

Look, he did other things as well, before he opened it. Some sort of kidou, I think.

It seems that his heart gave up on him when he ran out of energy.

Yes, he had quite a lot of it, along with some massive control.

Do I have to tell you how powerful this most likely makes him as a spirit?

Good. No, I doubt he would appreciate Mayuri-taichou's attention.

Just open the damn door!"

As a circular, traditional looking set of doors appeared in thin air, Kakashi once again figured that this was nothing like what he'd ever expected of death.