A/N: Ok everyone this is the Sequel to Unexpected. It really doesn't matter if you read this first or not. It might make a little more sense though to read Unexpected first. R&R please.

Happy Reading!

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Chapter 1

The Quidditch Match

Four years had passed since the night that Hermione had seen Draco off on the top of the roof of Hogwarts. Less than a month after Draco had fled Hogwarts the War had begun. Hermione joined Harry and Ron and fought alongside them.

She only lasted four weeks into the war, Hermione had to stop fighting because of her pregnancy. She was taken to Number Twelve Grimwauld Place where she had to stay until her child was born.

When she arrived with the Order members her first night Hermione's heart had nearly quit on her. When she walked through the door there he stood. Six foot nine, in all black, staring at her with sparkling eyes.

"Draco!" She screamed running to him.

He crushed her into him hugging her as close to him as physically possible. Hermione wept onto his shoulder and made vigorous love to him until early dawn.


Throughout the next eight months Hermione's belly grew, she became more weak and emotional. Finally one morning when she was eating breakfast with Remus Lupin and Molly Weasley her water broke.

"Ok men out of here! Ginny! Tonks! In here help me now!" Molly had shouted throwing all of the men out of the kitchen.

"Molly she can't do this on the kitchen floor! Take her up to her room! Someone tell Draco!" Lupin hollered helping Hermione up from her chair and carrying her up to her bedroom.

Four painful, stressful hours later Hermione lay against her pillow exhausted with not one, but two tiny babies beside her. A boy and a girl. She softly stroked their baby hairs staring at them in awe.

"Congratulations," Ginny whispered to her as Hermione watched her babies lull into sleep.

Hermione to weak to even speak smiled at Ginny then she too fell asleep. Draco had burst into the room at four in the morning with Neville.

"Shh Malfoy! She's exhausted, she's probably still sleeping!" Neville hissed.

"I don't care I want to see her and the baby now!" He turned on a light and his eyes met the surprising sight of Hermione laying on the bed with two babies beside her.

His jaw dropped.

"Hermione... you had... twins!" He said in awe.

She nodded tiredly. Draco rushed over grinning. He looked at the babies then at her. He quickly kissed her on the lips. Slowly Neville left the room unnoticed by either of them.

"Oh... good job baby... can-can I see them?" He asked excitedly looking down at the babies.

Hermione smiled and sat up in the bed. She picked up her baby boy and handed it to Draco.

"Here's your son." She said smiling.

Draco's eyes widened as he took his baby from her arms. He stared down into his pale, chubby face. He looked like an angel. Draco's heart started racing.

"Oh... wow." He murmured pulling the baby closer to him.

"And this is your daughter," Hermione explained pulling up the second baby.

"I've named her Ava..." Hermione said.

"Let me hold her." Draco said excitedly passing his son back to Hermione.

Draco craddled his daughter in his arms and stared down at her in even more awe. She was beautiful, precious, a princess. Draco's heart swelled and suddenly he had the urge, even though she couldn't speak, give this baby whatever her little heart desired.

Draco looked at Hermione and cried out exasperated. Hermione smiled weakly.

"I'm so tired Draco."

"Can I take them downstairs.?"

Hermione looked fearful.

"Oh I don't know Draco-"

"Please Hermione just to show everyone!" He was head over heels in love with his children and over the hill excited.

"Oh alright." Hermione said painfully.

"Have you named our son?" He asked taking him from Hermione.

She shook her head.

"I have an idea."

"What is it?"


Draco seemed to ponder this for a moment then looked at her grinning.

"I love it. It means enduring is Latin does it not?"

She nodded.

"It does."

He grinned.

"I love you so much." He whispered leaning in and kissing. Then he turned off the light and left the room with the children bundled in his arms.

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Hermione spent almost everyday the following month in bed with Ava and Dante. Or with Draco. Finally she began walking around Number Twelve Grimwauld Place with the babies.

Harry came for a short week to see her and the babies.

"I cannot believe that you had children." Harry said in awe watching her rock Ava in her arms.

Hermione smiled.

"How is everything going Harry? Nobody would tell me when I was pregnant because they feared I was too sensitive to know anything. And now that I'm a new mother they think that I should be sheltered from it all and just worry about Ava and Dante. Draco hardly tells me anything."

Harry sighed.

"I kind of feel the same."

"Harry I'm still the same person. I'm still Hermione. Now tell me!"

He sighed again.

"There's been a lot of deaths... but more Death Eaters then Order memebers."

She nodded.

"Truthfully I think the war may be coming to an end. Maybe by the new year."


He nodded.


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Harry was right. Two months after he'd visited Hermione and her children he faced and battled Voldemort once and for all. Voldemort fell for the second time. But this time for good.

Celebrations larger than when Voldemort had vanished the first time took place all throuout Great Britain and carried on until mid Feburary.

Hermione and Draco left Number Twelve Grimwauld Place and moved into his manor. His father had died in the war and his mother had moved to France to live in their vacation house.

As soon as they had moved into the house Hermione discovered that she was pregnant again. Draco seemed to be as pleased with this news as he was when Voldemort had been defeated.

They once again began preparing for the coming baby. Dante and Ava turned a year old. Harry married Ginny and settled down in a house close to the Burrow. Ron dated off and on, but now had been dating Lavender Brown, his Hogwarts sweetheart, for almost a year now.

In December Hermione gave birth to her third child, another son named Adrian, it had been a wonderful Christmas gift. Draco had also asked her to marry him. She'd agreed.

That had all been four years ago today. Ava and Dante were three years old, Adrian nearly two and Draco and Hermione were married living in Malfoy Manor with their three children.

Draco joined the professional Quidditch team the Britain Bullets last season and was now preparing for his upcoming and second season of professonial Quidditch.

End of Flashback. Present:

Hermione Malfoy sat up leisurely in her bed. She stretched out her arms, the silk sheets that had been wrapped around her body fell to her waist revealing her naked chest and torso.

The curtains to the windows of her bedroom had been drawn back and beams of sunlight were pouring into the bedroom hitting her newly awoken sensitive pupils.

Groaning a yawn she noticed a lily laying beside her on her husband's deserted pillow. Beneath the white flower lay a piece of parchment.

Hermione picked up the paper, unfolded it then flattened it out to read its inscription:


You look so beautiful when you're sleeping.

I left early this morning.

I'll see you and the kids at the match today.

I can't wait to see you awake.

Love, Draco

Hermione rolled her eyes, but smiled. Her husband was so romantic. Pettily she got up from her king sized bed and walked to her closet to begin getting dressed for the day.

She emerged from the closet several minutes later in a solid forest green sundress. She went to her vanity and applied make-up then used her wand to scrunch her hair prettily.

Just as instantly as she had finished her hair two of her three children came bounding into the bedroom shouting. Hermione turned around to see Dante and Ava running about the room waving fake wands at one another.

"Here take that!" Ava cried pretending to send a spell at her twin brother.

"Oh yeah?" Dante called.

"Take this Ava!"

He made some sound effects with his mouth as he pretended to send a spell zooming at Ava. Ava pretended to get hit in the chest and she tumbled to the floor landing in a heap. Hermione smiled watching them.

"Have you eaten breakfast?" She asked them.

"Yes." They said in unision, Ava standing up from her fake fall.

"Olga gave us Lucky Charms!" Dante said excitedly.

Hermione smiled. Her childrens' nanny, a tall, red haired, German woman named Olga was a squib. She enjoyed Muggle things, such as food. She constantly introduced Muggle dishes to the family, many Hermione was familar with. \

Draco however didn't exactly loved them. But he put up with it, with a smile. He did however share the children's appreciation for Olga's ultimate favorite. The breakfast cereal Lucky Charms. He loved them.

"Did you see your Daddy this morning?" Hermione asked standing up from her vanity.

"Yes!" Ava squealed.

"Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!" She squealed again running over and grabbing onto Hermione's dress.

"Yes love?"

"Daddy says I get to go to his Quibbititch match today!" Ava cried stumbling on the word 'Quidditch'

"That's right darling. Now you go and find your prettiest dress to where to his match." Hermione told her.

Ava squealed excitedly and ran out of the room with her fake wand. Dante sprinting after her. Hermione left the bedroom as well and walked down the hallway towards the childrens' Nursery.

When she entered Olga was in the corner of the massive room leaning over a crib. Hermione walked up to the crib that contained her two year old son Adrian. Olga grinned when she saw Hermione.

"Guud morning Mizzuz," Olga said in her thick German accent.

"Good morning Olga. How is Adrian?"

"He's velly well Mizzuz. I gave him hez bottle zis mornin' and he zeems much betta. Much stronga."

Adrian had been born premature and he was somewhat of a weak baby. Hermione stroked Adrian's soft skin and his flawless blond locks. He was exactly identical to his father.

Adrian began making sweet baby cooing sounds and Hermione's heart swelled with love. She rubbed his soft, warm, belly and bent over the crib to kiss his alabaster skin. Adrian squealed with delight and gripped some of Hermione's scrunched hair in his tiny fists.

"Mummy!" Ava suddenly cried.

She was suddenly by Hermione's side and yanking on the him her dress.

"Yes love?" Hermione asked turning away from Adrian to Ava.

"I cannot find my dress!" She yelled exasperated stapping her foot.

Hermione stared at her imagining that this was exactly how Draco must have been as a child. Stamping his foot, spoiled and got everything his greedy little heart desired.

Ava was spoiled. It was no secret. Dante however was mature like Hermione. Ava on the other hand was always in trouble whether it be at home or at public.

"Ask one of the house elves Ava." Hermione told her.

Ava fled the room in a hurry to discover where her missing dress had ended up.

"I'm taking the children to Draco's match today." Hermione told Olga.

"Yez Meester haz alweady told me Mizzuz."

"You'll be alright with Adrian?"

"Of course Mizzuz, have a lovely day wiz your cheeldrin!"

Hermione left the Nursery and helped Ava and the house elves locate Ava's missing dressing. Hermione used her wand and preformed


To retrieve the dress. Ava and Dante squealed with delight watching Hermione use her wand and watching the dress zoom through the air then land in Ava's arms.

At ten till one Hermione gathered her children and they flooed to the Quidditch Stadium. Ava and Dante enjoyed going to Quidditch matches more than Hermione did. Even though her husband played it it was an utter bore to her.

Almost immediately as they arrived a swarm of reporters from the Daily Prophet and other papers swamped Hermione adn the children begging for interviews and statements.

"Please Mrs. Malfoy tell us is Draco ready for the new season!"

"Will he be Quidditch Captain this year?"

"How's Draco's arm from last season?"

Quickly several broad tall wizards ran to Hermione and began pushing aside the reporters. Hermione hurriedly led Dante and Ava away from the commotion. They hurried up to their box seats and found Harry sitting up there grinning.

"Hello Hermione!" He yelled happily.

Hermione grinned and waved at him. She moved across the seats and hugged him.

"I didn't know that you would be coming today." She said happily.

"Draco sent me a ticket by owl last night."


"Did you get swarmed by those greedy reporters?" Harry asked her disgustedly.

"Yes." She said huffing.

Being married to a professional Quidditch player and being best friends with the wizard that had saved all of the Wizarding World had made Hermione into a quite talked about celebrity.

"Uncle Harry!" Dante shouted.

"Yes?" Harry said grinning boyishly down at Dante.

"Look at this!" He held out his fake wand.

"Your mum bought you a wand? But you're too young." Harry said taking the wand from Dante's palm.

As soon as he held it it squeaked loudly and turned into a block of cottage cheese. Dante and Ava roared in laughter at seeing Harry's surprised face.

"Oh one of them fake ones eh? Did you get this from Fred or George?"

"George!" Ava squealed.

Harry grinned then began to tickle her. Ava screamed in laughter trying to get away. Hermione smiled then looked away picking up a program for the the match. The program had pictures of all the players of the Britain Bullets and the opposing team the Chudely Cannons, Ron's ultimate favorite team.

Suddenly the crowds in the stands began to roar excitedly. The referee had just entered the Quidditch Pitch. He flew into the air and began announcing the players. Draco, seeker, was the last to be called. The stands roared in cheers.

"Yay! Go Daddy!" Ava hollered.

"Yes!! Go Dad!" Dante roared.

The match began with the Chudely Cannons scoring two points right of the bat. The Britain Bullet fans were yelling and swearing angrily raising their fists in the air. Harry hollered like a maniac and Dante and Ava began repeating everything and motion he did.

"You son of a bitch!" Harry roared seeing a Chudley Cannon player punch a Britain Bullet in the arm making him release the Quaffle.

"You son of a bitch!" Dante hooted.

"DANTE!" Hermione screamed.

He looked sheepishly at his mother. Harry hadn't noticed a thing he was so into the game.

"Don't ever say anything like that again!" She roared at her son.

Dante looked away sneering. She rolled her eyes. Indeed the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The continued with the Britain Bullets scoring four points then the Cannons scoring another one.

"Draco needs to catch the snitch now! Before the Cannons get another point!" Harry shouted passionately to Hermione who couldn't have given a rats ass about the outcome of the game.

"Come on Draco!" Harry shouted.

"Go Daddy! Go!" Ava cried.

"GO DAD!" Dante hollered.

Hermione closed her eyes and rubbed her temples in aggrivation.

"LOOK!" Harry shouted to the kids pointing.

Draco had dove at a staggering angle. His arm was stretched out and the small gold fluttering snitch was mere inches from his grasp.

"Speed up!" Harry called.

He did. And caught the snitch in his right hand powerfully. The stadium erupted in cheers and applause. Draco flew up and parked his broom right above the box seats. He jumped down from his broom and landed right in front of Hermione.

Hermione smiled and stood up. They hugged and kissed. The stadium roared even louder. Hermione pulled away quickly.

"You're disgusting Draco," she said pushing him away.

Truer words had never been said. He stood before her sweat and dirt all over her face, his Quidditch robes stained and sweaty as well.

"Gross go clean up," she muttered.

Draco grinned and winked at her.

"DAD!" Dante roared running over to them.

"You were AWESOME!"

Draco picked him up and smiled.

"Thank you son. Where's my princess?"

"Here Daddy!" Ava said desperately pulling at Draco's robes.

Draco picked her up in his other hand and held them both in his arms.

"You guys want to fly?"

"YES!" They shouted in unision.

"Oh Draco-"

"I'll take good care of them." Draco assured Hermione jumping onto his broom and zooming off down to the field where loads of fans and reporters were.

"Lets go get some lunch Hermione." Harry suggested.

"They can meet us up there."

"Oh alright." Hermions said feeling slightly jealous of Draco getting the children all to himself.

Harry and Hermione left the stadium together and apparated to Diagon Alley. They went to a cafe and sat down together.

"How've you been?"

"Well. You?"

Harry grinned.

"Ginny's pregnant."

"What!?" Hermione shouted spiller her drink on her lap.

Harry laughed and preformed a cleaning spell on her pants.

"Thanks. But when?"

"This morning she told me."


"Don't worry I'll tell him... I'm REALLY excited Hermione."

"Oh congratulations Harry!"

"Thanks. I just watch you and Draco and I'm jealous. I want a big family like you have. Maybe more than you have. And Ginny's use to that and she wants it too."

"How many kids are you planning?"



He laughed.

"You should owl Draco and the kids." Harry suggested.

"Good point."

Quickly she scribbled a note on a napkin and sent it with an owl perched on a railing outside. Less than half an hour later Draco walked through the door in robes and clean as a whistle.

Ava was on his shoulders and Dante walking by his side talking excitedly up at Draco. A few people cheered when he walked through the door and he nodded curtly at them, some looked puzzled and whispered amongst one another.

"Draco over here!" Harry shouted.

He spotted Harry and Hermione and walked towards them. He lifted Ava off of his shoulders and sat her down in her chair.

"Good game mate." Harry said smiling.

"Thank you." Draco said shaking Harry's hand firmly.

"How are you my love?" He asked sexily bending down and kissing Hermione on her lips.

"Fine." She replied fluttering her eyelids up at him.

He narrowed his eyes knowingly at her, smirked and winked.

"Are ya'll ready now?" A young waitress asked them coming up to their table.

"Firewhisky." Draco said.

"Draco, it's three in the afternoon."

"Hermione I've just won a Quidditch match."

She rolled her eyes.

"Firewhisky," he repeated to the waitress.

"Same." Harry said.

"Butterbeer for them," Hermione said motioning to the kids, "and I'll have a glass of wine I suppose."

Their lunch was spent mostly of Harry and Draco reviewing about the game.

"Oh Hermione, we have to go to a party this Friday night." Draco told her.

"For what?"

"For the Quidditch team. And no kids allowed. Just adults. Players and their wives/girlfriends."

"Oh. Where at?"

"We'll be getting an owl tomorrow with the invitation tomorrow."


After they finished their lunch it was close to dinner time.

"Hey would ya'll like me to take the kids for the night?" Harry asked smirking.

"Cause ya know Ginny loves them. Ya'll could have the night to yourselves."

"Yes." Draco answered quickly.

Harry chuckled. Hermione said goodbye to her children and kissed them. When Harry led them to the fireplace of the restraunt and flooed them to his house Hermione and Draco flooed back to the manor.

"Well well well, a night to ourselves." Draco said sexily closing in on Hermione.

"Yes I think I'll take a bubble bath." She said and began to walk away.

"You certainly will not. You will lay down naked on that rug right there and let me make vigorous love to you."

Hermione blushed crimson.

"What about Olga?"

"I'll put a shielding and silencing spell up." He said wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer to his hard body.

Hermione moaned looking up into his eyes.

"I'm kind of tired though."

"You'll know tired when I'm done with you." Draco said pushing her to the ground and kissing her chest.

Hermione moaned and arched her body up to Draco. Draco bit her collar bone and placed his hands on her thighs. Slowly he pulled them apart. Hermione moaned breathlessly.

"Relax." Draco growled.

"Mmm hmm." She whimpered closing her eyes.

Draco pulled her shirt up over her head and pulled her breasts out of the cups of her bra. Draco laved and kissed them as Hermione ran her hands from his waist up to his shoulders.

Hermione pulled his shirt over his head then grabbed onto his buckle. They switched positions and Draco slid her pants off of her. Hermione unclipped her bra from behind her and slid her panties off.

Draco raised his hips as she slid down his pants with his boxers. She hovered above him then came down swiftly. They both groaned. Without a moments hesitation Hermione began to thrust herself down on him hardly.

She rode him making him shudder slightly. Draco bit his lip watching her breasts bounce above his wanton eyes. He pulled her down on his chest and thrusted up into her as she lay across him, her heavy breasts pressed smoothly against him.

When they came Hermione flung her head back and Draco clenched her buttocks in his hands tightly. The moaned and Hermione rolled off of him to lay beside him.

"No Draco ," she panted breathlessly.

"I made vigorous love to you."

"Again." He said ignoring her sentence to roll on top of her and thrust his hardness back into her.

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So they're married and living their lives... until... wait and find out.

Review please. I appreciate being added to author alert lists, favorite lists, etc. but they really don't tell me anything other than you're reading. I would appreciate a review from you ;)