"Really, were you having sex?" I asked Miranda. This was serious, I had to be sure. What would I tell Big? He said he didn't want to get married again, what would he think about a kid?!

"Well, no…" She responded. And at this point a million thoughts were running through my head. Is this what our generation of civilized city party-animals have decided is the new trend? Looking at Laney, her baby shower. What a bunch of freaks. This is not what I want.


Trying to be subtle at the drug store didn't work out too well, I admit. But I got what I needed. I'm 32 years old, I need to grow up! But is this the way? This might be the only chance I'll get to be the chic, trendy city mom I dreamt of being when I was 8. With - or without - Big.

I went back into the bathroom when the timer finished and rang, signifying that I needed to go check the results that would decide my fate. I picked it up reluctantly, and stared at the double blue lines in the little window on the stick.

…With – or without – Big.