Hormonal Hurricane.

Hey. Well basically this story is co-written between me and My-Little-Emmilette. I am writing the first chapter, and the she will write the second and so on. Hope you like it.

Much paced back and forth nervously as he waited by the park entrance. Today was the day Robin was coming back. He had been gone for five months now. Much was excited yet nervous at the same time. Robin was coming back so that was a good thing. But he didn't know what he was coming back to...and that was the bad thing...maybe.

'Well hello Much.' Much jumped and turned to see Robin walking towards him, smirk already placed on his face. 'Long time no see' Robin added as he approached Much and patted him on the back.

'Robin.' Much starred in shock. He knew Robin was coming back today, but the fact of seeing him right in front of him was overwhelming. 'You're back' Much laughed and hugged his old friend. Robin laughed and the two began making their way to school.

Half way along the rode they met Allan and Will. They greeted Robin and after the 'manly' hugs were done they again continued walking to school. Allan had told them that John had already gone ahead with Alice, his girlfriend of two years.

'So what have you guys been up to while I have been away?' Robin asked as he lifted his bag further up his shoulder.

'Nothing much. Just the usual. Going to some clubs, meeting some nice girls. Were there any nice birds where you were Robin?' Allan replied and asked.

'Nah. There were none my type. Loads of make-up, big fake boobs.' Robin replied.

Allan smiled. 'Nice' The other shook their heads at him. Same old Allan.

Finally they arrived at the school gates. Will said something about Djaq and wondered off. Some things never change. Robin looked around. Nothing had changed. The school had the same lay out, the same characters that still hang around in their same spots. The wall even had the same graffiti that it had one it for the last five years. Courtesy of Robin and the gang. He felt like he had never been gone. He felt like everything would be the same. And it would. He would have his old gang back, and they would do the many troublesome things they did before. He would have paint fights with Allan in art and would annoy Much, and he would tease Marian...Marian.

He had not thought about her this morning. Which was unusual for him. Probably because he knew that he would see her today. He would see her again after not seeing her for five long months. She would not be happy with him. He knew that for a fact. After all he had left her with barely any notice at all. But in time she would come around...he hoped. Will walked back to the group.

'Find Djaq?' Allan asked.

'Yeah, she's over there with Marian.' Will said pointing behind him to where Marian and Djaq were standing.

Robin head shot up. Marian. He turned to where Will was pointing and right enough there stood Marian with her back to him talking to Djaq.

'Catch you later lads.' He said as he jogged off down to where the two girls were standing.

'Robin!..Robin!' Much called in panic. Robin couldn't see Marian now...not yet. 'Robin!' He called one more time, but he did not listen and kept walking to where Marian stood.

'Leave him Much. I ain't bein' funny right...but she is quite noticeable...he's going to find out today at some point.' Allan stated. Much sighed, knowing and hating the fact that Allan was right.