Demyx; three quarters of the way through a melody, froze; his sea-green eyes wide as they could be, his hands stiff over the strings of his sitar.

An echoing TWAANNNGGGG reigned in the otherwise silent room.

The reason of his sudden bout of shock was because of something the recently-appointed XIII had said to currently-PMS-ing XII.

Demyx was not the only one who was currently praying for the boy's life, but, number VI, Zexion, had looked up from his novel and was watching the two blondes who were standing in the middle of the room with apprehensive curiosity.

"What..." snarled Larxene, her fingers twitching, a few stray sparks of electricity arcing between them, towering over Roxas "... did you just say to me?!"

Axel, number VIII, with impeccable timing as always, entered the room at that exact moment.

"I said that your hair made you look like a grasshopper." stated the clearly-delusional young boy, either ignoring or not noticing the gasp of shock from Demyx, Axel's widened eyes, and the fact that Zexion had decided it was much too dangerous to stay here, and was inching toward the door.

Xemnas; currently residing in the complete opposite end of the castle, felt a twinge of static electricity from his place, completely oblivious to the danger four of the thirteen members were in.

Xemnas merely patted down a few strands of hair that had been affected by the static electricity, and went back to whatever evil villains do, nowadays.

With a huff and a rather animalistic snarl, Larxene stalked out of the room that had, moments earlier, been aglow with electricity.

In that room, one would not recognize it as the room it had been earlier. There were cracks in the walls and ceiling, and what looked like a large singed crater in the center of the flooring.

Zexion stood by a wall, stiff as a board, his usually-intricately-styled hair in a mere afro of static and frizz.

Axel wasn't much better; his spikes of red hair had been completely blown out of style, akin to a wind-swept look, except for the occasional arcs of static that appeared from time to time, and his nose seemed to have been singed.

Demyx seemed to be the one without much to complain about, his hair had been left untouched, and he had not been singed anywhere. But, there seemed to be a few spare volts of electricity, because every few seconds, his body would jolt as a spark of electricity would appear somewhere on his person. An odd grin seemed to have taken over his face, too.

However, Roxas was the one closest to the explosion of lightning, and he seemed more worse for the where. His whole face was a dark shade of charcoal-black and had been singed, his eyes wide from the shock, the white and blue a contrast to the black, his hair had been completely blown from it's usual messy array, and he was still leaning backwards slightly. If one looked closely, one would notice that his eyebrows had been burnt off.

Axel was the first to finally come back to himself, and swaggered over to the blinking Roxas.

"Kiddo," the red-head started, waving a stiff finger, "never insult the hair."

((END. I was sorting through my files, and I found this. No idea WHEN I wrote it, though, but, I like it. Enjoy.))