Chapter Six: Famous Last Words

"I am not afraid to keep on living; I am not afraid to walk this world alone. Honey, if you stay you'll be forgiven. Nothing you can say can stop me going home."

It's been three days since I officially found out about the baby. Three long days.

I don't remember anything that's happened. Those three days are just one blur, almost as faded as that fateful night with Edward in October.

Nothing really seemed important but how nothing in my life will ever be the same. I don't take attention well and I will be thrust into the limelight of Forks, Washington. Everyone at school will follow me with their eyes everywhere I go and whisper behind my back, just loud enough for me to hear.

Then, there's my parents.

I don't see how they will ever let me go out again, and when they find out it is Edward's they will lose all trust in me.

Charlie's finally in a good place. He's getting over all the women that left him from his first girlfriend, to my mom, Evan's mom, and even the lady from the store that stood him up a few weeks ago.

He might lose all faith in the female mind when I tell him about my baby. He may never leave me alone with Edward again, a sign of responsibility I--we worked so hard to earn.

All the trust I've worked so hard to gain will vanish like a magician waved a wand over my pitiful excuse for a life. The life I've been putting on hold to avoid saying anything or showing any emotion. I don't even trust myself to keep quiet about my baby. If he was worried now, he will be terrified now.

He knows I've been acting strange and that I went to see Carlisle; He's been waiting patiently for my diagnosis. Charlie won't force or pry, that's not the way he is. He knows it will come out when I am ready.

Right now, all I'm ready for si putting my brother to bed and going to sleep. Unfortunately, it's only 10:15 am and Charlie is making me watch Evan to ensure I don't go catatonic. Charlie may not know what the problem is, but he knows it is something life altering.

I've barely left my room and only talked when an answer was needed. With the way I've been avting I'm very surprised he hasn't called Renee. It's his normal reaction to my "female" problems that he doesn't comprehend.

Evan's watching some stupid show with various talking animals dancing around on the screen. Some cheerful program meant to inspire kids to use their imaginations and be creative.

Creativity is what god me into this mess. Jessica found creative ways to get everyone drunk and then I got pregant and I will die.

Well maybe that's a longshot, but you have to love Mean Girls right? Anyway, there has to be someone at fault other that Edward and I, right? I'm not a very social person and Edward's every parent's dream: smart, athletic, funny, he doesn't do drugs. Plus he's absolutly gorgeous.

At least he was perfect until now. Now we are both ruined and will never be taken seriously again in this small town with equally small minded people. I've seen the way my granparents treat Charlie and Renee, always chiding them for marrying and starting a family before they reached their twenties and then divorcing by the time most people thier age married.

It's not that Charlie's parents favor Evan, they just think he should have been the first child.

They love me adn all but I can sense the disdain they feel towards the situation with Renee. I don't want my child to live with that. Charlie, Renee, Carlisle, Esme are all so much better than to do anything, but I know first hand how it feels to think you ruined someone's life by doing something that wasn't your fault.

"Bella, Bella, PHONE!" Evan screamed pulling me back to the real world.

Evan handed me the the still-ringing-phone; the little bugger wasn't supposed to answer the phone when other people around.

"Hello, Swan residence," I answered reluctantly, angry at whoever interrupted my thoughts.

"Isabella Marie Swan. You haven't called me in a week. Something's wrong. I can tell, my mom senses have been tingling for days." It wasn't a question; it never is with my mom.

"Are you going to say anything or just leave my hanging. This is no way to treat your mother, especially after ignoring her for a week. No tell me what's happening before I jump to conclusions."

I decide to give her a partial truth.

"Sorry mom, things have been rough lately."

"You live in Forks, when is anything so rough that you cannot call your mother?"

"It's complicatied."

"You're having boy troubles. That's it. You're a teenage girl, it must be a boy. So dish. What's his name" I think Renee is from a different planet than I because she always thinks it's a boy thing when something's wrong. And this time she isn't too far off.

"Not exactly mom."

"What's up honey? I'm worried; you've barely said ten words to me. My god you're pregnant!"

"What? How?"

"I'm your mom; I have super powers. Plus I sounded exactly the same when I called my mom many years ago."

"I'm waiting," I say cautiously.

"Waiting for what, to find out who the dad is, to find out if its a boy or girl, to find out how many babies, come on sweetie tell me."

"I'm waiting for the you should know better, the how could you do this, the what on earth were you thinking. Of course I know who the dad is and it's only one baby."

"Oh, that. Do you want me to lecture you? I can, but I think we both know that won't change anything. You will still be my seventeen year old daughter and you will still be pregnant in high school. I was a teenager once, first love, raging hormones, and everything. I know what you are going through."

"You don't know what I'm going though, no one does."

"Does Edward know what you're going through?" she asked slyly.


"Does Edward know what you are going through? He's your baby daddy right?"


"I thought so sweetie. Here's how I see it: if you had a boyfriend I'd have heard about him and if you were raped I would've heard about it. But you wouldn't tell me anything if you were trying to forget that you had sex at all which points to Edward"

"I guess that makes sense, but don't tell anyone; I haven't."

"Bella, why don't you and Edward come down to Florida and visit me over Christmas? You only have a few days left of school, and there won't be anyone you know down here. You and Edward can work out all your issues." Once Renee gets an idea in her mind it's almost impossible to convince her otherwise.

"What about th-"

"I'll take care of everything, and I'll email you the tickets. You just need to show up at the airport; I'll even buy you a new wardrobe once you arrive. I'll talk to you again tomorrow."

It looks like I'm going to Florida this Christmas

Author's Note: Hey guys I decided to start writing again. This chapter's less than stellar but it's all I have typed right now. I'm working on the next chapter, and I hope to finish writing it out soon. I'm on spring break from school right now so maybe it will be up in a few weeks. I'm attempting to finish this; I lost my inspiration but I'm back.