Ire 3: Resurrected

Disclaimer: Yes, I own everything! Mr. Help The Boat Is Sinking just stole all of my ideas!! Ha ha ha ha! *Somebody slaps Stephanie upside the head* All right, all right! I don't own them. Mr. Help The Boat Is Sinking and Mr. Egg Man own Dark Angel. I own Theo though and I own that other character that I said I did before, Ire. Yeah, so...

A/N: Prequel to Ire and Ire 2! Read those first or you will be ever so confused. I don't have a lot to say, but don't worry that will probably change. Honestly, I thought after my humorfics (which are still coming out by the way) I couldn't write serious again. I guess I proved myself wrong. So HA me! Wait...oh well, you can stop reading my ramblings now and just go to the story. Premiere didn't happen, so there.

A/N 2: I like this one the best. I know I usually post these full, but I don't want to leave you guys hanging for long. So, I'll get what I have done so far up, then work work work! Pay no attention to this A/N if the whole fic is up. :p

A/N 3: This story is dedicated to Barcode Chick and Zhaneel, the true Ire fans.

Max silently closed the door to the apartment and crept into her room. If Original Cindy caught her, she would ask her all the same old questions that usually were phrased the same way: "Where were you? Hittin' it with Mister Money?"

Max walked into her room and didn't even notice the figure sitting on the couch. Max changed into clothes she could sleep in, then walked back into the living room. She had forgotten something, but she couldn't place it.


Max jumped. She hadn't even noticed the guy sitting on the couch. She immediately went into fight mode, but he stood up and she relaxed.

"Theo? What're you doing here?" Max asked.

"I came to tell you something." Theo said.

"I haven't seen you since..." Max said, her voice trailing. She didn't want to say it.

"I know." Theo said. "But that's why I'm here."

"Look, if you're here to refresh my memory, I can assure you, I don't need it. Trust me."

"I'm not here for anything like that." Theo said.

"Then what are you here for?" Max asked.

"I'm here because of Ire." Theo said.

"Stop it." Max said. "She's... she's dead."

"No, she isn't." Theo said.

"Why are you doing this?" Max asked.

"I'm just telling you the truth." Theo said. "She's alive."

"You're lying... you're lying!" Max screamed.

"Boo?" Cindy's voice came, then Cindy walked into the room. "What's the screamin'? Who's here?"

Max turned to Theo, but he was gone. The window was open and a small breeze was slightly blowing the curtains.

"No - no one." Max said.

"Are you okay?" Cindy asked.

"I'm fine." Max said. Cindy looked like she didn't believe her. Max gave her a small smile. "I'm fine."

"Whatever you say." Cindy said and went back to bed.

Max waited until Cindy was asleep, then went to the window. She looked out and didn't see anyone. She shut the window after a few minutes and sat on the couch.

Max decided that it must've been a dream. She would pinch herself, then she would wake up in her bed and Theo wouldn't have really come and Ire would still be... dead. Max pinched herself.

"Damnit!" Max screamed, rubbing her arm where she pinched herself.

"What was that?" Cindy mumbled from her bed.

"Reality." Max answered.